Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

use Dancer ':syntax';
{ category => 'Port',
tag => 'portmultinodes',
label => 'Ports with multiple nodes attached',
provides_csv => 1,
get '/ajax/content/report/portmultinodes' => require_login sub {
my @results = schema('netdisco')->resultset('Device')->search(
{ 'ports.remote_ip' => undef,
(param('vlan') ?
('ports.vlan' => param('vlan'), 'nodes.vlan' => param('vlan')) : ()),
'nodes.active' => 1,
'wireless.port' => undef
{ select => [ 'ip', 'dns', 'name' ],
join => { 'ports' => [ 'wireless', 'nodes' ] },
'+columns' => [
{ 'port' => 'ports.port' },
{ 'description' => 'ports.name' },
{ 'mac_count' => { count => 'nodes.mac' } },
group_by => [qw/me.ip me.dns me.name ports.port ports.name/],
having => \[ 'count(nodes.mac) > ?', [ count => 1 ] ],
order_by => { -desc => [qw/count/] },
return unless scalar @results;
if ( request->is_ajax ) {
my $json = to_json (\@results);
template 'ajax/report/portmultinodes.tt', { results => $json },
{ layout => undef };
else {
header( 'Content-Type' => 'text/comma-separated-values' );
template 'ajax/report/portmultinodes_csv.tt',
{ results => \@results, },
{ layout => undef };