

A set of helper subroutines to support parts of the Netdisco application.

There are no default exports, however the :all tag will export all subroutines.


check_mac( $device, $node, $port_macs? )

Given a Device database object and a MAC address, perform various sanity checks which need to be done before writing an ARP/Neighbor entry to the database storage.

Returns false, and might log a debug level message, if the checks fail.

Returns a true value if these checks pass:

  • MAC address is well-formed (according to common formats)

  • MAC address is not all-zero, broadcast, CLIP, VRRP or HSRP

Optionally pass a cached set of Device port MAC addresses as the third argument, in which case an additional check is added:

  • MAC address does not belong to an interface on any known Device

check_node_no( $ip, $setting_name )

Given the IP address of a node, returns true if the configuration setting $setting_name matches that device, else returns false. If the setting is undefined or empty, then check_node_no also returns false.

print "rejected!" if check_node_no($ip, 'nbtstat_no');

There are several options for what $setting_name can contain:

  • Hostname, IP address, IP prefix

  • IP address range, using a hyphen and no whitespace

  • Regular Expression in YAML format which will match the node DNS name, e.g.:

    - !!perl/regexp ^sep0.*$

To simply match all nodes, use "any" or IP Prefix "". All regular expressions are anchored (that is, they must match the whole string). To match no nodes we recommend an entry of "localhost" in the setting.

check_node_only( $ip, $setting_name )

Given the IP address of a node, returns true if the configuration setting $setting_name matches that node, else returns false. If the setting is undefined or empty, then check_node_only also returns true.

print "rejected!" unless check_node_only($ip, 'nbtstat_only');

There are several options for what $setting_name can contain:

  • Hostname, IP address, IP prefix

  • IP address range, using a hyphen and no whitespace

  • Regular Expression in YAML format which will match the node DNS name, e.g.:

    - !!perl/regexp ^sep0.*$

To simply match all nodes, use "any" or IP Prefix "". All regular expressions are anchored (that is, they must match the whole string). To match no nodes we recommend an entry of "localhost" in the setting.

is_nbtstatable( $ip )

Given an IP address, returns true if Netdisco on this host is permitted by the local configuration to nbtstat the node.

The configuration items nbtstat_no and nbtstat_only are checked against the given IP.

Returns false if the host is not permitted to nbtstat the target node.