Changes for version 0.30.0 - 2020-03-04

  • Table rows with an '_actionSet' key containing a hash with key matching the key of action buttons will be called with 'set' on these buttons when the row gets activated. note that this only works on actions with a key property.
    • $row->{_actionSet} = { edit => { enabled => $ok }, delete => { enabled => $ok, visibility => ( $ok ? 'visible' : 'hidden' ) } }
  • Action buttons can have the property buttonSet which gets applied when nothing it selected in the table and at creation time.
    • buttonSet => { enabled => false },


build po files from trm calls in perl files
Application Builder Toolkit


Appliance Frontend Builder
get parse configuration file for CallBackery
RPC services for CallBackery
database access helpers
a simple exception class
Reporter base class
render server generated HTML
Base Class for a table plugin
get parse configuration file for CallBackery
Documentation Plugin
gettext po file translation functionality
tell me about the current user