# Author: Roland Mosler - Roland@Place.Ug
# Das ist eine uHTML-Bibliothek von Place.Ug
# Es ist erlaubt dieses Paket unter der aktuellen GNU GPL zu nutzen
# Bei Weiterentwicklungen ist die Ursprungsbibliothek zu nennen
# Fehler und Verbesserungen bitte an uHTML@Place.Ug
# This is a uHTML library from Place.Ug
# It is allowed to use this library under the actual GNU GPL
# The name of this library is to be named in all derivations
# Please report errors to uHTML@Place.Ug
# � Roland Mosler, Place.Ug
use strict;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( uniq section difference shuffle sample ); # symbols to export on request
$::VERSION = 0.81 ;
sub uniq
my( $old,@out ) ;
foreach( @_ )
push @out,($old = $_) unless( $old eq $_ ) ;
return @out ;
sub section_old
my( $n ) = $#_ ;
return( ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$_[0]} : () ) unless $n > 0 ;
my( @T,@O,$old,$i ) ;
foreach( @_ )
push @T,@{$_} if ref eq 'ARRAY' ;
$old = '' ;
foreach( sort @T )
if( $old eq $_ )
push @O,$_ unless --$i ;
$old = $_ ;
$i = $n ;
return @O ;
sub section
my( $n ) = $#_ ;
return( ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$_[0]} : () ) unless $n > 0 ;
my( @T,@P,@R,$i,$v,$c ) ;
foreach( @_ )
next unless ref eq 'ARRAY' ;
return () unless @{$_} ;
my @A = uniq sort @{$_} ;
push @T,\@A ;
for( $v=$T[0]->[0]; @{$T[0]}; )
for( $i=0; $i<=$#T; $i++ )
while( $T[$i]->[0] lt $v )
shift @{$T[$i]} ;
return @R unless @{$T[$i]} ;
if( $T[$i]->[0] gt $v )
$v = $T[$i]->[0] ;
last ;
if( $i>$#T ) # all the same
push @R,$v ;
shift @{$T[0]} ;
return @R unless @{$T[0]} ;
$v = $T[0]->[0] ;
return @R ;
sub difference( $$ )
return () unless ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' and @{$_[0]} ;
return @{$_[0]} unless ref $_[1] eq 'ARRAY' and @{$_[1]} ;
my @M = sort @{$_[0]} ;
my @S = sort @{$_[1]} ;
my( @O,$i,$j ) ;
for( $i=$j=0; $i<=$#M; $i++ )
$j++ while( $j<=$#S and $M[$i] gt $S[$j] ) ;
push @O,$M[$i] unless $j<=$#S and $M[$i] eq $S[$j] ;
return @O ;
sub shuffle
return unless ref(my $A = shift) eq 'ARRAY' ;
my( $i,$k ) ;
for( $k=$#{$A}; $k>0; $k-- )
($i = int(rand($k+1))) < $k and ($A->[$k],$A->[$i]) = ($A->[$i],$A->[$k]) ;
return $A ;
sub sample
my( $List,$length ) = @_ ;
return undef unless ref $List eq 'ARRAY' and $length > 0 ;
return $List unless $length < @{$List} ;
my( $i,$j,$r,@SL ) ;
$r = scalar(@{$List})/$length ;
$j = 0 ;
while( $j<@{$List} )
$i = $j ;
$j = int( $i + $r + 0.5 ) ;
push @SL,$List->[$i+1<$j ? int($i + rand($j - $i) + 0.5) : $i] ;
return \@SL ;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
=over 2
=item B<uHTML::ListFuncs> - More list functions for B<perl>
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.81
This library provides the functions sample, shuffle, uniq, section and difference for perl.
This library is used by many of the B<uHTML> libraries. It can be of use without B<uHTML> as well.
B< >
=head1 perl functions provided by the B<hHTML::ListFuncs> library
B< >
=head2 uniq(@list)
=head3 Overview
The function uniq removes identical consecutive values from @list and returns the result, similar to uniq from GNU core utils.
=head3 Parameters
=head4 @list
List to process.
=head3 Example
foreach( uniq sort @list ) {...}
=head2 section($list1,$list2,$list3,...)
=head3 Overview
The function section computes the section of several lists.
=head3 Parameters
=head4 $list1,$list2,...
References of lists from which the section has to be computed.
=head3 Example
foreach( section( \@list1,\@list2 ) ) {...}
=head2 difference($list1,$list2)
=head3 Overview
The function difference removes from @{$list1} all elements contained in @{$list2}.
=head3 Parameters
=head4 $list1
Reference of the original list from which elements will be removed.
=head4 $list2
References of list with elements that will be removed from @{$list1}.
=head3 Example
foreach( difference( \@list1,\@list2 ) ) {...}
=head2 shuffle($list)
=head3 Overview
The function shuffle shuffles randomly @{$list}.
=head3 Parameters
=head4 $list
Reference of the list to be shuffled
=head3 Example
shuffle( \@list ) ;
=head2 sample($list,$count)
=head3 Overview
The function sample selects more or less evenly picked $count random elements from @{$list1}. The function returns a reference to a list with the samples.
=head3 Parameters
=head4 $list
Reference of the list from which elements will be picked.
=head4 $count
Count of elements to be picked from @{$list}.
=head3 Example
foreach( @{sample( \@list,$count )} ) {...}
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Roland Mosler (Roland.Mosler@Place.Ug)
Copyright 2009 Roland Mosler. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.