Devel::Depend::Cpp - Perl extension for extracting dependency trees using 'cpp'


 use Devel::Depend::Cpp;
my ($success, $includ_levels, $included_files) = Devel::Depend::Cpp::Depend
							, '' # switches to cpp
							, 0 # include system includes
							) ;


Depend calls cpp (the c pre-processor) to extract all the included files. If the call succeds, Depend returns a list consiting of the following items:

[1] Success flag set to 1
[2] A reference to a hash where the included files are sorted per level. (A file can appear at different levels)
[3] A reference to a hash representing an include tree

If the call faills, Depend returns a list consiting of the following items:

[1] Success flag set to 0
[2] A string containing an error message

Depend takes the following arguments:

1/ The name of the file to depend
2/ A string to be passed to cpp, ex: '-DDEBUG'
3/ A boolean indicating if the system include files should be included in the result (anything under /usr/)
4/ a sub reference to be called everytime a node is added (see for an example)
5/ A boolean indicating if the output of cpp should be dumped on screen


None .


cpp must be in your execution path. depends on Data::TreeDumper to dump the dependency tree and PBS if a graph is to be generated.


Nadim ibn Hamouda el Khemir <>


PBS: the Perl Build System from which Devel::Depend::Cpp was extracted. Contact the author for more information about PBS.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 46:

Unknown directive: =comment