CommonMark::Node - Node of the CommonMark parse tree


my $header    = $doc->first_child;
my $level     = $header->get_header_level;
my $paragraph = $header->next;

my $link = CommonMark::Node->new(CommonMark::NODE_LINK);
my $text = CommonMark::Node->new(CommonMark::NODE_TEXT);
$text->set_literal('link text');



CommonMark::Node represents a node of the parse tree.


my $node = CommonMark::Node->new($type);

Creates a new node of type $type. See "Node types" for a list of types.


my $iterator = $node->iterator;

Creates a new CommonMark::Iterator to walk through the descendants of the node.


my $html = $node->render_html( [$options] )
my $xml  = $node->render_xml( [$options] )
my $man  = $node->render_man( [$options] )
my $md   = $node->render_commonmark( [$options], [$width] )

These methods render the contents of the node in the respective format and return an encoded UTF-8 byte string. This is useful when passing the results to external parties. If you want to process the string contents, you should consider decoding the byte string using utf8::decode.

$options is a bit field created by ORing the following constants:

CommonMark::OPT_DEFAULT    => 0
CommonMark::OPT_SOURCEPOS  => 1
CommonMark::OPT_HARDBREAKS => 2
CommonMark::OPT_NORMALIZE  => 4

$options may be omitted and defaults to OPT_DEFAULT. See the documentation of libcmark for more details.

$width specifies the number of characters at which lines are broken. A value of 0 disables line wrapping. The default is 0.


# Integer values

my $int = $node->get_type;
my $int = $node->get_header_level;
my $int = $node->get_list_type;
my $int = $node->get_list_delim;
my $int = $node->get_list_start;
my $int = $node->get_list_tight;
my $int = $node->get_start_line;
my $int = $node->get_start_column;
my $int = $node->get_end_line;
my $int = $node->get_end_column;


# String values

my $string = $node->get_type_string;
my $string = $node->get_literal;
my $string = $node->get_title;
my $string = $node->get_url;
my $string = $node->get_fence_info;


Various accessors to get and set integer and string values of a node. Not all values are supported by every type of node. Getters return 0 or undef for unsupported values. Setters die on faliure.

See "Constants" for a list of constants used for node types, list types, and list delimiters.

Tree traversal

my $next   = $node->next;
my $prev   = $node->previous;
my $parent = $node->parent;
my $child  = $node->first_child;
my $child  = $node->last_child;

These methods return the respective node in tree structure.

Tree manipulation


unlink removes a node and all its descendants from the tree.

insert_before and insert_after insert the $other node before or after $node. append_child and prepend_child append or prepend $other to the children of $node.

$other is unlinked before it is inserted into its new position.

These methods may die on failure.


Node types

CommonMark::NODE_NONE        =>  0
CommonMark::NODE_DOCUMENT    =>  1
CommonMark::NODE_BLOCK_QUOTE =>  2
CommonMark::NODE_LIST        =>  3
CommonMark::NODE_ITEM        =>  4
CommonMark::NODE_CODE_BLOCK  =>  5
CommonMark::NODE_HTML        =>  6
CommonMark::NODE_PARAGRAPH   =>  7
CommonMark::NODE_HEADER      =>  8
CommonMark::NODE_HRULE       =>  9
CommonMark::NODE_TEXT        => 10
CommonMark::NODE_SOFTBREAK   => 11
CommonMark::NODE_LINEBREAK   => 12
CommonMark::NODE_CODE        => 13
CommonMark::NODE_INLINE_HTML => 14
CommonMark::NODE_EMPH        => 15
CommonMark::NODE_STRONG      => 16
CommonMark::NODE_LINK        => 17
CommonMark::NODE_IMAGE       => 18

List types

CommonMark::NO_LIST      => 0
CommonMark::BULLET_LIST  => 1
CommonMark::ORDERED_LIST => 2

Delimiter types for ordered lists

CommonMark::NO_DELIM     => 0
CommonMark::PERIOD_DELIM => 1
CommonMark::PAREN_DELIM  => 2


This software is copyright (C) by Nick Wellnhofer.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.