GSAPI - Perl extension for accessing GNU Ghostscript
use GSAPI;
my $inst = GSAPI::new_instance();
GSAPI::run_string($inst, "12345679 9 mul pstack quit\n");
GSAPI::delete_instance $inst;
GSAPI is an interface to GNU Ghostscript. It's mainly written to provide a simply interface to ghostscript that works under Win32 and Unix.
- ($prod, $cpy, $rev, $revd) = revision()
Returns Product name, Copyright, Revision and Revision Date of the ghostscript release.
- $inst = new_instance()
Returns the instance handle.
- delete_instance($inst)
Destroys the instance.
- set_stdio($inst, &stdin, &stdout, &stderr)
Sets the callbacks for ghostscript I/O stdin gets the maximum number of bytes to return on input and should return a string up to that length. stdout/stderr gets the string passed and they should return the number of bytes written. Example: set_stdio $inst, sub { "\n" }, sub { print STDOUT $_[0]; length $_[0] }, sub { print STDERR $_[0]; lenngth $_[0] };
- $rc = init_with_args($inst, ...)
initializes the ghostscript stuff.
- $rc = exit($inst)
calls gsapi_exit
- $rc = run_string($inst, $string, [$user_errors ])
calls gsapi_run_string_with_length
- $rc = run_file($inst, $filename, [$user_errors])
calls gsapi_run_file
- $rc = run_string_begin($inst, [$user_errors])
calls gs_run_string_begin
- $rc = run_string_end($inst, [$user_errors])
calls gs_run_string_end
- $rc = run_string_continue($inst, $string, [$user_errors])
calls gsapi_run_string_continue
- TIEHANDLE $class, [ stdin => &stdin, stdout => &stdout, stderr => stderr, args => [ arg1, arg2, ...]
None by default.
Stefan Traby, <>
Copyright 2003 by Stefan Traby <> Copyright (C) 2003 by KW-Computer Ges.m.b.H Graz, Austria.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 2.0 or any later version.
The main reason why this module is not available under dual license (Artistic/GPL) is simply the fact that GNU Gostscript is only available under GPL and not under Artistic License.