POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation - A Moose Role for turning objects into POE Sessions
version 0.092671
package My::Class;
our $VERSION = '0.092671';
use 5.010;
use MooseX::Declare;
class My::Class
# using the role instantly makes it a POE::Session upon instantiation
with 'POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation';
# alias the decorator
use aliased 'POEx::Role::Event';
# decorated methods are all exposed as events to POE
method foo (@args) is Event
# This event is not only added through POE but also added as a
# method to each instance that happens to have 'foo' fired
# Access to POE information is done through the 'poe' accessor
say 'added_event has fired'
# Some sugar to access the kernel's yield method
# This will push the 'bar' method into POE's event queue
method bar (@args)
# $self is also safe to pass as a session reference
# Or you can pass along $self->ID()
$self->post($self, 'baz')
method baz (@args)
# call also works too
$self->call($self, 'added_event';
# Constructing the session takes all the normal options
my $session = My::Class->new({ options => { trace => 1 } });
# Still need to call ->run();
POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation provides a nearly seamless integration for non-POE objects into a POE environment. It does this by handling the POE stuff behind the scenes including allowing per instances method changes, session registration to the Kernel, and providing some defaults like setting an alias if supplied via the attribute or constructor argument, or defining a _default that warns if your object receives an event that it does not have.
This role exposes your class' methods as POE events.
Like all dangerous substances, this Role needs a big fat warning. It should be noted thoroughly that this Role performs some pretty heinous magic to accomplish a polished and consistent transformation of your class into a Session.
This Role enables your /objects/ to have method changes. You read that right. POE allows Sessions to have runtime event handler modification. It is sort of required to support wheels and whatever. Anyhow, to support that functionality class level changes are executed via Moose::Meta::Class to add/change/remove methods as events are added, changed, and removed via POE. But how is that possible, you ask, to make class level changes without affecting all of the other instances? An anonymous clone of the composed class is created and the object is reblessed into that new clone that has changes for each change to the events that occurs. This segregates changes so that they only affect the individual object involved.
This functionality should likely be broken out into its own evil module, but that is a job for another day.
POE internally tracks Sessions by their stringified reference. So how do make changes to references, such as reblessing them into different classes, and not break POE? You do some scary crap. Stringification is overloaded (via overload pragma) to return the original string from the instance before changes are made to it and it is reblessed. The original string is stored in the orig attribute. POE also does reference comparisons as well to check if the current session is the same as the one it just got and so != and == are also overloaded to do string comparisons of references. But what about the reference that is already stored by POE? The reference is overwritten in one spot (where POE stores its Sessions) and is done every time an event change takes place.
Moose does the right thing, mostly, when it comes to the overload pragma in a Role. The methods defined are composed appropriate, but the magic doesn't make it through the composition. So the magic must be enabled manually. This includes messing with the symbol table of the composed class. This happens inside the after 'BUILD' advice, and also during event handler changes from POE (the anonymous classes need to have the magic enabled each time). So what is the moral to this? If you need to overload "", !=, or == in your composed class things will likely break. You have been warned.
So please heed the warnings and don't blame me if this summons the terrasque into your datacenter and you left your +5 gear at home.
POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation now allows for Trait declarations upon import. This is similar to how Moose itself allows for modification of its own Meta things through arguments passed to use (ie. use Moose -traits => qw /Foo/), but allows for parameterized roles. Below are some examples of using traits to modify POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation's default behavior.
First let's declare a role that frobinates something at start:
use MooseX::Declare;
role FrobAtStart
with 'POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation::Meta::Session::Events';
has frobinator =>
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Object',
required => 1,
handles =>
'frob' => 'frob'
after _start is POEx::Role::Event
And how about a logger role that logs unknown delivered events that wants the logging method/event to be a named parameter
role SomeLogger(Str :$foo)
with 'POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation::Meta::Session::Events';
has logger =>
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Object',
required => 1
method $foo(Str $event) is POEx::Role::Event
$self->logger->log("Unknown event: $event")
after _default is POEx::Role::Event
Now let's use them
class My::Session
# need to make sure these are loaded
use FrobinateAtStart;
use SomeLogger;
# and now the magic
use POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation
traits => [ ['FrobAtStart'], ['SomeLogger' => { foo => 'log' } ] ];
# compose it now that it has traits applied
with 'POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation';
And here is the import method signature:
method import (RoleName $role: ArrayRef :$traits?)
Where $traits is expected to contain a series of Tuples that look like:
Tuple[RoleName, Optional[HashRef]]
And there is a special case for a single trait where $traits is the tuple that is defined above. So the use statement above, if there is a single trait, could have been written as:
use POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation
traits => [ 'MyTrait' => { key => $args } ];
To make it easy to advise just little parts of POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation it is broken down into a few different roles that you can 'with' like in the examples above.
- POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation::Meta::Session::Magic
This is where the voodoo happens to turn your objects into sessions.
- POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation::Meta::Session::Events
Here are the default events such as _start, _stop, _default, etc.
- POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation::Meta::Session::Sugar
This role holds the delegated methods from POE::Kernel (post, yield, call)
- POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation::Meta::Session::Implementation
And this is the implementation piece that implements the POE::Session interface that lets POE interact with our sessions
Please see their POD for more details on the inner workings of this module.
Nicholas Perez <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2009 by Nicholas Perez.
This is free software, licensed under:
The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007