CommonMark - Interface to the CommonMark C library


use CommonMark;

my $doc = CommonMark->parse(
    file  => $file,
    smart => 1,

my $html = CommonMark->markdown_to_html($markdown);
my $doc  = CommonMark->parse_file($file);
my $doc  = CommonMark->parse_document($markdown);
my $doc  = CommonMark->create_document;


This module is a wrapper around the official CommonMark C library libcmark. It closely follows the original API.

The main module provides some entry points to parse documents. The bulk of features is available through CommonMark::Node objects of which the parse tree is made. CommonMark::Iterator is a useful class to walk through the nodes in a tree. CommonMark::Parser provides a push parser interface.


my $html = CommonMark->markdown_to_html( $markdown, [$options] );

Converts a Markdown string to HTML. $options is a bit field containing the parser and render options. It defaults to OPT_DEFAULT.

Equivalent to

my $html = CommonMark->parse_document($markdown)->render_html;


my $doc = CommonMark->parse(
    string        => $string,
    normalize     => $bool,    # Optional
    smart         => $bool,    # Optional
    validate_utf8 => $bool,    # Optional

my $doc = CommonMark->parse(
    file          => $handle,
    normalize     => $bool,    # Optional
    smart         => $bool,    # Optional
    validate_utf8 => $bool,    # Optional

Convenience function to parse documents. Exactly one of the string or file options must be provided. When given a string, calls "parse_document". When given a file, calls "parse_file". normalize, smart, and validate_utf8 enable the respective parser options.

Returns the CommonMark::Node of the root document.


my $doc = CommonMark->parse_document( $markdown, [$options] )

Parses a CommonMark document from a string returning the CommonMark::Node of the document root. $options is a bit field containing the parser options. It defaults to OPT_DEFAULT.


my $doc = CommonMark->parse_file( $file, [$options] );

Parses a CommonMark document from a file handle returning the CommonMark::Node of the document root. $options is a bit field containing the parser options. It defaults to OPT_DEFAULT.

Parser options

The parser options are a bit field created by ORing the following constants:

CommonMark::OPT_DEFAULT       => 0
CommonMark::OPT_NORMALIZE     => 4
CommonMark::OPT_SMART         => 8
CommonMark::OPT_VALIDATE_UTF8 => 16,

OPT_NORMALIZE makes sure that adjacent text nodes are merged in the parse tree.

OPT_SMART enables the "smart quote" features which turns vertical into typographic quotation marks, double and triple hyphens into en and em dashes, and triple periods into ellipses.

OPT_VALIDATE_UTF8 turns on UTF-8 validation. Normally, this isn't necessary because Perl should always provide proper UTF-8. The option may be used if you don't trust the safety of Perl's internal UTF-8 handling.

Node creation

my $document = CommonMark->create_document(
    children => \@children,
my $header = CommonMark->create_header(
    level    => $level,
    children => \@children,
    text     => $literal,
my $paragraph = CommonMark->create_paragraph(
    children => \@children,
    text     => $literal,
my $block_quote = CommonMark->create_block_quote(
    children => \@children,
my $list = CommonMark->create_list(
    type     => $type,
    delim    => $delim,
    start    => $start,
    tight    => $tight,
    children => \@children,
my $item = CommonMark->create_item(
    children => \@children,
my $code_block = CommonMark->create_code_block(
    fence_info => $fence_info,
    literal    => $literal,
my $html = CommonMark->create_html(
    literal => $html,
my $hrule = CommonMark->create_hrule;
my $emph = CommonMark->create_emph(
    children => \@children,
    text     => $literal,
my $strong = CommonMark->create_strong(
    children => \@children,
    text     => $literal,
my $url = CommonMark->create_url(
    url      => $url,
    title    => $title,
    children => \@children,
    text     => $literal,
my $image = CommonMark->create_image(
    url      => $url,
    title    => $title,
    children => \@children,
    text     => $literal,
my $softbreak = CommonMark->create_softbreak;
my $linebreak = CommonMark->create_linebreak;

These convenience functions can be used to create nodes, set properties, and add children in a single operation. All parameters are optional.

The children parameter expects an arrayref of nodes to be added as children. The special text parameter adds a single text child with literal $literal. It can't be used together with children. All other parameters correspond to a node property.

libcmark version information

my $version = CommonMark->version;
my $string  = CommonMark->version_string;
my $version = CommonMark->compile_time_version;
my $string  = CommonMark->compile_time_version_string;

Return the version number or version string of libcmark, either the library version linked against at run time or compile time.


This software is copyright (C) by Nick Wellnhofer.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.