POEx::WorkerPool - A generic multiprocess worker pool for the POE framework
version 0.092560
use POE;
use MooseX::Declare;
class MyJob with POEx::WorkerPool::Role::Job
# this method is executed across the process boundary
method init_job
# Multi step jobs are supported and even reported on, so just keep
# enqueuing steps
sub { # do some work here },
[qw/ some arguments for the above sub/]
class NeedsParallelJobExecution
with 'POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation';
use aliased 'POEx::Role::Event';
use POEx::WorkerPool::Types(':all');
use POEx::WorkerPool::WorkerEvents(':all');
use POEx::WorkerPool;
has pool => ( is => 'ro', isa => DoesWorkerPool, lazy_build => 1 );
method _build_pool { POEx::WorkerPool->new() }
after _start is Event
# we get back the alias of the worker with which our job was
# enqueued
my $alias = $self->pool->enqueue_job(MyJob->new());
# we can subscribe to all sorts of events that the worker
# generates but for the simple case, we just want to know our
# jobs are done
# See POEx::PubSub for more information
$alias, 'subscribe',
event_name => +PXWP_JOB_COMPLETE,
event_handler => 'job_complete',
method job_complete (SessionID :$worker_id, Str :$job_id, Ref :$msg) is Event
print "Worker($worker_id) finished Job($job_id)\n";
my $thing = NeedsParallelJobExecution->new();
POEx::WorkerPool provides a multi-process framework for job execution. It makes use of modern Perl tools including MooseX::Declare and also modern POE facilities such as POEx::PubSub.
It is also highly extensible through the 'use' statement arguments in that custom roles can be supplied via the 'traits' argument and they will be consumed at compile time. The implementation details for each piece of this framework are actually all within the default roles that get consumed by the classes. This allow easy consumption and composition in other projects.
To understand what methods and attributes are available for each piece, please apply s/POEx::/POEx::WorkerPool::Role::/ to the class names.
Nicholas Perez <>
This software is copyright (c) 2009 by Infinity Interactive.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.