=head1 NAME
WebService::Cmis::Repository - Representation of a cmis repository
After fetching a L<WebService::Cmis::Client> object, fetching the
repository is the next thing to do in most cases using L<WebService::Cmis::Client/getRepository>.
my $repo = WebService::Cmis::getClient->getRepository('repositoryId');
use strict;
use WebService::Cmis qw(:namespaces :collections :utils :relations :contenttypes);
use XML::LibXML qw(:libxml);
use Error qw(:try);
our $CMIS_XPATH_REPOSITORYINFO = new XML::LibXML::XPathExpression('./*[local-name() = "repositoryInfo" and namespace-uri() = "'.CMISRA_NS.'"]/*[local-name() != "capabilities" and local-name() != "aclCapability" and namespace-uri() = "'.CMIS_NS.'"]');
our $CMIS_XPATH_CAPABILITIES = new XML::LibXML::XPathExpression('./*[local-name() = "repositoryInfo" and namespace-uri() = "'.CMISRA_NS.'"]/*[local-name() = "capabilities" and namespace-uri() = "'.CMIS_NS.'"]/*');
our $CMIS_XPATH_SUPPORTED_PERMISSIONS = new XML::LibXML::XPathExpression('./*[local-name() = "repositoryInfo" and namespace-uri() = "'.CMISRA_NS.'"]/*[local-name() = "aclCapability" and namespace-uri() = "'.CMIS_NS.'"]/*[local-name() = "supportedPermissions" and namespace-uri() = "'.CMIS_NS.'"]');
our $CMIS_XPATH_PROPAGATION = new XML::LibXML::XPathExpression('./*[local-name() = "repositoryInfo" and namespace-uri() = "'.CMISRA_NS.'"]/*[local-name() = "aclCapability" and namespace-uri() = "'.CMIS_NS.'"]/*[local-name() = "propagation" and namespace-uri() = "'.CMIS_NS.'"]');
our $CMIS_XPATH_PERMISSION_DEFINITION = new XML::LibXML::XPathExpression('./*[local-name() = "repositoryInfo" and namespace-uri() = "'.CMISRA_NS.'"]/*[local-name() = "aclCapability" and namespace-uri() = "'.CMIS_NS.'"]/*[local-name() = "permissions" and namespace-uri() = "'.CMIS_NS.'"]');
our $CMIS_XPATH_PERMISSION_MAP = new XML::LibXML::XPathExpression('./*[local-name() = "repositoryInfo" and namespace-uri() = "'.CMISRA_NS.'"]/*[local-name() = "aclCapability" and namespace-uri() = "'.CMIS_NS.'"]/*[local-name() = "mapping" and namespace-uri() = "'.CMIS_NS.'"]');
our $CMIS_XPATH_URITEMPLATE = new XML::LibXML::XPathExpression('./*[local-name() = "uritemplate" and namespace-uri() = "'.CMISRA_NS.'"]');
our $CMIS_XPATH_COLLECTION = new XML::LibXML::XPathExpression('./*[local-name() = "collection" and namespace-uri()="'.APP_NS.'" and @href]');
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item new($client, $xmlDoc)
Create a new repository object using the given $client and loading
the information stored in the $xmlDoc.
sub new {
my ($class, $client, $xmlDoc) = @_;
my $this = bless({
client => $client,
xmlDoc => $xmlDoc,
}, $class);
return $this;
=item getClient() -> L<WebService::Cmis::Client>
returns the the client object used to communicate with the repository.
sub getClient {
return $_[0]->{client};
# internal function to reset cached data
sub _initData {
my $this = shift;
$this->{repositoryInfo} = undef;
$this->{capabilities} = undef;
$this->{uriTemplates} = undef;
$this->{permDefs} = undef;
$this->{permMap} = undef;
$this->{permissions} = undef;
$this->{propagation} = undef;
$this->{uriTempaltes} = undef;
$this->{collectionLink} = undef;
$this->{typeDefs} = undef;
my $this = shift;
#print STDERR "called Repository::DESTROY\n";
undef $this->{repositoryInfo};
undef $this->{capabilities};
undef $this->{uriTemplates};
undef $this->{permDefs};
undef $this->{permMap};
undef $this->{permissions};
undef $this->{propagation};
undef $this->{uriTempaltes};
undef $this->{collectionLink};
undef $this->{typeDefs};
undef $this->{xmlDoc};
undef $this->{client};
undef $this->{fileMage};
=item toString()
return a string representation of this repository
sub toString {
my $this = shift;
return $this->getRepositoryId;
=item reload()
This method will re-fetch the repository's XML data from the CMIS
sub reload {
my $this = shift;
$this->{xmlDoc} = $this->{client}->get;
#internal helper to make sure the xmlDoc is loaded
sub _xmlDoc {
$_[0]->reload unless defined $_[0]->{xmlDoc};
return $_[0]->{xmlDoc};
=item getRepositoryId()
returns this repository's ID
sub getRepositoryId {
return $_[0]->getRepositoryInfo->{repositoryId};
=item getRepositoryName()
returns this repository's name
sub getRepositoryName {
return $_[0]->getRepositoryInfo->{repositoryName};
=item getRepositoryInfo() -> %info
returns this repository's info record
See CMIS specification document getRepositoryInfo
sub getRepositoryInfo {
my $this = shift;
unless (defined $this->{repositoryInfo}) {
$this->{repositoryInfo}{$_->localname} = $_->string_value
foreach $this->_xmlDoc->findnodes($CMIS_XPATH_REPOSITORYINFO);
return $this->{repositoryInfo};
=item getCapabilities() -> %caps
returns this repository's capabilities
sub getCapabilities {
my $this = shift;
unless (defined $this->{capabilities}) {
$this->{capabilities} = {};
foreach my $node ($this->_xmlDoc->findnodes($CMIS_XPATH_CAPABILITIES)) {
my $key = $node->localname;
$key =~ s/^capability//;
my $val = $node->string_value;
$val = WebService::Cmis::Property::Boolean->parse($val) if $val =~ /^(true|false)$/;
$this->{capabilities}{$key} = $val;
return $this->{capabilities};
=item getSupportedPermissions() -> $permissions
returns this repository's supported permissions.
values are:
basic: indicates that the CMIS Basic permissions are supported
repository: indicates that repository specific permissions are supported
both: indicates that both CMIS basic permissions and repository specific permissions are supported
sub getSupportedPermissions {
my $this = shift;
unless ($this->getCapabilities()->{'ACL'}) {
throw WebService::Cmis::NotSupportedException("This repository does not support ACLs");
unless (defined $this->{permissions}) {
$this->{permissions} = $this->_xmlDoc->findvalue($CMIS_XPATH_SUPPORTED_PERMISSIONS);
return $this->{permissions};
=item getPropagation() -> $string
returns the value of the cmis:propagation element. Valid values are:
objectonly: indicates that the repository is able to apply ACEs
without changing the ACLs of other objects
propagate: indicates that the repository is able to apply ACEs to a
given object and propagate this change to all inheriting objects
sub getPropagation {
my $this = shift;
unless ($this->getCapabilities()->{'ACL'}) {
throw WebService::Cmis::NotSupportedException("This repository does not support ACLs");
unless (defined $this->{propagation}) {
$this->{propagation} = $this->_xmlDoc->findvalue($CMIS_XPATH_PROPAGATION);
return $this->{propagation};
=item getPermissionDefinitions() -> %permDefs
Returns a hash of permission definitions for this repository. The key is the
permission string or technical name of the permission and the value is the
permission description.
sub getPermissionDefinitions {
my $this = shift;
unless ($this->getCapabilities()->{'ACL'}) {
throw WebService::Cmis::NotSupportedException("This repository does not support ACLs");
unless (defined $this->{permDefs}) {
foreach my $node ($this->_xmlDoc->findnodes($CMIS_XPATH_PERMISSION_DEFINITION)) {
my ($permNode) = $node->getElementsByTagNameNS(CMIS_NS, 'permission'); # these two getElementsByTagNameNS are ok
my ($descNode) = $node->getElementsByTagNameNS(CMIS_NS, 'description');
if (defined $permNode && defined $descNode) {
# alfresco has got a detailed sub node
$this->{permDefs}{$permNode->string_value} = $descNode->string_value;
} else {
# TODO: nuxeo looks differernt down here
return $this->{permDefs};
=item getPermissionMap() -> %permMap
returns a hash representing the permission mapping table where
each key is a permission key string and each value is a list of one or
more permissions the principal must have to perform the operation.
sub getPermissionMap {
my $this = shift;
unless ($this->getCapabilities()->{'ACL'}) {
throw WebService::Cmis::NotSupportedException("This repository does not support ACLs");
unless (defined $this->{permMap}) {
foreach my $node ($this->_xmlDoc->findnodes($CMIS_XPATH_PERMISSION_MAP)) {
my @permList = ();
my ($keyNode) = $node->getElementsByTagNameNS(CMIS_NS, 'key'); # these two getElementsByTagNameNS are ok
foreach my $permNode ($node->getElementsByTagNameNS(CMIS_NS, 'permission')) {
push @permList, $permNode->string_value;
$this->{permMap}{$keyNode->string_value} = \@permList;
return $this->{permMap}
=item getUriTemplates() -> %templates
returns a hash of URI templates the repository service knows about.
sub getUriTemplates {
my $this = shift;
unless (defined $this->{uriTemplates}) {
foreach my $node ($this->_xmlDoc->findnodes($CMIS_XPATH_URITEMPLATE)) {
my $template;
my $type;
my $mediaType;
foreach my $subNode ($node->childNodes) {
next if $subNode->nodeType != XML_ELEMENT_NODE;
my $localName = $subNode->localname;
if ($localName eq 'template') {
$template = $subNode->string_value;
} elsif ($localName eq 'type') {
$type = $subNode->string_value;
} elsif ($localName eq 'mediatype') {
$mediaType = $subNode->string_value;
last if defined $template && defined $type && defined $mediaType;
$this->{uriTemplates}{$type} = {
template => $template,
type => $type,
mediatype => $mediaType,
return $this->{uriTemplates};
=item getUriTemplate($type) -> $template
returns an uri template for the given type
sub getUriTemplate {
my ($this, $type) = @_;
return $this->getUriTemplates()->{$type}->{template};
=item getRootFolder() -> $folder
returns the root folder of the repository
sub getRootFolder {
my $this = shift;
my $id = $this->getRepositoryInfo->{'rootFolderId'};
return $this->getFolder($id) if $id;
# some repos don't advertise the root folder
return $this->getObjectByPath("/");
=item getFolder($id) -> $foldeer
returns the a folder object of the given id
sub getFolder {
my ($this, $id) = @_;
return new WebService::Cmis::Folder(repository=>$this, id=>$id);
=item getCollection($collectionType, %args) -> $atomFeed
returns a AtomFeed of objects returned for the specified collection.
If the query collection is requested, an exception will be throwd.
That collection isn't meant to be retrieved.
sub getCollection {
my $this = shift;
my $collectionType = shift;
if ($collectionType eq QUERY_COLL) {
throw Error::Simple("query collection not supported"); # SMELL: use a custom exception
my $result = $this->{client}->get($this->getCollectionLink($collectionType), @_);
# return the result set
if ($collectionType eq TYPES_COLL) {
return new WebService::Cmis::AtomFeed::ObjectTypes(repository=>$this, xmlDoc=>$result);
} else {
return new WebService::Cmis::AtomFeed::Objects(repository=>$this, xmlDoc=>$result);
=item getTypeDefinition($typeId) -> $objectType
returns an ObjectType object for the specified object type id.
See CMIS specification document getTypeDefinition
folderType = repo.getTypeDefinition('cmis:folder')
sub getTypeDefinition {
my ($this, $id) = @_;
my $objectType = new WebService::Cmis::ObjectType(repository=>$this, id=>$id);
return $objectType;
=item getCollectionLink($collectionType) -> $href
returns the link HREF from the specified collectionType
(CHECKED_OUT_COLL, for example).
sub getCollectionLink {
my ($this, $collectionType) = @_;
unless ($this->{collectionLink}) {
foreach my $node ($this->_xmlDoc->findnodes($CMIS_XPATH_COLLECTION)) {
my $href = $node->attributes->getNamedItem('href')->value;
foreach my $subNode ($node->childNodes) {
next unless $subNode->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $subNode->localname eq 'collectionType';
$this->{collectionLink}{$subNode->string_value} = $href;
#writeCmisDebug("collection link for $collectionType: $this->{collectionLink}{$collectionType}");
return $this->{collectionLink}{$collectionType};
=item getLink($relation) -> $href
returns the HREF attribute of an Atom link element for the
specified rel.
sub getLink {
my ($this, $relation) = @_;
my $href = $this->_xmlDoc->find('./*[local-name() = "link" and namespace-uri() = "'.ATOM_NS.'" and @rel="'.$relation.'"]/@href');
return "".$href if $href;
=item getObjectByPath($path, %params) -> $cmisObj
returns an object given the path to the object.
my $doc = $repo->getObjectByPath("/User homes/jeff/sample.pdf");
my $title = $doc->getTitle();
These optional arguments are supported:
=over 4
=item filter: See section Properties.
=item includeAllowableActions: See section Allowable Actions.
=item includeRelationships: See section Relationships.
=item renditionFilter: See section Renditions.
=item includePolicyIds: See section Relationships.
=item includeACL: See section ACLs.
See CMIS specification document getObjectByPath
sub getObjectByPath {
my $this = shift;
my $path = shift;
my %params = @_;
# get the uritemplate
my $template = $this->getUriTemplate('objectbypath');
$path ||= '/';
$template =~ s/{path}/delete $params{path}||$path/ge;
$template =~ s/{filter}/delete $params{filter}||''/ge;
$template =~ s/{includeAllowableActions}/WebService::Cmis::Property::Boolean->unparse(delete $params{includeAllowableActions}||'false')/ge;
$template =~ s/{includePolicyIds}/WebService::Cmis::Property::Boolean->unparse(delete $params{includePolicyIds}||'false')/ge;
$template =~ s/{includeRelationships}/WebService::Cmis::Property::Boolean->unparse(delete $params{includeRelationships}||'')/ge;
$template =~ s/{includeACL}/WebService::Cmis::Property::Boolean->unparse(delete $params{includeACL}||'false')/ge;
$template =~ s/{renditionFilter}/delete $params{renditionFilter}||''/ge;
#print STDERR "template=$template\n";
# do a GET against the URL
my $result;
try {
$result = $this->{client}->get($template, @_);
} catch WebService::Cmis::ClientException with {
# ignore
return unless $result;
return new WebService::Cmis::Object(repository=>$this, xmlDoc=>$result, extra_params=>\%params);
=item getObject($id, %params) -> $cmisObj
returns an object given the specified object ID.
See CMIS specification document getObject
sub getObject {
my $this = shift;
my $id = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $obj;
try {
$obj = new WebService::Cmis::Object(repository=>$this, id=>$id, extra_params=>\%params);
} catch WebService::Cmis::ClientException with {
# ignore
return $obj;
=item getCheckedOutDocs(%params) -> $atomFeed
returns a result set of cmis objects that
are currently checked out.
See CMIS specification document getCheckedOutDocs
These optional arguments are supported:
=over 4
=item folderId
=item maxItems
=item skipCount
=item orderBy
=item filter
=item includeRelationships
=item renditionFilter
=item includeAllowableActions
sub getCheckedOutDocs {
my $this = shift;
return $this->getCollection(CHECKED_OUT_COLL, @_)
=item getUnfiledDocs(%params):
returns a AtomFeed of cmis objects that
are currently unfiled.
These optional arguments are supported:
=over 4
=item folderId
=item maxItems
=item skipCount
=item orderBy
=item filter
=item includeRelationships
=item renditionFilter
=item includeAllowableActions
sub getUnfiledDocs {
my $this = shift;
return $this->getCollection(UNFILED_COLL, @_);
=item getTypeDefinitions(%params) -> $atomFeed
returns a AtomFeed of ObjectTypes holding
the base types in the repository.
Use the normal paging options.
sub getTypeDefinitions {
my $this = shift;
return $this->getCollection(TYPES_COLL, @_);
=item createEmptyXmlDoc
static helper method that knows how to build an empty Atom entry.
sub createEmptyXmlDoc {
my $this = shift;
my $xmlDoc = new XML::LibXML::Document('1.0', 'UTF-8');
my $entryElement = $xmlDoc->createElementNS(ATOM_NS, "entry");
return $xmlDoc;
=item createEntryXmlDoc(
) -> $atomEntry
helper method that knows how to build an Atom entry based
on the properties and, optionally, the contentFile provided.
sub createEntryXmlDoc {
my $this = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $xmlDoc = new XML::LibXML::Document('1.0', 'UTF-8');
my $entryElement = $xmlDoc->createElementNS(ATOM_NS, "entry");
$entryElement->addChild($xmlDoc->createAttribute('xmlns:app', APP_NS));
$entryElement->addChild($xmlDoc->createAttribute('xmlns:app', APP_NS));
$entryElement->addChild($xmlDoc->createAttribute('xmlns:cmisra', CMISRA_NS));
if (defined $params{summary}) {
my $summaryElement = $entryElement->addNewChild(ATOM_NS, "summary");
# if there is a File, encode it and add it to the XML
my $contentFile = $params{contentFile};
my $contentData = $params{contentData};
if (defined $contentFile || defined $contentData) {
my $mimeType = $params{contentType};
# read file
unless (defined $contentData) {
my $fh;
open($fh, '<', $contentFile)
or throw Error::Simple("can't open file $contentFile"); # SMELL: use a custom exception
local $/ = undef;# set to read to EOF
$contentData = <$fh>;
$contentData = '' unless $contentData; # no undefined
# need to determine the mime type
unless (defined $mimeType) {
# get the file mage used for checking
unless (defined $this->{fileMage}) {
require File::MMagic;
$this->{fileMage} = new File::MMagic;
$mimeType = $this->{fileMage}->checktype_contents($contentData);
# mimeType fallback
$mimeType = 'application/binary' unless defined $mimeType;
# This used to be ATOM_NS content but there is some debate among
# vendors whether the ATOM_NS content must always be base64
# encoded. The spec does mandate that CMISRA_NS content be encoded
# and that element takes precedence over ATOM_NS content if it is
# present, so it seems reasonable to use CMIS_RA content for now
# and encode everything. (comments from cmislib)
require MIME::Base64;
$contentData = MIME::Base64::encode_base64($contentData);
my $contentElement = $xmlDoc->createElementNS(CMISRA_NS, 'cmisra:content');
my $mediaElement = $xmlDoc->createElementNS(CMISRA_NS, 'cmisra:mediatype');
my $base64Element = $xmlDoc->createElementNS(CMISRA_NS, 'cmisra:base64');
my $objectElement = $entryElement->addNewChild(CMISRA_NS,'cmisra:object');
$objectElement->addChild($xmlDoc->createAttribute('xmlns:cmis', CMIS_NS));
if (defined $params{properties}) {
my $propsElement = $objectElement->addNewChild(CMIS_NS, 'cmis:properties');
foreach my $property (@{$params{properties}}) {
# a name is required for most things, but not for a checkout
if ($property->getId eq 'cmis:name') {
writeCmisDebug("got cmis:name property");
my $titleElement = $entryElement->addNewChild(ATOM_NS, "title");
# create property element and adxd to container
# add folderId
if (defined $params{folder}) {
my $folderElement = $objectElement->addNewChild(CMIS_NS, 'cmis:folderId');
# add repositoryId
my $repositoryIdElement = $objectElement->addNewChild(CMIS_NS, 'cmis:repositoryId');
#print STDERR "### created new entry:\n".$xmlDoc->toString(1)."\n###\n";
return $xmlDoc;
=item createObject($parentFolder, properties => $propertyList, %params);
creates a new CMIS Objec in the given folder using
the properties provided.
To specify a custom object type, pass in a Property for
cmis:objectTypeId representing the type ID
of the instance you want to create. If you do not pass in an object
type ID, an instance of 'cmis:document' will be created.
sub createObject {
my $this = shift;
my $parentFolder = shift;
my $postUrl;
if (defined $parentFolder) {
# get the folder represented by folderId.
# we'll use his 'children' link post the new child
$postUrl = $parentFolder->getChildrenLink;
} else {
unless ($this->getCapabilities->{'Unfiling'}) {
throw WebService::Cmis::NotSupportedException("This repository does not support unfiling");
# post to unfiled collection
$postUrl = $this->getCollectionLink(UNFILED_COLL);
# build the Atom entry
my $xmlDoc = $this->createEntryXmlDoc(folder=>$parentFolder, @_);
# post the Atom entry
my $result = $this->{client}->post($postUrl, $xmlDoc->toString, ATOM_XML_ENTRY_TYPE);
# what comes back is the XML for the new document,
# so use it to instantiate a new document
# then return it
return new WebService::Cmis::Object(repository=>$this, xmlDoc=>$result);
=item getTypeChildren($typeId, %params) -> $atomFeed
returns a result set ObjectType objects corresponding to the
child types of the type specified by the typeId.
If no typeId is provided, the result will be the same as calling
See CMIS specification document getTypeChildren
These optional arguments are current supported:
=over 4
=item includePropertyDefinitions
=item maxItems
=item skipCount
sub getTypeChildren {
my $this = shift;
my $typeId = shift;
if (defined $typeId) {
# if a typeId is specified, get it from the type definition's "down" link
my $targetType = $this->getTypeDefinition($typeId);
my $childrenUrl = $targetType->getLink(DOWN_REL, ATOM_XML_FEED_TYPE_P);
#print STDERR "childrenUrl=$childrenUrl\n";
my $result = $this->{client}->get($childrenUrl, @_);
return new WebService::Cmis::AtomFeed::ObjectTypes(repository=>$this, xmlDoc=>$result);
} else {
# otherwise, if a typeId is not specified, return
# the list of base types
return $this->getTypeDefinitions;
=item getTypeDescendants($typeId, %params) -> $atomFeed
Returns a result set ObjectType objects corresponding to the
descendant types of the type specified by the typeId.
If no typeId is provided, the repository's "typesdescendants" URL
will be called to determine the list of descendant types.
See CMIS specification document getTypeDescendants
These optional arguments are supported:
=over 4
=item depth
=item includePropertyDefinitions
sub getTypeDescendants {
my $this = shift;
my $typeId = shift;
my $descendUrl;
if (defined $typeId) {
# if a typeId is specified, get it from the type definition's, "down" link
my $targetType = $this->getTypeDefinition($typeId);
$descendUrl = $targetType->getLink(DOWN_REL, CMIS_TREE_TYPE_P);
} else {
$descendUrl = $this->getLink(TYPE_DESCENDANTS_REL);
#print STDERR "descendUrl=$descendUrl\n";
unless (defined $descendUrl) {
throw Error::Simple("Could not determine the type descendants URL"); # SMELL: do a custom exception
my $result = $this->{client}->get($descendUrl, @_);
return new WebService::Cmis::AtomFeed::ObjectTypes(repository=>$this, xmlDoc=>$result);
=item query(statement, %params):
Returns a result set of CMIS Objects based on the CMIS
Query Language passed in as the statement. The actual objects
returned will be instances of the appropriate child class based
on the object's base type ID.
In order for the results to be properly instantiated as objects,
make sure you include 'cmis:objectId' as one of the fields in
your select statement, or just use "SELECT \*".
If you want the search results to automatically be instantiated with
the appropriate sub-class of CMIS Object you must either
include cmis:baseTypeId as one of the fields in your select statement
or just use "SELECT \*".
See CMIS specification document query
The following optional arguments are supported:
=over 4
=item searchAllVersions
=item includeRelationships
=item renditionFilter
=item includeAllowableActions
=item maxItems
=item skipCount
sub query {
my $this = shift;
my $statement = shift;
# get the URL this repository uses to accept query POSTs
my $queryUrl = $this->getCollectionLink(QUERY_COLL);
# build the CMIS query XML that we're going to POST
my $xmlDoc = $this->_getQueryXmlDoc($statement, @_);
# do the POST
#print 'posting:%s' % xmlDoc.toxml(encoding='utf-8')
my $result = $this->{client}->post($queryUrl, $xmlDoc->toString, CMIS_QUERY_TYPE);
# return the result set
return new WebService::Cmis::AtomFeed::Objects(repository=>$this, xmlDoc=>$result);
# Utility method that knows how to build CMIS query xml around the specified query statement.
sub _getQueryXmlDoc {
my $this = shift;
my $statement = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $xmlDoc = new XML::LibXML::Document('1.0', 'UTF-8');
my $queryElement = $xmlDoc->createElementNS(CMIS_NS, "query");
my $statementElement = $xmlDoc->createElementNS(CMIS_NS, "statement");
foreach my $key (keys %params) {
my $optionElement = $xmlDoc->createElementNS(CMIS_NS, $key);
return $xmlDoc;
=item getContentChanges(%params) -> $atomFeed
returns a AtomFeed containing ChangeEntry objects.
See CMIS specification document getContentChanges
The following optional arguments are supported:
=over 4
=item changeLogToken
=item includeProperties
=item includePolicyIDs
=item includeACL
=item maxItems
You can get the latest change log token by inspecting the repository
info via Repository.getRepositoryInfo.
sub getContentChanges {
my $this = shift;
unless ($this->getCapabilities()->{'ACL'}) {
throw WebService::Cmis::NotSupportedException("This repository does not support change logs");
my $changesUrl = $this->getLink(CHANGE_LOG_REL);
my $result = $this->{client}->get($changesUrl, @_);
# return the result set
return new WebService::Cmis::AtomFeed::ChangeEntries(repository=>$this, xmlDoc=>$result);
=item createDocument(
) -> $cmisDocument
creates a new Document object in the parent folder provided or filed to the
Unfiled collection of the repository.
The method will attempt to guess the appropriate content type and encoding
based on the file. To specify it yourself, pass them in via the contentType and
To specify a custom object type, pass in a Property for cmis:objectTypeId
representing the type ID of the instance you want to create. If you do not pass
in an object type ID, an instance of 'cmis:document' will be created.
sub createDocument {
my $this = shift;
my $name = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $parentFolder = delete $params{folder};
my $properties = delete $params{properties};
$properties = [] unless defined $properties;
# construct properties
push @$properties, WebService::Cmis::Property::newString(
id => 'cmis:name',
value => $name,
my $foundObjectTypeId = 0;
foreach my $prop (@$properties) {
if ($prop->getId eq 'cmis:objectTypeId') {
$foundObjectTypeId = 1;
unless ($foundObjectTypeId) {
push @$properties, WebService::Cmis::Property::newId(
id => 'cmis:objectTypeId',
value => 'cmis:document',
# create the object
return $this->createObject(
=item createFolder($name, folder=>$parentFolder, properties=>$propertyList, %params) -> $cmisFolder
creates a new CMIS Folder using the properties provided.
To specify a custom folder type, pass in a property called
cmis:objectTypeId representing the type ID
of the instance you want to create. If you do not pass in an object
type ID, an instance of 'cmis:folder' will be created.
my $rootFolder = $repo->getRootFolder;
my $subFolder = $rootFolder->createFolder(
'My new folder',
summary => "This is my new test folder."
my $repo = $repo->createFolder(
'My other folder',
folder => $rootFolder,
summary => "This is my other test folder."
See CMIS specification document createFolder
sub createFolder {
my $this = shift;
my $name = shift;
my %params = @_;
my $parentFolder = delete $params{folder};
my $properties = delete $params{properties};
$properties = [] unless defined $properties;
# construct properties
push @$properties,
id => 'cmis:name',
value => $name,
my $foundObjectTypeId = 0;
foreach my $prop (@$properties) {
if ($prop->getId eq 'cmis:objectTypeId') {
$foundObjectTypeId = 1;
unless ($foundObjectTypeId) {
push @$properties,
id => 'cmis:objectTypeId',
value => 'cmis:folder',
# create the object
return $this->createObject(
properties => $properties,
=item createRelationship
TODO: This is not yet implemented.
sub createRelationship { throw WebService::Cmis::NotImplementedException; }
=item createPolicy
TODO: This is not yet implemented.
sub createPolicy { throw WebService::Cmis::NotImplementedException; }
=head1 AUTHOR
Michael Daum C<< <daum@michaeldaumconsulting.com> >>
Copyright 2012 Michael Daum
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself. See F<http://dev.perl.org/licenses/artistic.html>.