Algorithm::RabinKarp - rabin-karp streaming hash
my $text = "A do run run run, a do run run";
my $kgram = Algorithm::RabinKarp->new($window, $text);
my $kgram2 = Algorithm::RabinKarp->new($window, $fh);
or my $kgram3 = Algorithm::RabinKarp->new($window, sub { ... return $num, $position; });
my ($first, $start_position, $end_position) = $kgram->next;
my @values = $kgram->values;
my %occurances; # a dictionary of all kgrams.
while (my ($hash, @pos) = @{shift @values}) {
push @{$occurances{$hash}}, \@pos;
my $needle = Algorithm::RabinKarp->new(6, "needle");
open my $fh, '<', "haystack.txt";
my $haystack = Algorithm::RabinKarp->new(6, $fh);
my $needle_hash = $needle->next;
while (my ($hay_hash, @pos) = $haystack->next) {
warn "Possible match for 'needle' at @pos"
if $needle_hash eq $hay_hash;
This is an implementation of Rabin and Karp's streaming hash, as described in "Winnowing: Local Algorithms for Document Fingerprinting" by Schleimer, Wilkerson, and Aiken. Following the suggestion of Schleimer, I am using their second equation:
$H[ $c[2..$k + 1] ] = (( $H[ $c[1..$k] ] - $c[1] ** $k ) + $c[$k+1] ) * $k
The results of this hash encodes information about the next k values in the stream (hense k-gram.) This means for any given stream of length n integer values (or characters), you will get back n - k + 1 hash values.
For best results, you will want to create a code generator that filters your data to remove all unnecessary information. For example, in a large english document, you should probably remove all white space, as well as removing all capitalization.
- new($k, [FileHandle|Scalar|Coderef] )
Creates a new hash generator. If you provide a callback function, it must return the next integer value in the stream. Additionally, you may return the original position of the value in the stream (ie, you may have been filtering characters out because they're redundant.)
- next()
Returns an array of three values for each call. The first element is the k-gram hash value. The second and third elements are the start and end positions, inclusive, as provided by the generator stream.
requires $k iterations to warm up on first call (don't worry, you don't need to remember to do that, it's handled internally.) Each successive call tonext()
has a complexity of O(1). - values
Returns an array containing all
n - k + 1
hash values contained within the data stream, and the positions associated with them (in the same format as yielded by next.)After calling
the stream will be completely exhausted, causing subsequent calls tovalues
to returnundef
.NOTE: You should use
if the stream you are generating hash codes for is infinite. Failure to do so will yield unexpected results.
None known.
"Winnowing: Local Algorithms for Document Fingerprinting"
Norman Nunley E<lt>nnunley@gmail.comE<gt>
Nicholas Clark (Who paired with me)