Changes for version 0.43.0 - 2023-02-14

  • add display action which displays a report in a new window instead of providing a download
    • { label => trm('Report'), action => 'display', key => 'report', actionHandler => sub { my $self = shift; my $args = shift; return { asset => $self->getReportHtml(), type => 'text/html', filename => 'xyz.html', } } },


build po files from trm calls in perl files
Application Builder Toolkit


Appliance Frontend Builder
get parse configuration file for CallBackery
RPC services for CallBackery
database access helpers
a simple exception class
GuiPlugin base class
Base class for a cardlist plugin
render server generated HTML
Base Class for a table plugin
get parse configuration file for CallBackery
Documentation Plugin
gettext po file translation functionality
tell me about the current user