Data::HexDump::Range::Split - Handles formating for Data::HexDump::Range
Subroutines prefixed with [P] are not part of the public API and shall not be used directly.
[P] split($collected_data)
Split the collected data into lines
Arguments -
$container - Collected data
Returns - An Array containing column elements
[P] _dump_range_horizontal(...)
Splits a range into a structure used for horizontal display
Arguments -
$self -
$visible - Boolean - wether the range elements will be visible or not. used for alignment
$range - the range structure created by Gather
$line - container for the range strings to be displayed
$last_range - Boolean - wether the range is the last one to be displayed
$total_dumped_data - Integer - the amount of total data dumped so far
$dumped_data - Integer - the amount of byte dumped from the range so far
$size_to_dump - Integer - the amount of data to extract from the range
$room_left - Integer - the amount of space left in the line for the dimped data
Returns - Nothing. Stores the result in the $line argument
[P] _dump_range_vertical()
Splits a range into a structure used for vertical display
Arguments -
$self -
$visible - Boolean - wether the range elements will be visible or not. used for alignment
$range - the range structure created by Gather
$line - container for the range strings to be displayed
$dumped_data - Integer - the amount of byte dumped from the range so far
$total_dumped_data - Integer - the amount of total data dumped so far
$size_to_dump - Integer - the amount of data to extract from the range
Returns -
[P] get_bitfield_lines($bitfield_description)
Split the collected data into lines
Arguments -
$self - a Data::HexDump::Range object
$bitfield_description -
Returns - An Array containing column elements,
Exceptions None but will embed an error in the element if any is found
[P] add_information($split_data)
Add information, according to the options passed to the constructor, to the internal data.
Arguments - See gather
$split_data - data returned by _gather()
Returns - Nothing
Exceptions - None
[P] get_information($split_data)
Returns information, according to the options passed to the constructor, to the internal data.
Arguments - See gather
$split_data - data returned by _gather()
Returns - Nothing
Exceptions - None
None so far.
Nadim ibn hamouda el Khemir
Copyright Nadim Khemir 2010.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either:
the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version, or
the Artistic License version 2.0.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Data::HexDump::Range
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