POE::Filter::XML - A POE Filter for parsing XML


 use POE::Filter::XML;
 my $filter = POE::Filter::XML->new();

 my $wheel = POE::Wheel:ReadWrite->new(
 	Filter		=> $filter,
	InputEvent	=> 'input_event',


POE::Filter::XML provides POE with a completely encapsulated XML parsing strategy for POE::Wheels that will be dealing with XML streams. By default the filter will attempt to use XML::Parser as its foundation for xml parsing. Otherwise it will depend upon a pure perl SAX parser included (POE::Filter::XML::Parser).

Default, the Filter will spit out POE::Filter::XML::Nodes because that is what the default Handler produces from the stream it is given. You are of course encouraged to override the default Handler for your own purposes if you feel POE::Filter::XML::Node to be inadequate.


Since POE::Filter::XML follows the POE::Filter API look to POE::Filter for documentation. The only method covered here is new()


new() accepts a total of four(4) arguments that are all optional: (1) a string that is XML waiting to be parsed (i.e. xml received from the wheel before the Filter was instantiated), (2) a coderef to be executed upon a parsing error, (3) a SAX Handler that implements the methods 'startDocument', 'endDocument', 'startElement', 'endElement', and 'characters' (See POE::Filter::XML::Handler for further information on creating your own SAX Handler), and (4) a meta Filter -- A secondary filter for another level of abstraction if desired, for example, say I want to use Serialize::XML in conjunction with POE::Filter::XML::Node, each POE::Filter::XML::Node would get delivered to the secondary filter where the Nodes are returned to XML and that xml interpreted to recreate perl objects.

See POE::Filter::XML::Meta for implementing your own meta Filter.


Documentation for this sub project is as clear as mud.

If all else fails, use the source.


Copyright (c) 2003 Nicholas Perez. Released and distributed under the GPL.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 340:

=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back 4