The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use Dancer ':syntax';
use App::Netdisco::Util::Web 'sql_match';
{ category => 'Node',
tag => 'nodesdiscovered',
label => 'Nodes discovered through LLDP/CDP',
provides_csv => 1,
api_endpoint => 1,
api_parameters => [
remote_id => {
description => 'Host Name reported',
remote_type => {
description => 'Platform reported',
aps => {
description => 'Include Wireless APs in the report',
type => 'boolean',
default => 'false',
phones => {
description => 'Include IP Phones in the report',
type => 'boolean',
default => 'false',
matchall => {
description => 'Match all parameters (true) or any (false)',
type => 'boolean',
default => 'false',
get '/ajax/content/report/nodesdiscovered' => require_login sub {
my $op = param('matchall') ? '-and' : '-or';
my @results = schema('netdisco')->resultset('Virtual::NodesDiscovered')
$op => [
(param('aps') ?
('me.remote_type' => { -ilike => 'AP:%' }) : ()),
(param('phones') ?
('me.remote_type' => { -ilike => '%ip_phone%' }) : ()),
(param('remote_id') ?
('me.remote_id' => { -ilike => scalar sql_match(param('remote_id')) }) : ()),
(param('remote_type') ? ('-or' => [
map {( 'me.remote_type' => { -ilike => scalar sql_match($_) } )}
grep { $_ }
(ref param('remote_type') ? @{param('remote_type')} : param('remote_type'))
]) : ()),
return unless scalar @results;
if ( request->is_ajax ) {
my $json = to_json( \@results );
template 'ajax/report/', { results => $json }, { layout => 'noop' };
else {
header( 'Content-Type' => 'text/comma-separated-values' );
template 'ajax/report/',
{ results => \@results }, { layout => 'noop' };