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use strict;
use Getopt::Long::Descriptive qw( describe_options );
use List::Util qw( max );
use Pod::Usage qw( pod2usage );
my ( $opts, $usage ) = _options();
( print $App::perlimports::ExportInspector::VERSION ) && exit
if $opts->version;
( print $usage ) && exit if $opts->help;
if ( $opts->verbose_help ) {
print $usage;
print pod2usage();
my $logger = Log::Dispatch->new(
outputs => [
min_level => $opts->log_level,
newline => 1,
stderr => 1
my $ei = App::perlimports::ExportInspector->new(
logger => $logger,
module_name => $opts->module,
my $exports = $ei->explicit_exports;
if ( $ei->is_oo_class ) {
print 'Appears to be an Object Oriented class.' . "\n";
if ( !keys %{$exports} ) {
print 'No exported symbols found' . "\n";
if ( @{ $ei->class_isa } ) {
my $t = Text::SimpleTable::AutoWidth->new();
$t->captions( ['ISA'] );
for my $class ( @{ $ei->class_isa } ) {
print $t->draw;
if ( @{ $ei->pkg_isa } ) {
my $t = Text::SimpleTable::AutoWidth->new();
$t->captions( ['Package ISA'] );
for my $class ( @{ $ei->pkg_isa } ) {
print $t->draw;
if ( @{ $ei->at_export_tags } ) {
my %tags = %{ $ei->at_export_tags };
my @keys = keys %tags;
my @headings = ( 'Export Tag', 'Exported Symbols' );
my $col1_width = max map { length($_) } @keys, $headings[0];
my $col2_width = max map { length($_) } map ( { @{$_} } values %tags ),
my $t = Text::SimpleTable->new(
[ $col1_width, 'Export Tag' ],
[ $col2_width, 'Exported Symbols' ]
my $i = 0;
for my $key ( sort @keys ) {
$t->row( $key, join "\n", sort @{ $tags{$key} } );
$t->hr if $i < scalar @keys;
print $t->draw;
if ( $ei->has_implicit_exports ) {
my $t = Text::SimpleTable::AutoWidth->new();
if ( $ei->implicit_export_names_match_values ) {
$t->captions( ['Default Exported Symbols'] );
for my $symbol ( sort $ei->implicit_export_names ) {
else {
$t->captions( [ 'Default Export Symbol', 'Import Name' ] );
for my $key ( sort $ei->implicit_export_names ) {
$t->row( $key, $ei->implicit_exports->{$key} );
print $t->draw;
printf( "%i symbols\n", scalar $ei->implicit_export_names );
my $t = Text::SimpleTable::AutoWidth->new();
if ( $ei->explicit_export_names_match_values ) {
$t->captions( ['All Exportable Symbols'] );
for my $symbol ( sort $ei->explicit_export_names ) {
else {
$t->captions( [ 'Explicit Export Symbol', 'Import Name' ] );
for my $key ( sort $ei->explicit_export_names ) {
$t->row( $key, $exports->{$key} );
print $t->draw;
printf( "%i symbols\n", scalar $ei->explicit_export_names );
$logger->debug( np $ei );
if ( @{ $ei->at_export_fail } ) {
my $t = Text::SimpleTable::AutoWidth->new();
$t->captions( ['@EXPORT_FAIL'] );
for my $val ( sort @{ $ei->at_export_fail } ) {
print $t->draw;
sub _options {
return describe_options(
'dump-perl-exports %o',
'module|m=s', 'The module to inspect for exports',
{ required => 1 }
[ 'version', 'Print installed version', { shortcircuit => 1 } ],
'log-level|l=s', 'Print messages to STDERR',
{ default => 'warning' }
[ 'help', "Print usage message and exit", { shortcircuit => 1 } ],
'verbose-help', "Print usage message and documentation ",
{ shortcircuit => 1 }
# PODNAME: dump-perl-exports
# ABSTRACT: A command line utility for describing what a class exports
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
dump-perl-exports - A command line utility for describing what a class exports
=head1 VERSION
version 0.000003
Here are a few interesting modules to help you understand the output of
dump-perl-exports POSIX
dump-perl-exports Getopt::Long
dump-perl-exports Getopt::Long::Descriptive
dump-perl-exports Test::More
dump-perl-exports Test::Most
dump-perl-exports Moose
dump-perl-exports Moo
=head1 AUTHOR
Olaf Alders <>
This software is copyright (c) 2020 by Olaf Alders.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.