psass - perl sass (scss) compiler


psass [options] [ path_in | - ] [ path_out | - ]

  -v, --version                 print version
  -h, --help                    print this help
  -w, --watch                   start watchdog mode
  -p, --precision=int           precision for float output
      --indent=string           set indent string used for output
      --linefeed=type           linefeed used for output [auto|unix|win|none]
  -o, --output-file=file        output file to write result to
  -t, --output-style=style      output style [expanded|nested|compressed|compact]
  -P, --plugin-path=path        plugin load path (repeatable)
  -I, --include-path=path       sass include path (repeatable)
  -c, --source-comments         enable source debug comments
  -l, --line-comments           synonym for --source-comments
      --line-numbers            synonym for --source-comments
  -e, --source-map-embed        embed source-map in mapping url
  -s, --source-map-contents     include original contents
  -m, --source-map-file=file    create and write source-map to file
      --source-map-file-urls    create file urls for source paths
      --source-map-root=.       specific root for relative paths
      --no-source-map-url       omit sourceMappingUrl from output
      --benchmark               print benchmark for compilation time



Print a brief help message with options and exits.


This program is a sass (scss) compiler