POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation::Meta::Session::Events - Provides default events such as _start, _stop, etc


version 0.092671



Provides a default _start event handler that will be invoked from POE once the Session is registered with POE. The default method only takes the alias attribute and sets it again to activate the trigger. If this is overridden, don't forget to set the alias again so the trigger can execute.


Provides a default _stop event handler that will be invoked from POE once the Session's refcount from within POE has reached zero (no pending events, no event sources, etc). The default method merely clears out the alias.

_default(ArrayRef $args)

Provides a _default event handler to catch any POE event invocations that your instance does not actually have. Will 'warn' about the nonexistent state. A big difference from POE::Session is that the state and arguments are not rebundled upon invocation of this event handler. Instead the attempted state will be available in the poe attribute, but the arguments are still bundled into a single ArrayRef

_child(Str $event, Session $child, Any $ret?)

Provides a _child event handler that will be invoked when child sesssions are created, destroyed or reassigned to or from another parent. See POE::Kernel for more details on this event and its semantics

_parent(Session $previous_parent, Session $new_parent)

Provides a _parent event handler. This is used to notify children session when their parent has changes. See POE::Kernel for more details on this event.


Nicholas Perez <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2009 by Nicholas Perez.

This is free software, licensed under:

The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007