AnyEvent::Discord - Provides an AnyEvent interface to the Discord bot API
use AnyEvent::Discord;
my $client = AnyEvent::Discord->new({ token => 'mydiscordbottoken' });
$client->on('ready', sub { warn 'Connected'; });
$client->on('message_create', sub {
my ($client, $data) = @_;
warn '[' . $client->channels->{$data->{channel_id}} . ']' .
'(' . $data->{author}->{username} . ') - ' .
This module provides an AnyEvent interface for the Discord API over the REST and WebSocket APIs. It is designed to be somewhat similar to the SlackRTM and XMPP modules, with a subset of their far more mature functionality.
To get started, one needs to create a new application in the Discord Developer Portal ( Once an application is created, a token can be captured by navigating to the "Bot" tab on the left side and selecting 'Click to Reveal Token'. That generated token is the same token required by this module.
- token (String) (required)
The token generated by the Discord Application portal, under Bot.
- base_uri (String) (optional)
The base URI for communicating with the Discord API.
- socket_options (HashRef) (optional)
Used to override options to sent to AnyEvent::WebSocket::Client, if needed.
- verbose (Num) (defaults to 0)
Verbose output, writes internal debug information at 1, additionally writes network conversation at 2.
- guilds
Available/created/seen guilds, as a hashmap of id => name
- channels
Available/created/seen channels, as a hashmap of id => name
- users
Available/created/seen users, as a hashmap of id => name
- new(\%arguments)
Instantiate the AnyEvent::Discord client. The hashref of arguments matches the configuration accessors listed above. A common invocation looks like:
my $client = AnyEvent::Discord->new({ token => 'ABCDEF' });
- on($event_type, \&handler)
Attach an event handler to a defined event type. If an invalid event type is specified, no error will occur -- this is mostly to be able to handle events that are created after this module is published. This is an append method, so calling on() for an event multiple times will call each callback assigned. If the handler already exists for an event, no error will be returned, but the handler will not be called twice.
Discord event types:
These events receive the parameters client, data object (d) and the opcode (op).
sub event_responder { my ($client, $data, $opcode) = @_; return; }
Internal event types:
- disconnected
Receives no parameters, just notifies a disconnection will occur. It will auto reconnect.
- error
Receives an error message as a parameter, allows internal handling of errors that are not a hard failure.
- off($event_type, \&handler?)
Detach an event handler from a defined event type. If the handler does not exist for the event, no error will be returned. If no handler is provided, all handlers for the event type will be removed.
- connect()
Start connecting to the Discord API and return immediately. In a new AnyEvent application, this would come before executing "AnyEvent->condvar->recv". This method will retrieve the available gateway endpoint, create a connection, identify itself, begin a heartbeat, and once complete, Discord will fire a 'ready' event to the handler.
- send($channel_id, $content)
Send a message to the provided channel.
- typing($channel_id)
Starts the "typing..." indicator in the provided channel. This method issues the typing request, and starts a timer on the caller's behalf to keep the indicator active. Returns an instance of that timer to allow the caller to undef it when the typing indicator should be stopped.
my $instance = $client->typing($channel); # ... perform some actions $instance = undef; # typing indicator disappears
- close()
Close the connection to the server.
This is incredibly unfinished.
Nick Melnick <>
This software is copyright (c) 2021, Nick Melnick.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.