2.044001 - 2019-09-26
#654 Device Ports list is not sorting numerically
2.044000 - 2019-09-23
#646 Add DOCSIS (Cable Modem) peers discovery as neighbors (pyro3d)
#650 Add administrative port speed setting storage and display (C. Ramseyer)
Enforce escaping on all template content
Fix potential crash in Discover/Properties::_get_ipv6_aliases (C. Ramseyer)
2.043001 - 2019-09-04
#644 Device DNS Mismatch report broken by domain_suffix change
2.043000 - 2019-09-03
#591 domain_suffix can be a list and supports (simple) regexp
#613 Free Ports works even if the device has rebooted recently
#621 RADIUS authentication support for users
#587 #561 update pseudo devices to better support ssh arpnip
#606 license file reformatted to work better within Github
#630 display full OUI vendor name in web view
#633 change Port Free icon to be more accessible
#638 avoid page reload on admintask data updates
#640 some documentation fixes
add PoE on-off icons to legend in Device Ports view
#610 better MAC addr input sanity checking
#611 compare IEEE MAC addresses properly
#622 workaround for changes in Test::Compile
#624 device layers search should be OR (not AND)
#625 make sidebar tiny bit wider
#642 requests to /admin/unknown-thing should get 404
handle row.power.power being NULL
allow stats to run smoothly on ancient Pg 8.4
2.042010 - 2019-06-02
#601 fix job queue no longer shows running or queued jobs
2.042009 - 2019-05-30
#572 allow setting some pseudo device info such as location, contact
#573 support for build within intellij IDE
#585 change default for check_userlog to be false (fewer popup notifications)
#586 do not show poller performance rows for still running jobs
#590, #600 remove DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader remnants
improve documentation for OpenSuSE installation
enable tests on Perl 5.30
#571 tests should not use user local config
#576 HTML template fixups
#577 fix bug related to hostnames comprised a-f only
#581 skip storing and displaying fabricated vlan 0
#584 fix for case where port has no corresponding properties row
#589 only show link with highest agg speed if map links between two devices are asymmetric
#594, #595, #596 fixes to DB schema PKs and defaults, and documentation
2.042008 - 2019-04-30
improve check_acl performance for basic IP string compare
2.042007 - 2019-04-28
#564 allow passing multiple -d (devices) to netdisco-do
#568 use different icon for WAPs from clients
improve check_acl performance for basic IP string compare
2.042006 - 2019-04-16
#558 netdisco-rancid-export is now a no-op (inphobia)
hide the ignored duplicate jobs in the web job queue display
#549 redux - fix for changing pseudo device ports
fix inconsistency in titlebar global search when port is selected
2.042005 - 2019-04-03
#528 record egress untagged vlans in device_port_vlan table
clickability of port log/control icons in port list display (pyro3d)
#549 clean manual topology after device ports change
#551 better error message for both device_auth and snmp_auth
#552 device addresses report has broken column data
2.042004 - 2019-03-28
#548 add IS-IS neighbor discovery support (pyro3d)
2.042003 - 2019-03-21
minor enhancement to the way device_auth falls back to snmp_auth
2.042002 - 2019-03-20
allow pseudo devices to arpnip
the store worker phase will return more accurate status
2.042001 - 2019-03-18
Do not clobber sshcollector config
2.042000 - 2019-03-17
Implementation of API authentication and Swagger-UI (pyro3d and ollyg)
2.041002 - 2019-03-17
fix precedence of device_auth over snmp_auth loading
check legacy config name for nbtstat_response_timeout
2.041001 - 2019-03-15
add "store" and "late" phases to backend workers
documentation updates
#539 fix an issue with VLAN reindixing for VRFs (earendilfr)
fix device port change check
2.041000 - 2019-03-12
netdisco-sshcollector no longer required - the functionality (arpnip via
ssh) will be run within netdisco's core schedule (rc9000 and ollyg)
get_credentials replaces get_community and accepts any device_auth stanza
in JSON format (ollyg)
2.040007 - 2019-03-06
#521-redux Search Node Date Range not working (ollyg)
2.040006 - 2019-03-04
#527 update List::MoreUtils version requirement
2.040005 - 2019-03-04
#526 fix discover syntax bug
2.040004 - 2019-03-03
#510 store ifindex in Device Port Properties table (rc9000)
new discover_waps and discover_phones boolean settings (ollyg)
#428 Port-Channels now showing in netmap (ollyg)
#490 use new LLDP capability checks for ports having phones (ollyg)
#494 update Cisco ASA ssh collector (stromsoe)
#492 Port Control incorrectly uses VLAN config check (inphobia)
#493 HTML tag fix (inphobia)
#498 Map with VLAN filter omits unconnected devices (ollyg)
#499 netdisco-do renumber reports wrong ip (inphobia)
#500 no more duplicate entries in vlan filter (ollyg)
#505 renumbering device missed a few tables (ollyg)
#512 fix regression in phone/wap discovery exclusion (ollyg)
#514 ipinventory report returns consistent data (inphobia)
#520 make sure aggports have a master<->slave (ollyg)
#521 Search Node Date Range not working (ollyg)
#522 TypeAhead.pm can reference empty data (inphobia)
fix bug showing no nodes when only one matches in netmap (ollyg)
2.040003 - 2019-01-18
#485 new "VLANs" device tab showing a VLAN report (inphobia)
#408, #417 & 477 makerancidconf improvements re-added (earendilfr, inphobia)
#420 IP Inventory Node column renamed to IP Address (ollyg)
#420 sidebar defaults for IP Inventory report can be overridden (ollyg)
#424 column name is "Connected Nodes & Devices" when both are shown (ollyg)
#436 make neighbor matching less strict in netmap (linwood-f)
#482 operating system is now a link in device details (inphobia)
#486 allow snmp::info base class in netdisco-do (inphobia)
#457 make sorting work for adresses when interface was undefined (inphobia)
#471-redux ospf discovery will now keep on working (ollyg)
#474 better explain public key auth with netdisco-sshcollector (inphobia)
#475, #479 all discover plugins should now respect ignore_* for interfaces (ollyg)
#476 debug log when deleting rows from related tables (ollyg)
Fix to catch when txrate on wifi is scalar and not a list
Remove 'use vars' which is deprecated in Perl
Various documentation improvements (inphobia)
2.040002 - 2018-12-30
correction for git sync
2.040001 - 2018-12-30
#471 OSPF neighbor discovey will try Router ID as well as Peer ID
update dependency to SNMP::Info 3.64
#422 fix for Network Map positions not saving (onlinehupe)
fix portsort tests to work with PhantomJS 2.x
some documentation fixes (inphobia)
2.040000 - 2018-12-28
#464 ignore_notpresent_types config to ignore notPresent interfaces (inphobia, nic)
#469 jobs_qdepth config to set length of job queue in web view (inphobia)
#459 additional interface type to ignore (inphobia)
#460 several improvements to netdisco-sshcollector (rc9000)
#456 fix POD error (manwar)
#461 provide stdin to sshcollector (rc9000)
#467 documentation fixes (inphobia)
2.039033 - 2018-10-19
#446 fix typo in NodeVendor report - rflor
2.039032 - 2018-10-19
#433 add status note when updating stats in netdisco-deploy - jrbinks
#434 shuffle input array for sshcollector - stromsoe
#438 add some more interface names to ignore
#439 add expire_userlog with default 365 days
#443 attempt to handle IPs and Names in show arp output - darknicht66
#427 fix NodeVendor.pm to show distinct MACs - slofunk
#431 sshcollector calls die() even if all the work is not done - stromsoe
#435 netdisco-deploy allows blank admin password
fix error in ignore_interfaces regexp - inphobia
2.039031 - 2018-06-17
limit cli max hosts in prefix to 512
update docs to clarify the web app home location
#419 clarify log message for discrepancy in IP
jobs with username are only allowed one attempt to unskip
fix bug in reuse of $worker for prefix actions
2.039030 - 2018-05-09
bump SNMP::Info dependency
2.039029 - 2018-05-09
#408 improvements to MakeRancidConf (earendilfr)
#410 improvements to Undiscovered Neighbors report
device port search will match on Description as well as Port
issue DB schema statements each within savepoints
#414 clicking discover button with empty field causes crash
#415 neighbors map display is blank after upgrade
2.039028 - 2018-05-05
#413 manual retrigger of discovery does not work
#411 store_modules: false is ignored
2.039027 - 2018-04-28
#405 Inventory reports default to all time to fix missing IPs
2.039026 - 2018-04-28
#396 dump sshcollector stderr into null (B. De Wolf)
#397 improve Palo Alto SSH Collector support (B. De Wolf)
do not enqueue the same routed peer more than once
#406 error in check_mac() params causing NBTStat failure
2.039025 - 2018-04-27
require version 3.57 of SNMP::Info with critical bug fix
make netmap Color By Host Group work with no groups selected
avoid SNMP::Info dependency in web frontend
2.039024 - 2018-04-22
#395 new landing page with Find Anything form
#400 add defanged_admin setting to support safe Heroku deployment
#404 fix using 0 to disable max_deferrals and retry_after
#380 port searches should check descr field, not name, for "vlan"
2.039023 - 2018-04-19
#401 Autodiscovery via EIGRP peers
#393 (redux) avoid 'modification of readonly variable' error in netmap
#394 (redux) enabled "Management IPs" hides after "Redraw Map"
2.039022 - 2018-04-18
#392 fix heuristic neighbour detection
#393 avoid 'modification of readonly variable' error in netmap
#398 user submitted jobs are run regardless of max deferrals
#394 enabled "Management IPs" hides after "Redraw Map"
clean up check_mac() interface (ml-cms)
2.039021 - 2018-04-10
#388 searching for 0.x.x.x returns Internal Server Error (C. Neuhaus)
#389 build/upgrade issues (EL6)
#390 cannot take logarithm of zero (C. Stromsoe)
#391 fix sshcollector errors when devices are empty
protect against undef mac (l.e. ferguson)
do not include logical aggregate masters in netmap/speed calc
try to match remote port in netmap against port, name, and descr
2.039020 - 2018-03-26
better link speed names on network map
fix case insensitive username match for LDAP
2.039019 - 2018-03-23
fix device search SQL error (reported by bhuddah)
2.039018 - 2018-03-22
#371 usernames are case insensitive but case preserving
#12 store Cisco PortFast status in device_port_properties:faststart
access to manual topology for admins without port_control role
network map working with pseudo devices
2.039017 - 2018-03-20
#382 invaid regexp syntax
2.039016 - 2018-03-19
#48 Node Monitor supports matching on OUI
#31 configurable Free Time in Port Utilization Report
improvements to network map, location filtering and auto saving
#24 show device age in device search view
Node Montior is now included in Admin menu
rebuild Stats is now included in Admin menu
always add interface alias for discovered IP
checking for malformed IPs in c_ip results
#274 errors in IP Inventory report
dynamic size in neighbor map should use device_port_properties
#381 LLDP port name is space compressed
2.039015 - 2018-03-05
#370 Missing Map Links due to inability to parse port speeds
strip whitespace from device model on HP
2.039014 - 2018-03-03
#372 fix inventory doesn't work with only one device
2.039013 - 2018-03-02
#379 avoid displaying phone or wap icon alongside nodes
2.039012 - 2018-03-02
#36 gather and display LLDP Remote Inventory data
2.039011 - 2018-02-25
use PG COPY for bulk insert of jobs with prefix
support IP prefix enum expansion in scheduler
avoid skips that go twice past max_deferrals not being reduced
move random() in TastyJobs to where it is more useful
2.039010 - 2018-02-22
support for multiples of the same action in schedule config
2.039009 - 2018-02-22
Port Properties DB table to gather and store port error disable
show errored ports in Device Port view, and errored ports report
support system_reports config to allow easier build-in reports
support for "queue only" submission of jobs to netdisco-do using --enqueue
support for job params (device, port, extra) in schedule config
larger port status icons in Device Ports view
--quiet mode for netdisco-do
handle malformed IPs in c_ip results
2.039007 - 2018-02-16
tune the job picking sql to avoid user jobs ignoring skips
2.039006 - 2018-02-15
#374 fix ACL with negation (earendilfr)
2.039005 - 2018-02-15
#375 dependency requirement for DBIx::Class
2.039004 - 2018-02-15
#374 fix renumber cli command (earendilfr)
2.039003 - 2018-02-12
actions can now cancel themselves
timeout setting is moved to within workers setting config
nbtstat_timeout setting is renamed to nbtstat_response_timeout
keep (most of the) deferrals count between backend restarts
routed peers only queue if not also a layer2 neighbor
efficiency improvements in job queue for discovery
allow device autorenumber during discovery to work with netdisco-do
improvements to log messages
2.039002 - 2018-02-07
Specify version of List::Util required
Allow PostgreSQL config to use additional psql options
Tighten ACL IP Range regexp to avoid matching hostnames with hyphens
2.039001 - 2018-02-02
#47 gather IPv6 Interface Addresses
2.039000 - 2018-02-02
#332 Autodiscovery via BGP and OSPF peers
New MakeRancidConf worker (and makerancidconf action)
#228 timeout setting (default 10min) for backend jobs
#341 timeout setting for all actions ("<actionname>_timeout")
#368 ND2_DB_ROLLBACK environment variable to roll back job updates to DB
snmp_remoteport setting to override port 161 for SNMP targets
#367 buttons in the neighbourmap have an incorrect height
#364 expire_nodeip_freshness setting to revert expire to ND1 behavior
Do not attempt Canonical IP change to non-discoverable IP
Allow netdisco-do show to run when no func is available to handle request
2.038032 - 2018-01-28
#363 Show user fullname if available in navbar (earendilfr)
#366 Retrieve VRF interface IPs (earendilfr)
2.038031 - 2018-01-23
Add Circle CI integration for building Docker Images
Add support for many environment variables to override config (see wiki)
#365 Fix Checkpoint GAIA sshcollector (jcz1)
2.038028 - 2018-01-15
Fix for PoE setting missing a variable declaration (R. Lewis)
2.038009 - 2018-01-10
Fix for VLAN setting missing a variable declaration
2.038008 - 2018-01-09
Add updated Test::More dependency to get tests passing again.
2.038007 - 2018-01-09
Fix for VLAN setting missing a variable declaration
2.038006 - 2018-01-08
Ignore jobs started over 50 minutes ago (setting: jobs_stale_after)
Update tests to work again in Travis-CI
2.038005 - 2018-01-05
Fix for PaloAlto sshcolletor module (P. Soppe)
2.038004 - 2018-01-05
Disable preventLabelOverlappingOnForceEnd on network neighbor map
Debug log the neighbor ID to help with problem diagnosis
Fix favicon image path to work on non-apex installations
Install correct template path when site_local_files enabled
2.038003 - 2018-01-04
Use new release filename for netdisco-mibs
Change name of d3 javascript file to force browser reload
Make expire_nodes and expire_nodes_archive behave correctly
#361 missing dependency in manual topology setup (dgeo)
2.038001 - 2018-01-02
Better tooltip for netmap items
Change to color10 set in netmap
Allow statistics to be run on an empty database
2.038000 - 2017-12-31
New implementation of the Network Map (Device Neighbors tab)
Icon in device ports results to quickly set Manual Toplogy on any port
New host_group_displaynames setting to give friendly aliases to host groups
tooltips for icons in device ports view now work when paging in results
2.037005 - 2017-12-22
Alter order of snmp_auth and device_auth config build
2.037004 - 2017-12-21
Allow default schedule items to be skipped by setting to 'null'
2.037003 - 2017-12-18
Fix Connected Device ID in Device Ports sidebar
2.037002 - 2017-12-17
Include Connected Device ID in Device Ports sidebar cookie
Improve netdisco-do docs
2.037001 - 2017-12-14
Also update stats on running netdisco-deploy
2.037000 - 2017-12-14
ND2_SINGLE_WORKER environment variable to force one backend worker
Deduplicate neighbors based on lldpRemChassisId
Scheduler config does not need to be uncommented
More efficient polling of the job queue
Better Port search options and results presentation
Specific search from titlebar uses default sidebar settings
Fix Device Ports search for VLAN prefer with non-numeric value
#249 sidebar selections are not remembered (also #328)
2.036011 - 2017-10-09
Shipping manifest
2.036010 - 2017-10-08
Add note on D-Link LLDP config (H. Erasmus)
New "stats" command for netdisco-do to update statistics
#342 Job Queue Add Hostname or FQDN
#253 add some dependencies
#346 custom reports should allow trailing sql semicolon
#331 do not set community{_rw} defaults
2.036009 - 2017-08-01
#333 Show netdisco-do target device in log message at start
#334 DB schema is not upgraded past v40
#335 No such device when clicking on device in netmap
2.036008 - 2017-07-14
revert change to Device ResultSet which breaks search_for_device()
2.036007 - 2017-07-12
fix bugs with Pseudo and Duplicate Device delete (causing web crash)
2.036006 - 2017-07-09
Documentation note on OS upgrade
#324 use a (better) host group for internal localnet filter
#325 significant speed-up to Device > Ports tab (thx to T. Teräs)
fix port neighbors being identified as macsuck_unsupported
2.036005 - 2017-07-05
#323 c_ip only ever returns one IP per value
get IPv6 neighbors via sshcollector from Cisco ASA (G. Rappenecker)
#315 missing Pod::Usage dependency
clean POD in SSHCollector platforms
2.036004 - 2017-07-02
remove Path::Class dependency from netdisco-daemon scripts
2.036003 - 2017-06-28
#15 record device and node statistics once a day
#322 cease use of Sys::Proctitle
quieten PERL_ANYEVENT_HOSTS undef error
2.036002 - 2017-06-26
#319 better fix for acceping ACL names or values in check_acl_*
#311 added duplicate devices report with option to delete
#263 discover neighbors advertising ipv6 management addresses
#286 support only/no ACLs for snmp_auth stanza, update docs
support NETDISCO_DBNAME in "netdisco-do psql"
die with message when snmp_auth community is (mis-)configured as a list
faster DNS lookups for SNMP Timeouts Report entries
#231 fix docs to stop old daemon and start new backend worker
#320 DNS subroutines are redefined
#318 ACLs with RegExp are very slow - aggressive resolver timeouts
#317 #265 #311 when renumbering on discover, delete likely duplicate devices
#316 neighbor map should fall back to device sysname after dns
#310 allow multiple LLDP management addresses
fix bug on device port view (speed-up) to avoid DB query on every node
2.036001 - 2017-06-22
fix ACL content accepted by check_acl_*
2.036000 - 2017-06-22
support for device identity steering via device_identity setting
devices_no and devices_only settings allow global worker restriction
named host groups which can be used in *_only/*_no settings and other ACLs
new ACL features: AND and negation
new report SNMP Connect Failures (workers track and ignore bad devices)
site_local_files setting for easy lib/template/static-file override
template_paths setting to allow very easy override of templates
renamed netdisco-daemon to netdisco-backend (and *-fg too)
topology import script runs discover for each device (M. Bauer)
avoid lock/defer of jobs deined by *_no ACL settings
add documentation note on running multiple backend pollers
add SSL development library to Release Notes
#309 missing Device Port VLAN Mismatch CSV template
fail safe on an empty *_no ACL
do not select pseudo devices for poller jobs
2.035006 - 2017-04-29
Add SSL development library to OS base requirements install doc
2.035005 - 2017-04-29
New report for Port VLAN Mismatches (M. Bernstein)
Add note to docs about reinstall after OS upgrade
Do not attempt to UTF-8 decode OUI retrieved by curl/wget
2.035004 - 2017-04-25
Fix for relocated DB schema files
2.035003 - 2017-04-24
Add IO::Socket::SSL requirement for OUI/MIB download
Fix for MIB download through an HTTP proxy
2.035002 - 2017-04-24
Fix DB schema files location with Module::Build
2.035001 - 2017-04-19
#302 Device searching now searches on module serial numbers
#298 NXOS SSHCollector and note in docs about VRFs
2.034003 - 2017-04-14
#27 add SNMP tips for Huawei, CloudEngine, Linksys (stoatwblr)
Add GAIA Embedded SSH collector (not the same as VSX, apparently)
Add another community FreeBSD install guide
Move to Github hosted IEEE OUI data and MIBs release
#296 Fix occasional empty macsuck when run in daemon
use File::Slurper instead of File::Slurp to better handle UTF8 in oui.txt
2.034002 - 2017-01-06
Add documentation note about SNMPv3 configuration on Cisco IOS
Update repository and issue tracker links for GitHub
2.034001 - 2016-11-20
Add validate_remote_user setting to check proxied users are known
Add Linux SNMP, LLDP setup docs (S. Hobson)
Add note on SLES 11 SP4 install workaround (C. Ramseyer)
Remove some odd behaviour of cached SNMP config hints (L. Ferguson)
2.034000 - 2016-10-03
FreeBSD sshcollector support (H. Teulahti)
Check Point VSX sshcollector support (M. Kosmach)
Allow port name to be changed on pseudo devices
systemd deployment guide
Document env var for https reverse proxy (B. Marshall)
[#279] Web sessions use cookies instead of files on disk (M. Johnson)
Strip realm from username (B. Marshall)
Mention netdisco-users mail list in docs (C. Goldsmith)
Avoid pathological delete mac for millions of nodes (S. Xu)
Documentation fixes (S. Elipot)
[#265] Default sort for Nodes discovered through LLDP/CDP (mzac)
Improve security of REMOTE_USER handling (B. Marshall)
portcontrol and power jobs using device instance instead of IP address
[#266] netdisco subnet utilization report div by zero (V. Puchkov)
Missing display name for device when device has no DNS
[#270] ports search vlan column not populated in CSV output
2.033006 - 2016-03-20
Toubleshooting tip for Cisco 37xx single item
Update MCE dependency
Fix regexp for HP switches
2.033005 - 2016-02-02
Login Logo image can be configured to appear alongisde the Log In form
[#255] undefined host error in netdisco-do psql
[#250] Linux SSHColletor cannot handle uppercase MACs
Return from device discover if device is unknown
Safely continue macsuck if neighbor cannot be resolved
[#261] String replace failed in reports (M. Kosmach)
Support more than one plugin in the device details tab (B. Marshall)
2.033004 - 2015-11-16
snmpretries setting not working if unset (S. Xu)
2.033003 - 2015-10-04
Filter by VLAN in Pors with Multiple Nodes report
Non-admin reports require admin login
2.033002 - 2015-09-29
Clarify question in DB schema deploy script
[#247] Fix storing VLAN membership on switch ports
2.033001 - 2015-08-27
Update OUI download link
2.033000 - 2015-08-26
[#237] Show IPv4 and/or IPv6 nodes separately in Device Ports table
Expose the created, last login and note fields for User managment
Add IRC channel to package metadata
Reduce suggested LDAP logging to level 0 (J. Sonstroem)
2.032007 - 2015-07-30
[#244] Node search results doesn't include "(on vlan X)" (R. Kerr)
Skip VLANs undef or zero (reported by Brian van Baekel)
[#243] Node search results do not include &prefer=port (R. Kerr)
2.032006 - 2015-07-18
[#234] Cisco voice vlan conflicts with same number normal vlan on DB INSERT
[#xxx] Lost Device DNS setting in previous refactor
Syntax error in DB version 8 deployment script (S. Xu)
2.032005 - 2015-05-18
Fix newlines in IP Inventory CSV output
2.032004 - 2015-05-17
Support for connecting to external databases for custom Reports/Plugins
Allow "hidden" option (from menu) in Custom Reports config
Improve documentation for netdisco-sshcollector
[#230] Config ACL using device property:regex
2.032003 - 2015-05-05
[#197] Allow renumber of device to one of its alias IPs in netdisco-do
[#216] Ability to enter IP prefix in "Discover" form in web
[#211] Additional check for undefined SNMP::Info instance
[#212] Discover SQL error on returning multiple rows
[#217] find changed to search to handle missing row in queue
[#219] unblessed reference causes ajax/userlog issue
Re-set hostname on device after renumber
2.032002 - 2015-04-03
Update development doc to mention cpanm installdeps
Update troubleshooting doc to mention four key actions
[#209] AUTO broken in tasks specification
2.032001 - 2015-03-24
macsuck_unsupported setting to allow node gathering on delinquent switches
netdisco-do -d accepts IP prefixes (subnet in CIDR format)
[#110] rules for IP Phone and Wireless AP identification now configurable
[#119] netdisco-do expirenodes (ND1 expirenodes & expire-nodes-subnet)
Show page and total records number on DataTables tables
Be more strict about Node Search matching ports/wifi within date range
Allow filtering out of Device Ports on Node (MAC) search
Display Voice VLAN on Cisco devices
[#202] Detect failed OUI and MIB downloads
[#208] Always show port log icon
Only exclude discover_no on Undiscovered Neighbors report when few (<50) results
Mention expire in netdisco-do docs
[#207] Reject from netdisco-do device or renumber
2.031012 - 2015-02-28
Linux (arp) support in netdisco-sshcollector (M. Sheinberg)
2.031011 - 2015-02-27
[#204] Regression of [#157]
2.031010 - 2015-02-25
Support enable password in ASA sshcollector (M. Sheinberg)
2.031009 - 2015-02-25
Support NETDISCO_DBNAME env var to override database name
Permit whitespace in usernames (for LDAP support)
2.031008 - 2015-02-22
Device operating system added to inventory links and search sidebar
Add documentation to netdisco-do for all/*walk and graph
2.031007 - 2015-02-18
Updates to sshcollector ASA module (B. Ellenbeck)
Document the config item for displaying all VLANs on device ports
2.031006 - 2015-02-15
Avoid displaying all VLANs on device ports when there are 1000s
Fix headings on IP Inventory CSV report (J. Binks)
2.031005 - 2015-02-06
Change netdisco-do "delete" command to use -p param for archive (preserve)
Add documentation to Troubleshooting page explaining devices/nodes
Fix netdisco-do "power" action to accept yes/no in -e param
Fix undef error when printing netdisco-do help
Minor documentation fixes
2.031004 - 2015-02-05
New Troubleshooting documentation
Renamed --reset to --redeploy-all in netdisco-db-deploy
2.031003 - 2015-02-04
"psql" option to netdisco-do to open an interactive SQL terminal
[#199] Missing schema changes when user has no permissions on DB
[#196] Documentation for snmp_auth to explain list emulation of "community"
2.031002 - 2015-02-04
[#192] Fix rejection of set_* actions in netdisco-do
Update dependency on SNMP::Info to 3.24 to pick up bug fixes
2.031000 - 2015-02-04
[#171] Log files now rotate at 10MB up to seven times
Delete device from CLI with new "delete" option to netdisco-do
[#197] Change IP address of device with "renumber" option to netdisco-do
[#179] Catch failure to get uptime from device
[#128] Added some Juniper interface examples to the Port sort test
Improve documentation for netdisco-do
Update NetAddr::MAC dependency to fix IPv6 misidentification bug
[#191] Fix error when stopping stopped web daemon
[#174] LDAP users should not be able to change password
[#182] SSID and PoE showing in wrong Device Port columns
[#181] AP Client Count report was broken
[#195] Fix CGI params parsing rows limit when "All" selected
Delete device was not using the custom handler and respecting node archive
2.030000 - 2015-01-08
[#4] Allow comment on device port in the log, for any user
[#18] Inventory by Model by OS Report
Request net-snmp-devel on Fedora/Red-Hat builds
[#101] Add BSD install notes
Update IP Inventory to show MAC address and have working Last Used sort
Fix for node search on some formats of IPv6 addr being seen as MAC
[#190] Ignore entries in the discover form that don't look like IP/hostname
Delete all job queue entries (regardless of status) when deleting device
[#15] Undiscovered Neighbor report JOIN fixed, and updated to include
the ports where Macsuck saw the MAC address of a known Device
[#193] DBI Exception for Cisco ACE MacAddr format
2.029014 - 2014-11-19
[#133] Custom reports respect sorting in SQL
[#159] Macsuck archive behaviour same as ND1 (unseen nodes remain active)
[#161] Updated IOS-XR SSHCollector
[#162] Change from Net::MAC to NetAddr::MAC
[#164] Workers should restart periodically
[#165] Mention system clock in docs
[#168] Jobs requested via web UI are treated as high priority
[#170] Show device SNMP::Info class in web interface
Add "Run Expire Job" to the Admin Menu
Discovered devices are polled for ARP and MAC immediately
[#156] Only delete node_ip and node_nbt when no active nodes reference
[#157] Device Port Log being emptied by device discover
[#160] Job Queue fatal error on num_slots
[#169] Remove ref to force install of Dancer and DBIC
[#172] Native VLAN change compatible with Cisco (trunk/access) and Others
Fix for latest DBIx::Class (deploy)
Fix for latest Dancer (YAML::XS)
2.029012 - 2014-10-09
[#152] HP devices with port names "D##" not sorted by portsort.js
2.029011 - 2014-10-07
Fix typo in the Device By Location report template
2.029010 - 2014-10-07
Administration (SSH, Telnet, Web) links for devices
[#143] Pass parameter(s) to custom reports via bind_params config
Require old DBIC version to fix deploy problem
2.029009 - 2014-09-27
Defaults now exist for all expire tasks
Added expire_jobs to remove jobs queue items after 14 days
Require new DBIC version to fix duplicate DB connection problem
2.029008 - 2014-09-23
[#144] Setting for items in number of records per table page menu (table_showrecordsmenu).
Add Dancer import to SSHCollector Platforms
Add note to docs to workaround current Dancer/YAML::XS issue
2.029007 - 2014-09-12
[#123] Allow devices with no LLDP/CDP to be found as Nodes
Accept host names to netdisco-do show
[#139] Add PaloAlto and IOS-XR support to netdisco-sshcollector
Skip device aliases which cannot be parsed as IPs
[#137] do not attempt DNS resolution on bad IPs
2.029006 - 2014-08-25
netdisco-sshcollector script to get ARP data on devices without SNMP (C. Ramseyer)
Add Nodes discovered through LLDP/CDP report (replaces IP Phones report)
Port search also searches on the Remote ID and Type
2.029005 - 2014-08-13
Custom portsort plug-in for DataTables
Filter undefined entries from user log
2.029004 - 2014-08-11
Do not autoload all modules in a namespace... picks up old/bad code.
2.029002 - 2014-08-10
New netdisco-daemon code (better CPU & RAM usage)
2.029001 - 2014-08-10
[#108] Port Bounce port control feature (down and up in succession)
Support for stuffing other locations into @INC at runtime
New netdisco-do command "show" for diagnostic reporting
Additional debug levels for netdisco-do to show DBIx::Class and net-snmp
[#107] navbar_autocomplete config item to disable main navbar autocomplete
Reports config is now a list (see ReleaseNotes)
Add "AP" as a hint for WAP support
Attempt to keep PID and logfile as netdisco user even when running as root
Show netdisco-do docs on options error
Do not leak SNMP community string into debug output (unless SHOW_COMMUNITY=1)
Process tree updated to show daemon worker status/activity
Handle management IP of one device being in use on another device
Log at debug the vlan reindexing in macsuck
Add docs note about database backups
Always set DBIC_TRACE_PROFILE=console in environment
Push a row into Device Modules for the chassis even if no module info
Missing action to netdisco-do should not throw Perl error
Sort CDP/LLDP data to be more consistent when multiple neighbors on a port
Fix POD errors in Nbtstat and ResultSet::Device (thanks cpants :)
UTF-8 encoding for Port Name (description)
Allow process grouping to work portably again (daemon config watch)
Only start scheduler when schedule config exists
Update to DataTables 1.10.2 for latest Chrome
Clean up duplicate node entries on vlan 0
NBTname search with wildcards fixed
Update Sourceforge links in metadata, add DESCRIPTION for CPAN (N. Bowers)
[#131] More correct network space utilization (M. Kosmach)
2.028013 - 2014-07-31
[#122] CDP/LLDP discovery for some HP switches (M. Kosmach)
Fix when Interactives number set to zero
[#121] Daemon crash when restarting with in-progress jobs and many workers
2.028012 - 2014-07-22
UTF8 decode the remote type string in neighbor protocol
2.028011 - 2014-07-22
Load Graph modules only if available
2.028010 - 2014-07-22
Node Monitor admin panel and netdisco-do action (beta)
Hash deref in Nbtstat.pm
2.028008 - 2014-07-22
Encode NetBIOS name, domain, user as UTF-8
2.028007 - 2014-07-21
Add 'graph' option to netdisco-do
DNS Mismatch report incorrectly trimmed domain_suffix
Fake one device aliases entry for devices not providing ip_index
DataTables render function should check for type
2.028006 - 2014-07-21
Asynchronous NBTstat
Device DNS Mismatch report: use name in the name column, and fix link
2.028005 - 2014-07-17
Custom path handling for DataTables ajax calls
[#116] Log true client IP when running through a proxy
Use /etc/hosts for all forward/reverse DNS
2.028004 - 2014-07-16
Close socket upon completion of async DNS resolution
2.028003 - 2014-07-15
GraphViz graph export (beta)
No default for interactives made daemon die (H. Weber)
2.028001 - 2014-07-13
portctl_nameonly to limit port control to name only (F. Schiavarelli)
add by_hostname config option to netdisco-rancid-export
[ND1#117] unknown devices missing from inventory
[#118] Fix table rendering on port search tab when VLAN is null
Fix truncated port description change (F. Schiavarelli)
Fix device port ordering in DataTables when Port Control is enabled
2.028000 - 2014-07-01
HTML tables now use DataTables, table plug-in for jQuery, to support
pagination, results filtering, and multi-column ordering
Web daemon will drop root status always if --port is not given
Ignore devices with "phone" in their CDP/LLDP platform description
Change log format to contain UTC timestamp
Link to VLAN search by name from VLAN Inventory report
Neighbor device links to both device and port (fragfutter)
Optimization of multiple SQL queries to improve report performance
VendorMap and Delimiter enhancements to RANCID generator (LesB)
Subnets report date range fixed, & (unnecessary?) "not" option removed
Track how many times the device uptime wrapped (F. Schiavarelli)
Fix for device counts in VLAN Inventory report
Forward port housekeeping/schedule and expiry/expire legacy config
Store started timestamp on job completion
Set UTF-8 mode on Pg database connection
Identify changes in device type after initial discover
Add netdisco-rancid-export to installed scripts
Template INCLUDE path stuffing broken for plugins [#103]
2.027007 - 2014-05-27
allow get_user_details to return truthy when it's OK to have no user
2.027006 - 2014-05-27
fix another bug in call to Daemon::Contol redirect_filehandles
2.027005_002 - 2014-05-22
Increase default snmptimeout from 1 to 3 seconds
Add documentation note about non-standard pg port
Unrouted VLAN interfaces have numbers on Cisco - ignore them
fix undefined key in Discover
2.027005_001 - 2014-05-21
Support offline update of oui.txt and MIBs bundle
Support Dancer::Debug at runtime with DANCER_DEBUG=1 env var
Merge pluggable job queue branch
Improve VLAN Inventory performance and show all VLANs (C. Stromsoe)
2.027004 - 2014-05-15
fix bug in call to Daemon::Contol redirect_filehandles (M. Planck)
2.027003 - 2014-05-14
fixed use of password instead of pass for Dancer::Plugin::DBIC
another check for macsuck_bleed (J. Leonhardt)
2.027002 - 2014-05-04
revert use password instead of pass for Dancer::Plugin::DBIC
2.027001 - 2014-05-03
get_port_macs returns all port MACs
2.027000 - 2014-04-30
Add FRU filter option to Module Inventory Report
Display Phone and Wifi icon on nodes even when not discovered as neighbors
Sort connected nodes first by VLAN
Add docs note about RC scripts
Search for localenv could not find $HOME
Fixes to allow output of get_init_file to be used as init script
Legitimate for same MAC to be in two VLANs on same switchport
Fix for broken [#82] (/etc/hosts check during ARP IP resolv)
Discover nodes on ports which have broken near-edge topology
Use password instead of pass for Dancer::Plugin::DBIC
2.025001 - 2014-04-08
Web and Backend daemons will restart when deployment.yml is updated
Web and Backend daemons will drop privilege to same uid/gid as their
on-disk files (to allow run-control symlink as non-root)
Use daterange for IP Subnets (same as IP Inventory)
Run daemons as target binary's owning user (supports run control)
Clean up library path fiddling across all scripts
Rename housekeeping expiry task to be expire
Refactor nbtstat to group probes by device where node was arped
Add note about pgtune to install docs
Suggest installation of perl-core RPM (arguably Red Hat's bug not ours!)
FATAL warnings considered harmful
Only show STP blocked icon if port is UP
Store device model and serial via UTF8 conversion
Only set housekeeping default if user has enabled
2.024004 - 2014-03-04
Fix Login and Logout that were broken with SSL
2.024003_001 - 2014-03-03
Wildcard support on Device Port MAC Search
Wildcard support on Node name/MAC Search
User Reports appear in "My Reports" menu if no category is given
(beta) Support for data munging in User Reports
Permit clipboard copy of device IP from Job Queue rows
Failed Job Device IPs link to Discover form with pre-filled Discover IP
Unknown device page has pre-filled Discover IP
Set form focus to Username field on login form
Database host is commented out in example config
2.024003 - 2014-02-27
Cope with no defined User Reports
2.024002 - 2014-02-27
User Reports via config, without requiring HTML or Perl
Add netdisco-rancid-export script
Option to display Port SSID in Device Ports view
2.024001 - 2014-02-25
Fix NetBIOS report with search on blank domain
Fix database MAC lookup when MAC not returned by nbtstat
Fix partial name match on Node search
2.024000 - 2014-02-22
[#75] Device module inventory report / search
[#70] SSID Search (port)
[#72] Search on Vendor / OUI
Password Change form for all users
Kwalitee fixes
Change default number of pollers to 10
Default netmap depth set to 8
Add a "waiting" message to the netmap whilst the data loads
Add a spinner to all waiting messages
Try to make the Job Queue page a little faster
Require the Net::LDAP module for all installs
Move system information to the Netdisco "home" page
Show all subnets (scrollable), and sort, in sidebar Prefix search
Fix for crash when selecting Last Change column in device ports view
Fix IP Inventory Report to work without daterange
Fix "list IPs never seen" to work without daterange in IP Inventory Report
Correct "Archive" status of nodes in IP Inventory Report
Do not trigger userlog popups for all/walk jobs
No longer show warning notification when userlog retrieve fails
2.023002 - 2014-02-17
Deploy new admin user did not use resultset
2.023001 - 2014-02-14
Display clean version of creation stamp on port log
Make sure only to check for admins in deploy script
Allow Port Control users to see Port Config Log report
[89] Password fields in User Management panel should be masked
2.023000 - 2014-02-10
[#86] Use Vendor abbrevs to enhance node display in device port view
[#74] Device Name / DNS mismatches report
[#71] Node search by date (but not time)
[#73] NetBIOS Poller (nbtstat and nbtwalk), Node search by NetBIOS name,
NetBIOS Node Report, and provide information when available in Node
and Port views
[#56] Support API call to /login
[#69] Add search by layers to device search
[#77] Log user access
Try to help users more easily get a default login
Support upgrade from Netdisco version 0.x
[#54] jobqueue_refresh config for number of seconds betwen queue refresh
[#84] No longer use dns as a key into devices; cope with dupe dns (LT)
Correct date formatting and logic in IP Inventory report
Fix redirect when accessing a deep link when unauthenticated
[#46] Sorting on Inventory page same as ND1
Quieten AnyEvent::DNS::EtcHosts check on PERL_ANYEVENT_HOSTS env var
2.022000 - 2014-01-26
Support for Link Aggregation (port-channel, etherchannel, "trunking", etc)
[#68] Devices orphaned by missing topology info report
[#82] Check /etc/hosts before DNS when doing arp entry name lookup
[#59] Arpnip tries to resolve link local IPv6 addresses
[#85] device property in _no/_only fails with error (R. Kerr)
Also prefer port filter when linking to connected devices
Fix SQL logic in PortMAC.pm (imperfectus)
Fix snmpv3 autovivication bug setting priv strings (LT)
[#81] Identify wireless nodes and provide information when available
[#13] Support IP address ranges in *_only/*_no configuration
[#14] Support partial DNS names in *_only/*_no (via regexp)
[#32] Show device layers in Details tab
[#66] Remove reference to "native" VLAN in code and replace with "untagged"
[#66] DB Schema update to add "native" column to PK of device_port_vlan table
[#64] Addition of Wireshark abbreviations for OUI manufacturers
[#79] Support perlbrew environment as alternative to localenv
[#52] Check is neighbour remote_id is a MAC (R. Kerr)
Correct is_discoverable check in Undiscovered Neighbors report
Correct macsuck for Q-BRIDGE-MIB based devices
Allow cached SNMP community hint to override SNMP version cycle
[#76] Don't include wireless in ports with multiple nodes attached report
2.021000 - 2014-01-08
Add IP Phones discovered through LLDP/CDP report
Add device/node/vlan/port specific search from Navbar
Add Undiscovered Neighbors admin report
[#3] [#47] Device Neighbor Map can have max depth and VLAN filter
[#31] get_community now supported
[#19] Ask for Reason when changing Port up/down Status, or VLAN
[#30] Support for expire_devices, expire_nodes, and expire_nodes_archive
Port Log viewable via an icon by device port name (Port Control rights req'd)
[#1] Subnet Utilization report (J. van Ingen)
Support for snmpforce_v1, snmpforce_v2, snmpforce_v3
Require SNMP::Info 3.10+, use new c_cap method to tag device remote_type
as 'IP Phone:' or 'AP:' when those capabilities are advertised by LLDP
or CDP
Port MAC query now only returns distinct MAC's
Keep a hint to SNMP community if new style snmp_auth config is in use
[#43] Add doc note about PostgreSQL MD5 authN
[#49] Allow device port searching with preference for port/name/vlan.
This is to support some devices (HP?) which have plain numbers for port names
and Netdisco defaults to assuming this is a VLAN number (R. Kerr)
Upgrade floatThead JS plugin to improve performance for large tables
Don't queue devices which are excluded by configuration or don't have the
layers to support the operation
[#61] Arpnip debug text says it is resolving aliases instead of ARP
entries (Robert Kerr)
[#60] Incorrect format string in store_vlans (Robert Kerr)
Fix form reset icon on ports tab when using custom path (Daniel Tuecks)
Don't store failed SNMP community in the database
[#51] Support DBD::Pg default for "host" field as local socket (R. Kerr)
[#58] Search by VLAN name now works (R. Kerr)
Make "Not" option work for vlan number search in Device Ports
[#48] Fix for netmap links when domain_suffix is set (R. Kerr)
[#57] Port sort order for Extreme switches "1:10" format
[#65] Ignore smmp_ver in DB when reconnecting to a device.
2.020002 - 2013-12-11
Support for Device Details plugins (see X::RANCID)
Add Slow Devices (for polling) report
Improvements in arpnip/arpwalk and macsuck/macwalk performance
Respect macsuck_bleed on broken topology detection
Correct logic to prevent duplicate queuing of jobs during discover due
to previous change in admin table
2.020001 - 2013-12-08
Plugin CSS and JS included file fix
2.020000 - 2013-12-08
Add Device PoE status report
Add Nodes with multiple IP addresses report
Add Device addresses with DNS entries report
Add Ports with multiple nodes attached report
Add Ports administratively disabled report
Add Ports that are blocking report
Add Access Point client count report
Move Obserivum plugin outside of this dist, into App::NetdiscoX::
Can now set untagged VLAN on trunking and non-trunking ports
Add user activity log to frontend admin menu
Add Poller Performance admin report
Add Slow Devices admin report
Add PoE module status in Device details
Set of Port Name (description) fixed to assume OK dialog response
Default class of a PoE port is 0 if not otherwise defined
Don't try to convert negative mW to dBm in AP power report
LDAP login fix (Daniel Tuecks)
Custom path handling corrections (Daniel Tuecks)
2.019003 - 2013-10-27
Use cursor to greatly speed up macsuck/arpnip startup code (jeneric)
Fix redirect in Dancer to not forcibly apply scheme+host
2.019002 - 2013-10-24
Fix HTTP redirects when running under HTTP/S
2.019001 - 2013-10-22
Fix syntax error in Util/SNMP.pm
2.019000 - 2013-10-22
Ports with active nodes are set to be "up" immediately (closes #9)
Avoid returning to the DB for every MAC on a neighbor port
Update Print media CSS to handle new UI components
Deadlock in Discover over access to the device_ports table
Set canonical IP failed on synthesized cols (and was wrong anyway) (closes #35)
Remove dupe restriction on job queue, try for smarter *all queuing (closes #41)
Remove scary message from Auth::Extensible (closes #38)
Return first port neighbor match, if multiple devices claim the IP (closes #42)
Should handle empty ports preferences (closes #39)
Decode more entPhysicalEntry columns as UTF-8 (closes #37)
Lock device_port table when updating Device Ports (closes #40)
Fix missing node age column in device ports CSV (closes #33)
2.018000 - 2013-10-08
Add VLAN Inventory Report
Add Wireless SSID Inventory Report
Add Device Inventory by Location Report
Node DNS names resolved in their own job - see nodenames_no and nodenames_only
Respect ignore_interfaces and i_ignore when detecting wrapped device uptime
Try NodeIp OUI company name search if no node results found
Format About page numbers
Update NodeWireless entries which match both MAC and SSID found, only
Fix SSL-proxy behaviour by using only path+query in links (W. Gould)
Avoid macsuck generated SQL bug when cleaning NULL VLAN (W. Gould)
During macsuck get VLAN from Q-BRIDGE if available (jeneric)
OK to include device ports when doing arpnip (jeneric)
Correct bulkwalk_off logic
Silence warnings when ports don't support i_lastchange
Correct *_only and *_no setting logic
Correct the instructions for runing dev instance of web and daemon
2.017000 - 2013-09-23
CSV download support for plugins
CSV download option for many reports and search/device results tabs
Icon in device port sidebar to reset to display defaults
Add "not" option in device port sidebar to invert Port/Name/VLAN filter
Try to make clear the intent of the navbar search and sidebar search
Device port sidebar legen display improvements
Minor CSS tweaks
Better logic for wildcarding on partial device port name match
Show manual topology links in device port table (yellow icon)
Change order or user tasks menu to have logout at the bottom
Show SNMP::Info version in the about page (if installed)
Navbar background image :-)
Documentation of the following features:
Main App::Netdsisco page:
How to migrate from Netdisco 1.x
Suggest enable "housekeeping" setting in config after install
How to git clone and run web server in dev mode
Plugins can return CSV data
Dancer route handler Role Based Access Control
~/site_plugins INC dir supported for locally developed Plugins
App::NetdiscoX::Web::Plugin:: namespace for non-core Plugins
How to load Javascript and CSS files in <head> from a Plugin
Advice on supporting config settings (deployment.yml) in Plugins
Device Port column Plugins
Observium plugin (an example of a device port column plugin)
Depend on newer Starman to avoid nasty EPIPE bug
Page title update fixes
Make sure navbar search field is always filled when internally linking
Fix APs channel list collapse when more than 10 APs
Make navbar search strikethrough work in more corner cases
Treat ifStatus "dormant" interfaces as "up"
Remove collision in "vendor" query string param name
Clear port remote_* details when manual topology is deleted
Misnamed no_port_control option is renamed to check_userlog
2.016003 - 2013-09-12
Fix for Node Age being very broken.
Port status icon logic was incorrect for some up/down states.
2.016002 - 2013-09-11
Fix device and device_port delete not to kill nodes during Discovery
2.016001 - 2013-09-11
Fix for broken free port status
2.016000 - 2013-09-10
Wireless AP Reports (jeneric)
About page (jeneric)
Allow port list filtering by port state (up/down/etc)
Explicit partial match setting for port filter
Store port control and device delete log messages
z-index fix for modals
Better toastr message on device delete
Delete manual topology on device delete
Fix Node age stamp option in ports
Prevent cascade operations on virtual tables in DBIC
2.015000 - 2013-09-06
Device Modules tab (jeneric)
Half Duplex Ports Report
Remember device ports columns and display options in a Cookie
Delete device button for admins
Change icon for shutdown ports
Modal confirm dialog boxes for dangerous admin actions
Check device is in storage before comparing last_* times with *_min_age
Handle UTF-8 data in device module hw_ver, sw_ver, fw_ver, model
2.014000 - 2013-08-26
Support store_modules config (default true)
Support for discover_min_age, macsuck_min_age, arpnip_min_age
Support for macsuck_no, macsuck_only, arpnip_no, arpnip_only
Support for macsuck_no_vlan and macsuck_no_devicevlan
Support for nonincreasing, bulkwalk_* settings and also property:match values
Display port descriptions in topology editing form
Wireless node counters should be bigint
2.013001 - 2013-08-23
Typo in authN module which prevented local auth
2.013000 - 2013-08-23
LDAP authentication support - see Configuration POD for details
Display "Auto" when there is no discovered duplex setting
Add suggest_guest option to display login banner offering Guest acct
2.012006 - 2013-08-23
Duplicate port names are handled without error
2.012005 - 2013-08-16
Improved handling of automatic macsuck/arpnip after initial discover
Fix no_auth to work with new Auth::Extensible plugin
Remove done job from local queue regardless of exit status
Set last arpnip timestamp
2.012002 - 2013-08-07
Tidy up Device IP after deleting a pseudo device
2.012001 - 2013-08-06
Add missing dependency on Dancer::Plugin::Auth::Extensible
2.012000 - 2013-08-06
Use icons for port status and archive presentation
Always offer to discover device on site homepage
Device re-discover/arpnip/macsuck is async with toastr notify
Implement extensible authN and role based access control
RW snmp community strings now in the "community" table
Floating table headers not compatible with in-header drop-down menus
Fix blur events on editable cells
Pseudo device ports being counted properly since Port Utilization report
Manual topology is preserved when re-discovering neighbors
2.011000 - 2013-07-29
Port Utilization report
User Management (for admins only)
Add docs note about SSL support
Button to empty the job queue, and improve display when the queue is empty
Table headers float on the page when scrolling
REMOTE_USER is an env var, not an HTTP Header
Swap play/pause icons in jobqueue
Find the RW snmp community string correctly now
2.010004 - 2013-07-24
Navbar query box was being cleared sometimes under admin task panels
2.010002 - 2013-07-23
Nullify unused schema changes
Fix FF bug with forms embedded in tables
Fix bugs in topo update code
2.010001_003 - 2013-06-20
Pass event param to all js functions which require it
Handle UTF-8 data in the device port remote_id
2.010000 - 2013-06-16
Support for delegated authentication with REMOTE_USER and X-REMOTE_USER
Ask to set up guest user for Admin/Port Control rights in deploy script
Job Queue page play/pause/refresh controls
Database config simplified to only four essential settings
Use DBIx::Class new collapsed query support when we can
Add discoverall, macwalk, arpwalk items to the Admin Tasks menu
Increase default frequency of job queue polling to 2 seconds
Add tooltip showing the job queue item logged status message
Macwalk and Arpwalk job defer fixed
Sort VLANs, MACs, IPs properly in Device Port view
Fix hyperlinks when running behind reverse proxy on custom path
Fix Plack middleware config for Expiry
2.008002 - 2013-06-11
Initial (bootstrap) discover now queues an arpwalk and macwalk as well
Fix logging when daemonized
Remove bad constraint on device_ip table
Limit queueing of discovery to things which can be discovered
2.008001 - 2013-06-11
More fixes for localenv discovery in scripts
2.008000 - 2013-06-09
localenv discovery in scripts is now more reliable
2.007000_002 - 2013-06-03
Finally we have a discover/refresh/arpnip/macsuck daemon jobs :)
Also... a Scheduler which removes need for crontab installation
The netdisco-do script can queue any one-off job
Select MAC Address display format on Node and Device Port search
Helper script to import the Netdisco 1.x Topology file to the database
Support for pseudo devices (useful for dummy device links)
Manual Topology editing via the web
Job Queue view and delete page
Empty device table prompts initial discover on homepage
Support for App::NetdiscoX::Web::Plugin namespace
Plugins can add columns to Device Ports display
Observium Sparklines port column plugin
Plugins can have CSS and Javascript loaded within <head>
SNMP connection now uses cached info if available
Better handling of MIBs home location in deploy script
Port filter in device port display is now highlighted green
Navbar search is fuzzier
Phone node icon is a little phone handset
User icon color indicates port_control/admin ability
Buttons for discover/macsuck/arpnip on device details page
Support 'path' config option as alternative to --path /mountpoint
Local plugins can be placed in ${NETDISCO_HOME}/site_plugins/...
Missing mibdirs causes all MIBs to be loaded (with a warning)
Include qtip2 libraries
Rename plugins developer doc to .pod
Update to latest Bootstrap and JQuery, and temp. fix #7326 in Bootstrap
Partial Name in Port search now working
Add unique constraints to topology table
Handle whitespace ahead of OUI data
Wasn't using Bootstrap table class properly
2.007000_001 - 2013-03-17
Reports are implemented (as plugins) - new Duplex Mismatch plugin
Plugins can now 'register_template_path' and supply their own HTML templates
Upgraded to Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.1 - customized for 13px font 18px line
Convert useless die to error+return in Plugin.pm
Documentation fixups
2.006000 - 2013-03-07
Documentation fixups
2.005000_004 - 2013-03-05
Documentation fixups
2.005000_003 - 2013-03-05
Partial Match option when searching on device port name
web,daemon,deploy scripts will try to find "localenv" automatically
Scripts can be run from a git clone
New NETDISCO_HOME env var to override Netdisco's HOME
random() and LIMIT the number of daemon jobs requested from Netdisco queue
Remove Daemon's job queue DBIC schema from user config
Add log messages to the Daemon
Use Path::Class for path and file name construction consistently
All links and redirects are now relative
More documentation on developing and deployment
Avoid use of DNS when looking up devices in DB by IP
Search by device port MAC no longer fatal
URI and HTML escape template variables
Prevent duplicate requets caused by favicon.ico link
DB Schema upgrades are now all single-step in case user has applied any already
2.005000_002 - 2013-02-10
When linking to devices, use the DNS name in preference to the IP
(makes for more attractive navigation search bar, but need to watch for aliases)
In general, device names do not have domain_suffix trimmed, but nodes do
Search on device interface alias now works for typeahead and device redirect
Updated the print CSS
Minor fixes to POD
2.005000_001 - 2013-02-09
Support for Web Plugins (see App::Netdisco::Web::Plugin)
Do not include inventory items which don't have full OS details
Hide Legend item relating to port control if not an admin
No-Wrap on port name column
Change port ordering for Arista and Foundry platforms
2.004002 - 2013-01-30
Typo in one of the schema migration files
2.004001 - 2013-01-29
Device Port filter by vlan includes both tagging and untagged (closes #37)
Change colour and name of Port Control toggle option in Device Port View
Incorporate latest DB schema changes from upstream
Add some doc clarifcations
No longer prompt for demo/demo credentials (closes #38) (J. Binks)
Display IP in Vlan search if device has no DNS (closes #36) (J. Binks)
2.004000 - 2013-01-14
Very naughty typo in netmap code, which I forgot to merge a fix for.
Typo in installation docs (S. Gupta)
2.002000 - 2013-01-06
Syntax error in netdisco-daemon-fg
Missing installation of netdisco-web-fg
2.001000_001 - 2013-01-06
Added daemonized version of the web-app server also using Daemon::Control
Daemons now log to ~/logs/netdisco-{web,daemon}.log
Finally wrote the DEVELOPING.pod documentation
Removed the MCE workarounds as upstream merged fixes
Fix sloppy schema calls which broke netmap
2.01_001 - 2013-01-05
Rewrite of the daemon to use Daemon::Control and MCE (cleaner netdisco
code and fewer deps)
Version bump so that we'll be releasing odd numbered beta dists
2.00_012 - 2012-12-21
Move Changes file to be in CPAN Dist
Update install docs to use URL for package until we are CPAN-indexed
2.00_011 - 2012-12-20
store daemon db in the netdisco home area
confirm db schema deployed
fix mistake in docs for schema file name
bug with using last inside try{}
bug with txn_do in Manager worker
2.00_010 - 2012-12-20
new netdisco-deploy script to do all deployment tasks at once
update README with full deployment instructions
add SNMP settings for daemon to environment
upgrade db incrementally
rename schema files to be App-*
fix for older Perl which warns about a bug in File::Slurp
fix bug with empty DANCER_APPDIR
fix version strings for platform warning
add missing JSON dependency
fix sharedir to use dist dir not module dir
remove redundant lines in Makefile.PL
2.00_009 - 2012-12-17
Relocate into App::Netdisco namespace
Make a proper CPAN-ready dist using Module::Install
Update OUI data when the DB schema is deployed/upgraded
2.00_008 - 2012-12-16
Refactor to make less webby and more suitable to be a complete Netdisco app
Network Map now shows all device neighbors and allows click-through nav
Add new netdisco-daemon to handle port_control actions
Add PoE control to port_control (+ up/down,vlan,name,location,contact)
eradicate checks for dns column in node_ip table - now assumed to be there
remove .pl from script names
no longer deploy FK constraints with DB schema as they upset legacy netdisco.pm
port cotrol user log check now looks for all actions
node search switchport link shows connected nodes again
show device IP in search results when DNS is not available
0.7 - 2012-11-25
Add Port Control (admin table) features to web
Implement DBIx::Class::Schema::Versioned support - DB schema is now versioned
Navbar query for device with single hit redirects to Device details page
Show device name on device details views (closes #30)
Migrated to Font Awesome for a wider range of icon fonts
Simple network map showing *some* links between devices
Individual column selections for connected nodes and devices
Move DBIC virtual tables into Virtual:: namespace (closes #19)
Maintain node search options when changing navbar query (closes #27)
Device port connected devices now off, Display Cols shown by default
Remove various dummy <a> tags that were encouraged by Bootstrap
Node search link enables connected devices column (closes #31)
Better layout of sidebar pinning
Fix netgear port ordering (closes #26)
Fix Foundry 10GE port ordering
0.6 2012-08-28
Icon to copy Navbar search text to Device Search Options field (closes #11)
Typeahead on the main navbar search (for devices only)
Support for have_nodeip_dns_col setting (closes #14)
Set focus to navbar search on initial login or when changing to home (closes #24)
Port filter supports basic */?/%/_ wildcards (closes #25)
Native copy of the Netdisco sort_port routine (#17)
Refactor begin hooks (closes #16)
Re-engineer link generation to ensure sane defaults and remembered options.
This came as a side-effect of removing JS-only links (closes #21)
Replace jquery-collapser with Bootstrap's collapser
Upgraded to Twitter Bootstrap 2.1.0 - customized for 13px font 18px line
Factor out inventory queries to the Device ResultSet (closes #20)
Clicking on a port to restrict search now uses AJAX instead of page get
Fix sidebar hiding not making main content reflow to full window width (#15)
0.5 2012-03-09
Inventory page
Migrate to Twtitter Bootstrap v2.x (thanks Eric Miller!)
Device Ports table port name is clickable to limit to that port only
Tidy up display of Device Port Neighbors
Refactor all SQL/DBIC to be smarter and more efficient
Fix Net::MAC explosion (#8)
Fix partial IP Addr explosion (#7)
Set distinct on device search (#12)
Fix strikethrough on tab change (#9)
0.4 2012-02-19
Sidebar can be pinned in place to keep it visible when scrolling.
0.3 2011-02-03
Browser History is updated with each tab change (HTML5 State). Also
the browser url is updated, meaning the Bookmark icon is no longer
Sidebar is now on the right hand side of the window, and is only
displayed when there are options for the current tab.
Refactor Javascript to place most in a static file, speed templating.
Refactor Stylsheets to better organise and comment the settings.
When Device Search sidebar is in use, strikethrough the navbar search.
0.2 2011-01-22
"Show All Ports" in Device Ports view:
A little sweeping brush icon appears when the ports view is filtered.
Clicking the icon will clear the filter and resubmit the form.
Sidebar can be hidden and unhidden to assist viewing of wide tables.
Added Print Stylesheet (hides navbar and sidebar).
Added this Changes file.
Reorganised TT template file names and locations.
Connected device Age is now rounded to the minute.
Join type to OUI table is now "LEFT" to allow empty OUI table.
Device Ports Legend show/hide arrow was pointing the wrong way.
Increase TT WHILE_MAX to allow very long lists of ports.
0.1 2011-01-18
Initial release on an unsuspecting world.