Version 2.00


This utility removes features from a chromosome and offers the chance to
  replace them with custom features. Custom features should be defined in
  config/features.txt. You must define a sequence segment for the edits;it
  can be the entire chromosome.
The utility can be run in four modes:
  seqdel - The defined sequence segment will be deleted. You can have a
    custom feature inserted in its place.
  seqdelprp - A deletion proposal feature that spans the defined sequence
    segment will be created.  No sequence editing will take place.
  featdel - All features of the target type in the defined sequence segment
    will be deleted. You can have a custom feature inserted in their place.
  featdelprp - Deletion proposal features that span each feature of the target
    type in the defined sequence segment will be created. No sequence editing
    will take place.
  listdel - You provide a list of feature names; all of those features will be


Required arguments:

-C,   --CHROMOSOME : The chromosome to be modified
-E,   --EDITOR : The person responsible for the edits
-M,   --MEMO : Justification for the edits
-A,   --ACTION : The action to take.
              seqdel : delete the defined segment
              seqdelprp : propose the defined segment for deletion
              featdel : delete features of type -T from the defined segment
                        requires -T
              featdelprp : propose features of type -T for deletion
                        requires -T
              listdel : delete the features listed in -F
                        requires -F

Optional arguments:

-STA, --STARTPOS : The first base eligible for editing (default 1)
-STO, --STOPPOS : The last base eligible for editing (default chr length)
-SC,  --SCALE : [genome, chrom (def)] Which version number to increment
-T,   --TYPE : The type of feature to be targeted
-DES, --DESTROY : Whether or not other features should be disrupted by
          insertions; default 0 for no
-F,   --FEATURES : A comma separated list of feature names to be deleted
-I,   --INSERT : The feature to be inserted in each deletion;
                 must be an entry in config/features.txt
-OU,  --OUTPUT : html or txt
-h,   --help : Display this message