KiokuDB::Test - Reusable tests for KiokuDB backend authors.


use Test::More 'no_plan';

use KiokuDB::Test;

use ok "KiokuDB::Backend::MySpecialBackend";

my $b = KiokuDB::Backend::MySpecialBackend->new( ... );

run_all_fixtures( KiokuDB->new( backend => $b ) );


This module loads and runs KiokuDB::Test::Fixtures against a KiokuDB directory instance.


run_all_fixtures $dir
run_all_fixtures sub { return $dir }

Runs all the KiokuDB::Test::Fixture objects against your dir.

If you need a new instance of KiokuDB for every fixture, pass in a code reference.

This will load all the modules in the KiokuDB::Test::Fixture namespace, and run them against your directory.

Fixtures generally check for backend roles and skip unless the backend supports that set of features.