Changes for version 0.02 - 2010-11-15

  • switched to NPM only distribution

Changes for version 0.01_05 - 2010-08-27

  • added PkgVersion plugin
  • added NPM plugin
  • added NPM::Publish plugin

Changes for version 0.01_04 - 2010-08-22

  • bundler made FileMunger instead of Gatherer, to allow mungling plugins pre-process files before bundling

Changes for version 0.01_03 - 2010-08-21

  • Added "StaticDir" plugin
  • Some progress on documentation

Changes for version 0.01_02 - 2010-08-11

  • First version, released on an unsuspecting world.


a profile provider, pointing to the default JSAN distribution profile
a plugin for Dist::Zilla for building JSAN distributions
Bundle the library files into "tasks", using information from Components.JS
gather all the files in a directory and use them as templates (copy-pasted from Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GatherDir::Template with bug-fix)
a plugin for Dist::Zilla which updates the 'gh-pages' branch after each release
Generate the `package.json` file, suitable for `npm` package manager
Publish your module in npm with `dzil release`
Embedd module version to sources
Process "static" directory