=item B<uHTML::ListFuncs> - More list functions forB<perl>
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.81
This library provides the functions sample, shuffle, uniq, section and difference forperl.
This library is used by many of the B<uHTML> libraries. It can be of usewithout B<uHTML> as well.
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=head1 perl functions provided by the B<hHTML::ListFuncs> library
B< >
=head2 uniq(@list)
=head3 Overview
The function uniq removes identical consecutive valuesfrom @listand returns the result, similar to uniq from GNU core utils.
=head3 Parameters
=head4 @list
List to process.
=head3 Example
foreach( uniq sort@list) {...}
=head2 section($list1,$list2,$list3,...)
=head3 Overview
The function section computes the section of several lists.
=head3 Parameters
=head4 $list1,$list2,...
References of lists from which the section hasto be computed.
=head3 Example
foreach( section( \@list1,\@list2) ) {...}
=head2 difference($list1,$list2)
=head3 Overview
The function difference removes from @{$list1} all elements contained in @{$list2}.
=head3 Parameters
=head4 $list1
Reference of the original list from which elements will be removed.
=head4 $list2
References of list withelements that will be removed from @{$list1}.
=head3 Example
foreach( difference( \@list1,\@list2) ) {...}
=head2 shuffle($list)
=head3 Overview
The function shuffle shuffles randomly @{$list}.
=head3 Parameters
=head4 $list
Reference of the list to be shuffled
=head3 Example
shuffle( \@list) ;
=head2 sample($list,$count)
=head3 Overview
The function sample selects more or less evenly picked $countrandom elements from @{$list1}. The function returns a reference to a list withthe samples.
=head3 Parameters
=head4 $list
Reference of the list from which elements will be picked.