Changes for version 0.31
- CHANGED: went from developer release to normal release or CPAN wouldn't index it!
Perl Build System (PBS).
(PBS) Build system written in perl.
definition of PBS attributes types
definition of constants use within PBS
debugger support for PBS
distributes PBS builder
Interface to the GraphViz graphing tool
Perl Build System.
Handle Plugins in PBS
provide a progress meter on a standard terminal
Manipulate PBS rules
in PBS/
Other files
- Build.PL
- Changes
- META.yml
- PBSLib/Wizards/
- PBSLib/Wizards/
- Pbsfiles/config/
- Pbsfiles/config/
- Pbsfiles/config/
- Pbsfiles/debug/
- Pbsfiles/digest/
- Pbsfiles/language/
- Pbsfiles/locate_or_local/
- Pbsfiles/locate_or_local/
- Pbsfiles/miner/
- Pbsfiles/miner/
- Pbsfiles/miner/
- Pbsfiles/miner/
- Pbsfiles/node_subs/
- Pbsfiles/post_build/
- Pbsfiles/project_config/
- Pbsfiles/s/
- Pbsfiles/s/
- Pbsfiles/s/
- Pbsfiles/s/
- Pbsfiles/s/
- Pbsfiles/test1/
- Pbsfiles/test1/
- Pbsfiles/test1/
- Pbsfiles/trigger/
- Pbsfiles/trigger/
- Pbsfiles/user_build/
- doc/1/
- doc/pnw2004/TODO
- doc/pnw2004/
- test/hello/
- test/hello2/
- test/hello2/main/
- test/hello2/world/