App::Netdisco::Manual::WritingWorkers - Developer Documentation on Worker Plugins
App::Netdisco's plugin system allows users to write workers to gather information from network devices using different transports and store results in the database.
For example, transports might be SNMP, SSH, or HTTPS. Workers might be combining those transports with application protocols such as SNMP, NETCONF (OpenConfig with XML), RESTCONF (OpenConfig with JSON), eAPI, or even CLI scraping. The combination of transport and protocol is known as a driver.
Workers can be restricted to certain vendor platforms using familiar ACL syntax. They are also attached to specific actions in Netdisco's backend operation (discover, macsuck, etc).
See App::Netdisco::Worker::Plugin for more information about worker plugins.
Developing Workers
A worker is Perl code which is run. Therefore it can do anything you like, but typically it will make a connection to a device, gather some data, and store it in Netdisco's database.
App::Netdisco plugins must load the App::Netdisco::Worker::Plugin module. This exports a helper subroutine to register the worker. Here's the boilerplate code for our example plugin module:
package App::Netdisco::Worker::Plugin::Discover::Wireless::UniFi;
use Dancer ':syntax';
use App::Netdisco::Worker::Plugin;
use aliased 'App::Netdisco::Worker::Status';
# worker registration code goes here, ** see below **
Registering a Worker
Use the register_worker
helper from App::Netdisco::Worker::Plugin to register a worker:
register_worker( $coderef );
# or
register_worker( \%workerconf, $coderef );
For example (using the second form):
driver => 'unifiapi',
}, sub { "worker code here" });
The %workerconf
hashref is optional, and described below. The $coderef
is the main body of your worker. Your worker is run in a Try::Tiny statement to catch errors, and passed the following arguments:
$coderef->($job, \%workerconf);
The $job
is an instance of App::Netdisco::Backend::Job. Note that this class has a device
slot which may be filled, depending on the action, and if the device is not yet discovered then the row will not yet be in storage. The \%workerconf
hashref is the set of configuration parameters you used to declare the worker (documented below).
Package Naming Convention
The package name used where the worker is declared is significant. Let's look at the boilerplate example again:
package App::Netdisco::Worker::Plugin::Discover::Wireless::UniFi;
The package name must contain Plugin::
and the namespace component after that becomes the action. For example workers registered in the above package will be run during the discover backend action (that is, during a discover
job). You can replace Discover
with other actions such as Macsuck
, Arpnip
, Expire
, and Nbtstat
, or create your own.
The component after the action is known as the phase (Wireless
in this example), and is the way to override a Netdisco built-in worker, by using the same name (plus an entry in %workerconf
, see below). Otherwise you can use any valid Perl bareword for the phase.
Workers may also be registered directly to the action (Discover
, in this example), without any phase. This is used for very early bootstrapping code (such as first inserting a device into the database so it can be used by subsequent phases) or for very simple, generic actions (such as netdisco-do psql
- ACL Options
Workers may have
parameters configured which use the standard ACL syntax described in the settings guide. Theonly
directive is especially useful as it can restrict a worker to a given device platform or operating system (for example Cisco IOS XR for therestconf
driver). driver
The driver is a label associated with a group of workers and typically refers to the combination of transport and application protocol. Examples include
, andcli
. The convention is for driver names to be lowercase.Users will bind authentication configuration settings to drivers in their configuration. If no driver is specified when registering a worker, it will be run for every device and phase (such as during Expire jobs).
When multiple workers are registered for the same phase, they will all be run. However there is a special "primary" slot for each phase in which only one worker (the first that succeeds) is used. Most of Netdisco's built-in worker code is registered in this way, so to override it you can use the same package namespace and set
to betrue
Worker Execution and Return Code
Workers are configured as an ordered list. They are grouped by action
and phase
(as in Package Naming Convention, above).
Workers defined in extra_worker_plugins
are run before those in worker_plugins
so you have an opportunity to override built-in workers by adding them to extra_worker_plugins
and setting primary
to true
in the worker configuration.
The return code of the worker is significant for those configured with primary
as true
: when the worker returns true, no other primary
hooks are run for that phase. You should always use the aliased App::Netdisco::Worker::Status helper (loaded as in the boilerplate code above) when returning a value, such as:
return Status->done('everything is good');
# or
return Status->error('something went wrong');
# or
return Status->defer('this device cannot be processed right now');
Remember that a worker is only run if it matches the hardware platform of the target device and the user's configuration, and is not also excluded by the user's configuration. This filtering takes place before inspecting primary
Accessing Transports
From your worker you will want to connect to a device to gather data. This is done using a transport protocol session (SNMP, SSH, etc). Transports are singleton objects instantiated on demand, so they can be shared among a set of workers that are accessing the same device.
See the documentation for each transport to find out how to access it:
Database Connections
The Netdisco database is available via the netdisco
schema key, as below. You can also use the external_databases
configuration item to set up connections to other databases.
# plugin package
use Dancer::Plugin::DBIC;
my $set =
->search({vendor => 'cisco'});
Review of Terminology
In summary, Worker code is defined in a package namespace specifying the Action and Phase, and registered as a plugin with configuration which may specify the Driver and whether it is in the Primary slot. Access Control Lists determine which Workers are permitted to run, and when. Here are more complete definitions:
The highest level grouping of workers, corresponding to a Netdisco command such as
. Workers can be registered at this level to do really early bootstrapping work. phase
The next level down from
for grouping workers. Phases have arbitrary names and are visited in the order defined in theextra_worker_plugins
setting list, followed by theworker_plugins
setting list. Workers are usually registered at this level. worker
A lump of code you write which does a single clearly defined task. The package namespace of the worker identifies the action and optionally the phase. Workers are typically registered with some configuration settings.
A label associated with a group of workers which refers to a combination of transport and application protocol used to connect to and communicate with the target device. Users attach authentication configuration to specific drivers.
(defaults tofalse
Indicates that the worker will only be run if no other
worker for this phase has already succeeded. In this way, you can override Netdisco code by setting this option and returning true from your worker.
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