POEx::WorkerPool::Role::WorkerPool::Worker - A role that provides common semantics for Workers
version 0.092460
job_class is: ro, isa: ClassName, required: 1
In order for the serializer on the other side of the process boundary to rebless jobs on the other side, it needs to make sure that class is loaded.
This attribute is used to indicate which class needs to be loaded.
uuid is: ro, isa: Str
This attribute holds the basis for the aliases for the Worker and its PubSub. It defaults to Data::UUID->new()->create_str()
pubsub_alias is: ro, isa: Str
This is holds the alias to the associated PubSub component for this Worker
status is: rw, isa: Bool
status indicates whether the Worker is currently processing its queue.
_in_process is: rw, isa: DoesJob
This private attribute holds the currently processing Job
_completed_jobs is: rw, isa: ScalarRef
This private attribute is a counter to the number of completed jobs this current processing cycle.
_failed_jobs is: rw, isa: ScalarRef
This private attribute is a counter to the number of failed jobs this current processing cycle.
metaclass: Collection::Array, is: ro, isa: ArrayRef[DoesJob]
This is the FIFO queue of jobs this worker is responsible for processing.
The following provides are defined:
push => '_enqueue_job',
shift => '_dequeue_job',
count => 'count_jobs',
max_jobs is: ro, isa: Int
This determines the fill mark for the job queue.
child_wheel is: ro, isa: Wheel
child_wheel holds this Worker's POE::Wheel::Run instance
These are convinence methods for checking the status of the Worker
guts_error_handler(Str $op, Int $error_num, Str $error_str, WheelID $id, Str $handle_name) is Event
guts_error_handler is the handler given to POE::Wheel::Run to handle errors that may crop up during operation of the wheel. It will post the arguments via +PXPW_WORKER_CHILD_ERROR using PubSub.
Subscribers will need the following signature:
method handler
SessionID :$worker_id,
Str :$operation,
Int :$error_number,
Str :$error_string,
WheelID :$wheel_id,
Str :$handle_name
) is Event
This method will then issue a SIGTERM signal to the child process forcing it to rebuild after exiting
guts_exited(Str $chld, Int $pid, Int $exit_val) is Event
This is the SIGCHLD handler for the child process. It will post the arguments via +PXWP_WORKER_CHILD_EXIT using PubSub.
Subscribers will need to have the following signature:
method handler
SessionID :$worker_id,
Int :$process_id,
Int :$exit_value
) is Event
The wheel will then cleared
after _start is Event
_start is advised to create a new PubSub component specific for this Worker and publish all of the various events that the Worker can fire.
after _stop is Event
_stop is advised to terminate the associated PubSub component by calling its destroy event.
enqueue_job(DoesJob $job)
enqueue_job takes an object with the Job role and places it into the queue after a few basic checks, such as if the Worker is currently processing or if the job queue has met the max_jobs limitation. If either case is true, an EnquueuError is thrown.
This method fires +PXWP_JOB_ENQUEUED to the associated PubSub component on success.
Subscribers will need to have the following signature:
method handler (SessionID :$worker_id, Str $job_id) is Event
enqueue_jobs(ArrayRef[DoesJob] $jobs)
enqueue_jobs does the same thing as enqueue_job, but it acts on an array of jobs. Each job successfully enqueued means the worker will fire the +PXWP_JOB_ENQUEUED event via PubSub.
start_processing kicks the Worker into gear and prevents adding jobs until the crrent queue has been processed. If there are no jobs in the queue, StartError will be thrown. This method fires the +PXWP_START_PROCESSING event via PubSub.
Subscribers should have the following signature:
method handler (SessionID :$worker_id, Int :$count_jobs)
_process_queue is Event
This private event is the queue processor. As jobs are dequeued for processing, +PXWP_JOB_DEQUEUED will be fired via PubSub. Subscribers will need the following signature:
method handler(SessionID :$worker_id, Str :$job_id) is Event
Once the queue has been depleted +PXWP_STOP_PROCESSING will be fired via PubSub. Subscribers will need the following signature:
method handler
SessionID :$worker_id,
Int :$completed_jobs,
Int :$failed_jobs
) is Event
Then the run stats will be cleared, and the status will be toggled so that the Worker may again accept jobs.
_process_job(DoesJob $job) is Event
This private event takes the given job and feeds it to the child process to be processed. If the child process doesn't exist for whatever reason, +PXWP_WORKER_INTERNAL_ERROR will be fired via PubSub. Subscribers need the following signature:
method handler(SessionID :$worker_id, Ref :$msg)
This event also places the given job into the _in_process attribute.
guts_output(JobStatus $job_status) is Event
This is the StdoutEvent for the child POE::Wheel::Run. It handles all of the child output which is in the form of JobStatus hashrefs. The following describes the potential events from the child and the actions taken
_in_process is cleared and _completed_jobs for this session is
incremented. yields() to _process_queue.
PubSub Event:
PubSub Signature:
method handler(SessionID :$worker_id, Str :$job_id, Ref :$msg)
The :$msg argument will contain the output from the Job's execution
PubSub event posted.
PubSub Event:
PubSub Signature:
method handler
SessionID :$worker_id,
Str :$job_id,
Int :$percent_complete,
Ref :$msg,
The :$msg argument will contain the output from the last step executed
for multi-step jobs
_in_process is cleared and _failed_jobs for this session is
incremented. yields() to _process_queue.
PubSub Event:
PubSub Signature:
method handler(SessionID :$worker_id, Str :$job_id, Ref :$msg)
The :$msg argument will contain the exception generated from the Job
PubSub event posted.
PubSub Event:
PubSub Signature:
method handler
SessionID :$worker_id,
Str :$job_id,
This is an indication that the child process received the Job and is
beginning execution.
halt is Event
halt will destroy the child process, and unset the associated alias ensuring that the Session will stop
Nicholas Perez <>
This software is copyright (c) 2009 by Infinity Interactive.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.