Changes for version 0.01029 - 2015-07-07

  • Document the URL required for connecting to a GitHub Enterprise instance.
  • Add Pithub::SearchV3, which gives you the option to use the v3 search rather than the current default of legacy (Florian Ragwitz)


Github v3 API
Github v3 base class for all Pithub modules
Github v3 Events API
Github v3 Gists API
Github v3 Gist Comments API
Github v3 Git Data API
Github v3 Git Data Blobs API
Github v3 Git Data Commits API
Github v3 Git Data References API
Github v3 Git Data Tags API
Github v3 Git Data Trees API
Github v3 Issues API
Github v3 Issue Assignees API
Github v3 Issue Comments API
Github v3 Issue Events API
Github v3 Issue Labels API
Github v3 Issue Milestones API
Github v3 Orgs API
Github v3 Org Members API
Github v3 Org Teams API
Github v3 Pull Requests API
Github v3 Pull Request Comments API
Github v3 Repos API
Github v3 Repo Collaborators API
Github v3 Repo Commits API
Github v3 Repo Contents API
Github v3 Repo Downloads API
Github v3 Repo Forks API
Github v3 Repo Hooks API
Github v3 Repo Keys API
Github v3 Repo Releases API
Github v3 Repo Releases Assets API
Github v3 Repo Starring API
Github v3 repos / stats API
Github v3 repos / statuses API
Github v3 Repo Watching API
Github v3 result object
A role to share the LRU cache with all Pithub objects
Github legacy Search API
Github v3 Search API
Github v3 Users API
Github v3 User Emails API
Github v3 User Followers API
Github v3 User Keys API