use Dancer qw/:moose :syntax :script/;
use App::Netdisco::JobQueue qw/jq_insert/;
sub worker_begin {
my $self = shift;
my $wid = $self->wid;
return debug "sch ($wid): no need for scheduler... skip begin"
unless setting('schedule');
debug "entering Scheduler ($wid) worker_begin()";
foreach my $action (keys %{ setting('schedule') }) {
my $config = setting('schedule')->{$action};
# accept either single crontab format, or individual time fields
$config->{when} = Algorithm::Cron->new(
base => 'local',
(ref {} eq ref $config->{when})
? $config->{when}
: {crontab => $config->{when}}
sub worker_body {
my $self = shift;
my $wid = $self->wid;
unless (setting('schedule')) {
prctl sprintf 'netdisco-daemon: worker #%s scheduler: inactive', $wid;
return debug "sch ($wid): no need for scheduler... quitting"
while (1) {
# sleep until some point in the next minute
my $naptime = 60 - (time % 60) + int(rand(45));
prctl sprintf 'netdisco-daemon: worker #%s scheduler: idle', $wid;
debug "sched ($wid): sleeping for $naptime seconds";
sleep $naptime;
prctl sprintf 'netdisco-daemon: worker #%s scheduler: queueing', $wid;
# NB next_time() returns the next *after* win_start
my $win_start = time - (time % 60) - 1;
my $win_end = $win_start + 60;
# if any job is due, add it to the queue
foreach my $action (keys %{ setting('schedule') }) {
my $sched = setting('schedule')->{$action};
# next occurence of job must be in this minute's window
debug sprintf "sched ($wid): $action: win_start: %s, win_end: %s, next: %s",
$win_start, $win_end, $sched->{when}->next_time($win_start);
next unless $sched->{when}->next_time($win_start) <= $win_end;
# queue it!
info "sched ($wid): queueing $action job";
action => $action,
device => $sched->{device},
extra => $sched->{extra},