The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use utf8;
use strict;
{ data_type => "inet", is_nullable => 0 },
{ data_type => "integer", is_nullable => 0 },
{ data_type => "text", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "text", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "integer", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "text", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "text", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "integer", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "text", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "text", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "text", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "text", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "text", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "boolean", is_nullable => 1 },
data_type => "timestamp",
default_value => \"current_timestamp",
is_nullable => 1,
original => { default_value => \"now()" },
{ data_type => "timestamp", is_nullable => 1 },
__PACKAGE__->set_primary_key("ip", "index");
=head2 device
Returns the entry from the C<device> table on which this VLAN entry was discovered.
__PACKAGE__->belongs_to( device => 'App::Netdisco::DB::Result::Device', 'ip' );