discover_new_neighbors( )

Given a Device database object, and a working SNMP connection, discover and store the device's port neighbors information.

Entries in the Topology database table will override any discovered device port relationships.

The Device database object can be a fresh DBIx::Class::Row object which is not yet stored to the database.

Any discovered neighbor unknown to Netdisco will have a discover job immediately queued (subject to the filtering by the discover_* settings).

store_neighbors( $device )

returns: @to_discover

Given a Device database object, and a working SNMP connection, discover and store the device's port neighbors information.

Entries in the Topology database table will override any discovered device port relationships.

The Device database object can be a fresh DBIx::Class::Row object which is not yet stored to the database.

A list of discovererd neighbors will be returned as [$ip, $type] tuples.