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$Data::Morph::Backend::Raw::VERSION = '1.112760';
#ABSTRACT: Provides a backend that produces simple HashRefs
use Moose;
use Data::DPath(qw|dpath dpathr|);
use Devel::PartialDump('dump');
has new_instance =>
is => 'ro',
isa => CodeRef,
default => sub { sub { +{} } },
sub epilogue { }
input_type => HashRef,
get_val => sub
my ($obj, $key) = @_;
my @refs = dpath($key)->match($obj);
die "No matching points for key '$key' in: \n". dump($obj)
unless scalar(@refs);
die "Too many maching points for '$key' in: \n". dump($obj)
if scalar(@refs) > 1;
return $refs[0];
set_val => sub
my ($obj, $key, $val) = @_;
my @refs = dpathr($key)->match($obj);
die "Too many maching points for '$key' in: \n". dump($obj)
if scalar(@refs) > 1;
my @paths = split('/', $key);
my $place = $obj;
next if $paths[$_] eq '';
if($_ == $#paths)
$place->{$paths[$_]} = $val;
$place = \%{$place->{$paths[$_]} = {}};
${$refs[0]} = $val;
=head1 NAME
Data::Morph::Backend::Raw - Provides a backend that produces simple HashRefs
=head1 VERSION
version 1.112760
Data::Morph::Backend::Raw is a backend for L<Data::Morph> that deals with raw Perl hashes. Map directives are more complicated than the other shipped backends like L<Data::Morph::Backend::Object>. The keys should be paths as defined by L<Data::DPath>. Read and write operations can have rather complex dpaths defined for them to set or return values. One special case is when the dpath for a write operation points to a non-existant piece: the substrate is created for you and the value deposited. One caveat is that the path must be dumb simple. It must only be a nested hash dpath (eg, '/some/path/here'). Any fancy filtering or array accesses would require too much effort to parse and generate the structure. Please see L<Data::Morph/SYNOPSIS> for an exmaple of a map using the Raw backend.
=head2 new_instance
is: ro, isa: CodeRef
This attribute overrides L<Data::Morph::Role::Backend/new_instance> and
provides a default coderef that simply returns empty hash references
=head2 epilogue
Implements L<Data::Morph::Role::Backend/epilogue> as a no-op
=head1 AUTHOR
Nicholas R. Perez <>
This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Nicholas R. Perez <>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.