PerlBuildSystem User's Manual
What is PBS?
PBS is PerlBuildSystem, a powerful tool for making correct and intelligent build systems without the pain, failure and insanity such activities would entail had they been attempted with make(1). Rather than a simplistic rule-based build engine, PBS is a meta build system -- a Perl API for writing build systems if you like.
One of the biggest limitations with make is that it completely lacks any sensible programming constructs, while users always end up needing them. All it has, save a bunch of ad hoc loops and primitive string manipulation functions, is global variables and a simplistic rule engine.
PBS is also rule based, but contrary to a Makefile, a Pbsfile is an executable Perl script. This means your Pbsfile has the entire power of the Perl language in its hands, making it easy for you to write library modules with high-level functions for your most common tasks and generally let you do whatever it is you need to do. The interface PBS offers you for making a build system, while powerful, really revolves around three quite simple to use build system commands, plus a few convenience functions for helping you with the most common tasks.
PBS Concepts First of all, PBS is really a Perl API, so knowing a bit of Perl will help. But don't be intimidated by this if you don't -- you can write Pbsfiles using the rule syntax of PBS without knowing you're really writing Perl, and it's quite simple too!
Contrary to most versions of make, PBS has no builtin rules. It does however come with a fairly advanced library module for figuring out the dependencies of C and C++ files and concluding that an object file should probably be built from either a C, C++ or an assembly language source file. But this is just an addon (albeit very convenient). If you want to use it you have to say so. PBS doesn't force it down your throat. For a more detailed rant about the shortcomings of make, see <a href="http://blah.blah.blah/PBS/">The PerlBuildSystem Homepage</a>. Now, on with the show.
In order to support powerful distributed and parallell build systems, PBS is a three stage rocket. It goes through three distinct stages while building your system:
Depend. During this stage, PBS builds a complete dependency tree of the entire system. Nodes are inserted into the dependency tree by running all your rules until no new dependencies are generated. =item * Check, during which PBS figures out what physical files the nodes in the dependency tree correspond to, and verifies whether they are up to date or not. =item * Build, the process of rebuilding and checksumming any nodes that were for some reason deemed out of date during the Check stage.
PBS considers a node out of date if any of the following hold:
- 1. The node doesn't exist. =item 2. The node exists, wasn't excluded from digest generation, but doesn't have a stored digest to prove it is up to date. =item 3. The node exists, and has a stored digest that differs from the digest computed from the node itself. =item 4. The node has a dependency that was deemed out of date. =back
If a node doesn't exist, it obviously needs to be built. For the rest, it's time we introduce some PBS vocabulary:
Target. This is what you tell PBS to build when you start it. It is the first thing PBS will try to match against your rules to see if it can infer any dependencies, which brings us to... =item * Dependency. A thingy, typically but not necessarily a file, that the dependent depends on. Make calls these sources. =item * Dependent. The thingy that has dependencies. Make calls this target, too -- at least while trying to figure out if it is up to date or not. =item * Node. Something that appears in the dependency tree. Everything in the dependency tree is a dependency of some dependent, and most have dependencies of their own -- even the target, which is logically a dependency of the invocation of PBS. =item * Digest. A cryptographic hash (MD5) checksum of all the thingies that affect whether or not a node is up to date, including the contents of the file corresponding to the node itself. =item * Digest generation. PBS wants a digest for every node it finds, and generates a digest for everything that gets built. =item * Trigger. The act of marking a node as out of date. When a node is triggered, =back
2 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 53:
=over without closing =back
- Around line 65:
=over without closing =back