Changes for version 0.71_03 - 2015-10-12
Changes for version 0.71_02 - 2015-10-09
- Merge in changes from Ron Phipps.
- Reduce SOAP version requirement.
- Protection eligibility support.
- Merge in changes from Tomas Doran.
- CPAN packaging enhancements.
- Extract out more payer details from XML. (PayerName, NameSuffix, PayerCountry).
- Fix
- Options fields of GetTransactionDetails are now returned as a hash, containing the actual options data, rather than array of empty strings.
- Default to a non-zero timeout and (Thanks to JT Smith)
PayPal SOAP API client with sandbox support
PayPal AuthorizationRequest API
PayPal CaptureRequest API
PayPal DirectPayments API
PayPal Express Checkout API
PayPal GetBalance API
PayPal GetTransactionDetails API
PayPal MassPay API
PayPal ReauthorizationRequest API
PayPal RecurringPayments API
PayPal RefundTransaction API
PayPal TransactionSearch API
PayPal VoidRequest API