Text::Editor::Vip::Buffer::DoUndoRedo - non optional plugin for a Text::Editor::Vip::Buffer


The do, undo, redo functionality of Text::Editor::Vip::Buffer is implemented by this package. This package automatically extends a Text::Editor::Vip::Buffer when a Text::Editor::Vip::Buffer instance is created.

This package manipulated the data structures used to implement a do, undo and redo functionality. Text::Editor::Vip uses perl as it building block to implement such functionality. Perl "scripts" are the base for implementing this functionality.



Increments the do and undo prefix for the perl "scripts' used to implement do and undo.


Decrements the do and undo prefix for the perl "scripts' used to implement do and undo.


Adds a do "script" to the do command list and an undo "script" to the undo command list. The scripts are prepended with the prefixes defined by IncrementUndoStackLevel and DecrementUndoStackLevel


Undoes the commands the commands that have been executed on a buffer.


Gets the current index of the do command list. This index can be later passes to GetUndoBuffer to get a selected amount of undo commands.

This index can also be used to get a selected amound of do commands to implement a macro facility.

my $start_position = $buffer->GetDoPosition() ;

$buffer->DoLotsOfStuff() ;
$buffer->DoEvenMoreStuff() ;

# get scripts that would undo everything since we got the do position
$undo = $buffer->GetUndoBuffer($start_position) ;

# get scripts that correspond sto what has been done since we got the do position
$do = $buffer->GetDoBuffer($start_position) ;


This sub is given a start and and end index. those indexes are used to retrieve undo commands.

If not arguments are passed, the start index will be set to zero (first undo command) and the last available undo command. Thus returning a list of all the commands in the undo stack.

See GetDoPosition


This sub is given a start and and end index. those indexes are used to retrieve do commands.

If not arguments are passed, the start index will be set to zero (first do command) and the last available do command. Thus returning a list of all the commands in the do stack.

See GetDoPosition


Redoes the commands the commands that have been executed on a buffer.


Khemir Nadim ibn Hamouda
http:// no web site


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.