Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
our $home;
use FindBin;
$home = ($ENV{NETDISCO_HOME} || $ENV{HOME});
# try to find a localenv if one isn't already in place.
if (!exists $ENV{PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT}) {
my $localenv = File::Spec->catfile($FindBin::RealBin, 'localenv');
exec($localenv, $0, @ARGV) if -f $localenv;
$localenv = File::Spec->catfile($home, 'perl5', 'bin', 'localenv');
exec($localenv, $0, @ARGV) if -f $localenv;
die "Sorry, can't find libs required for App::Netdisco.\n"
if !exists $ENV{PERLBREW_PERL};
# stuff useful locations into @INC and $PATH
unshift @INC,
dir($FindBin::RealBin, 'lib')->stringify;
# for netdisco app config
use Dancer qw/:moose :script/;
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use NetAddr::IP qw/:rfc3021 :lower/;
use App::Netdisco::JobQueue 'jq_insert';
use App::Netdisco::Util::Device 'get_device';
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
my ($port, $extra, $debug, $quiet, $queue_only, $rollback);
my ($devices, $infotrace, $snmptrace, $sqltrace) = ([], 0, 0, 0);
my $result = GetOptions(
'device|d=s@' => \$devices,
'port|p=s' => \$port,
'extra|e=s' => \$extra,
'debug|D' => \$debug,
'enqueue' => \$queue_only,
'quiet' => \$quiet,
'rollback|R' => \$rollback,
'infotrace|I+' => \$infotrace,
'snmptrace|S+' => \$snmptrace,
'sqltrace|Q+' => \$sqltrace,
) or pod2usage(
-msg => 'error: bad options',
-verbose => 0,
-exitval => 1,
my $CONFIG = config();
$CONFIG->{logger} = 'console';
$CONFIG->{log} = ($debug ? 'debug' : ($quiet ? 'error' : 'info'));
$ENV{INFO_TRACE} ||= $infotrace;
$ENV{SNMP_TRACE} ||= $snmptrace;
$ENV{DBIC_TRACE} ||= $sqltrace;
$ENV{ND2_DB_ROLLBACK} ||= $rollback;
# reconfigure logging to force console output
Dancer::Logger->init('console', $CONFIG);
info "App::Netdisco version $App::Netdisco::VERSION loaded.";
# get requested action
(my $action = shift @ARGV) =~ s/^set_//
if scalar @ARGV;
unless ($action) {
-msg => 'error: missing action!',
-verbose => 2,
-exitval => 2,
# create worker (placeholder object for the action runner)
package MyWorker;
use Moo;
my @hostlist = ();
foreach my $device (@$devices) {
my $net = NetAddr::IP->new($device);
if ($device and (!$net or $net->num == 0 or $net->addr eq '')) {
info sprintf '%s: error - Bad host, IP or prefix: %s', $action, $device;
exit 1;
push(@hostlist,$net->hostenum) if defined $device;
my @job_specs = ();
my $exitstatus = 0;
if (scalar @hostlist > 512) {
info sprintf '%s: aborted - unwise to attempt %s jobs at once', $action, (scalar @hostlist);
exit 1;
# some actions do not take a device parameter
@hostlist = (undef) if 0 == scalar @hostlist;
foreach my $host (@hostlist) {
my $dev = $host ? get_device($host->addr) : undef;
if ($dev and not (blessed $dev and $dev->in_storage) and $action !~ m/^discover/) {
info sprintf "%s: error - Don't know device: %s", $action, $host->addr;
# what job are we asked to do?
push @job_specs, {
action => $action,
device => $dev,
port => $port,
subaction => ($extra || (($action eq 'discover') ? 'with-nodes' : undef)),
username => ($ENV{USER} || 'netdisco-do'),
if ($queue_only) {
jq_insert( \@job_specs );
info sprintf '%s: queued %s jobs at %s',
$action, (scalar @job_specs), scalar localtime;
else {
foreach my $spec (@job_specs) {
my $worker = MyWorker->new();
my $job = App::Netdisco::Backend::Job->new({ job => 0, %$spec });
$CONFIG->{$1."_min_age"} = 0 if $job->action =~ m/^(arpnip|macsuck|discover)$/;
my $actiontext = (
($job->device ? ('['.$job->device->ip.']') : '') .
($job->action eq 'show' ? ('/'. ($job->subaction || 'interfaces')) : '')
# do job
try {
info sprintf '%s: %s started at %s',
$action, $actiontext, scalar localtime;
catch {
$job->log("error running job: $_");
if ($job->log eq 'failed to report from any worker!' and not $job->only_namespace) {
-msg => (sprintf 'error: %s is not a valid action', $action),
-verbose => 2,
-exitval => 3,
info sprintf '%s: finished at %s', $action, scalar localtime;
info sprintf '%s: status %s: %s', $action, $job->status, $job->log;
$exitstatus = 1 if !$exitstatus and $job->status ne 'done';
exit $exitstatus;
=head1 NAME
netdisco-do - Run any Netdisco job from the command-line.
~/bin/netdisco-do <action> [-DISQR] [--enqueue] [--quiet] [-d <device> [-p <port>] [-e <extra>]]
This program allows you to run any Netdisco poller job from the command-line.
=head1 ACTIONS
Note that some jobs (C<discoverall>, C<macwalk>, C<arpwalk>, C<nbtwalk>)
simply add entries to the Netdisco job queue for other jobs, so won't seem
to do much when you trigger them. Everything else happens in real-time.
However the "C<--enqueue>" option will force the queueing of the job,
regardless of type. This may be useful for cron-driven actions, or for actions
working across large IP spaces.
For any action, if you wish to run one of its individual worker stages, then
pass C<action::stage> as the first argument to C<netdisco-do>, for example
Any action taking a C<device> parameter can be passed either a hostname or IP
address of any interface of a known or unknown device, or an IP prefix
(subnet) which will cause C<netdisco-do> to run the action on all addresses in
that range.
The C<device> parameter may be passed multiple times. In this case, all
addresses (after expanding IP Prefixes) will be handled one by one.
=head2 discover
Run a discover on the device (specified with C<-d>).
~/bin/netdisco-do discover -d
Run a discover on two different devices (specified with C<-d>).
~/bin/netdisco-do discover -d -d
=head2 discoverall
Queue a discover for all known devices.
=head2 macsuck
Run a macsuck on the device (specified with C<-d>).
~/bin/netdisco-do macsuck -d
=head2 macwalk
Queue a macsuck for all known devices.
=head2 arpnip
Run an arpnip on the device (specified with C<-d>).
~/bin/netdisco-do arpnip -d
=head2 arpwalk
Queue an arpnip for all known devices.
=head2 delete
Delete a device (specified with C<-d>). Pass a log message for the action in
the C<-e> parameter. Optionally request for associated nodes to be archived
(rather than deleted) by setting the C<-p> parameter to "C<yes>" (mnemonic:
~/bin/netdisco-do delete -d
~/bin/netdisco-do delete -d -e 'older than the sun'
~/bin/netdisco-do delete -d -e 'older than the sun' -p yes
=head2 renumber
Change the canonical IP address of a device (specified with C<-d>). Pass the
new IP address in the C<-e> parameter. All related records such as topology,
log and node information will also be updated to refer to the new device.
Note that I<no> check is made as to whether the new IP is reachable for future
~/bin/netdisco-do renumber -d -e
=head2 nbtstat
Run an nbtstat on the node (specified with C<-d>).
~/bin/netdisco-do nbtstat -d
=head2 nbtwalk
Queue an nbtstat for all known nodes.
=head2 expire
Run Device and Node expiry actions according to configuration.
=head2 expirenodes
Archive nodes on the specified device. If you want to delete nodes, set the
C<-e> parameter to "C<no>" (mnemonic: B<e>xpire). If you want to perform the
action on a specific port, set the C<-p> parameter.
~/bin/netdisco-do expirenodes -d
~/bin/netdisco-do expirenodes -d -p FastEthernet0/1 -e no
=head2 graph
Generate GraphViz graphs for the largest cluster of devices.
You'll need to install the L<Graph::Undirected> and L<GraphViz> Perl modules,
and possibly also the C<graphviz> utility for your operating system. Also
create a directory for the output files.
mkdir ~/graph
~/bin/localenv cpanm Graph::Undirected
~/bin/localenv cpanm GraphViz
=head2 show
Dump the content of an SNMP MIB leaf, which is useful for diagnostics and
troubleshooting. You should provide the "C<-e>" option which is the name of
the leaf (such as C<interfaces> or C<uptime>).
If you wish to test with a device class other than that discovered, prefix the
leaf with the class short name, for example "C<Layer3::C3550::interfaces>" or
"C<Layer2::HP::uptime>". Using "C<::>" as the start of the prefix will test
against the base "C<SNMP::Info>" class.
As well, SNMP OID names can be used as an argument for "C<-e>", so you can
use C<ifName> for example, which will use the netdisco-mibs files for
All "C<-e>" parameters are case sensitive.
~/bin/netdisco-do show -d -e interfaces
~/bin/netdisco-do show -d -e Layer2::HP::interfaces
~/bin/netdisco-do show -d -e ::interfaces
~/bin/netdisco-do show -d -e ifName
A parameter may be passed to the C<SNMP::Info> method or SNMP object in the
"C<-p>" parameter:
~/bin/netdisco-do show -d -e has_layer -p 3
~/bin/netdisco-do show -d -e ifName -p 2
The "C<-e>" parameter C<specify> will show the used configuration for the
specified device.
~/bin/netdisco-do show -d -e specify
=head2 psql
Start an interactive terminal with the Netdisco PostgreSQL database. If you
pass an SQL statement in the C<-e> option then it will be executed.
~/bin/netdisco-do psql
~/bin/netdisco-do psql -e 'SELECT ip, dns FROM device'
~/bin/netdisco-do psql -e 'COPY (SELECT ip, dns FROM device) TO STDOUT WITH CSV HEADER'
=head2 stats
Updates Netdisco's statistics on number of devices, nodes, etc, for today.
=head2 location
Set the SNMP location field on the device (specified with C<-d>). Pass the
location string in the C<-e> extra parameter.
~/bin/netdisco-do location -d -e 'wiring closet'
=head2 contact
Set the SNMP contact field on the device (specified with C<-d>). Pass the
contact name in the C<-e> extra parameter.
~/bin/netdisco-do contact -d -e 'tel: 555-2453'
=head2 portname
Set the description on a device port. Requires the C<-d> parameter (device),
C<-p> parameter (port), and C<-e> parameter (description).
~/bin/netdisco-do portname -d -p FastEthernet0/1 -e 'Web Server'
=head2 portcontrol
Set the up/down status on a device port. Requires the C<-d> parameter
(device), C<-p> parameter (port), and C<-e> parameter ("up" or "down").
~/bin/netdisco-do portcontrol -d -p FastEthernet0/1 -e up
~/bin/netdisco-do portcontrol -d -p FastEthernet0/1 -e down
=head2 vlan
Set the native VLAN on a device port. Requires the C<-d> parameter (device),
C<-p> parameter (port), and C<-e> parameter (VLAN number).
~/bin/netdisco-do vlan -d -p FastEthernet0/1 -e 102
=head2 power
Set the PoE on/off status on a device port. Requires the C<-d> parameter
(device), C<-p> parameter (port), and C<-e> parameter ("on" or "off").
~/bin/netdisco-do power -d -p FastEthernet0/1 -e on
~/bin/netdisco-do power -d -p FastEthernet0/1 -e off
=head2 makerancidconf
Generates rancid configuration for known devices. See
L<App::Netdisco::Worker::Plugin::MakeRancidConf> for configuration needs.
~/bin/netdisco-do makerancidconf
=head2 getapikey
Generates an API key for the supplied username. See the
~/bin/netdisco-do getapikey -e the_username
=head2 dumpconfig
Will dump the loaded and parsed configuration for the application. Pass a
specific configuration setting name to the C<-e> parameter to dump only that.
Some configuration items like device_auth are evaluated against the ACL first.
Pass a device in C<-d> to display them:
~/bin/netdisco-do dumpconfig -d -e device_auth
=head2 snapshot
Performs an snmp walk from L<.> on the device and builds a data
structure which SNMP::Info can use to mimic the device. The structure is
saved into the L<device_snapshot> database table.
Optionally, pass a value to the L<-p> parameter (mnemonic: persist) and the
base64 encoded data will also be saved to L<NETDISCO_HOME/logs/snapshots/IP>
(where L<IP> is the canonical IP of the device passed). Netdisco will load
this for any pseudo device with the same canonical IP.
~/bin/netdisco-do snapshot -d -p yes
Optionally, pass a value to the L<-e> parameter (mnemonic: explore> and the
data is also saved into the Netdisco database for web browsing (under
Device->SNMP tab).
~/bin/netdisco-do snapshot -d -e yes
The flag "C<-R>" will cause any changes to the database to be rolled back
at the end of the action.
The flags "C<-DISQ>" can be specified, multiple times, and enable the
following items in order:
=over 4
=item C<-D>
Netdisco debug log level.
=item C<-I> or C<-II>
L<SNMP::Info> trace level (1 or 2).
=item C<-S> or C<-SS> or C<-SSS>
L<SNMP> (net-snmp) trace level (1, 2 or 3).
=item C<-Q>
L<DBIx::Class> trace enabled.
In case of issues with the colored output, setting the environment variable
C<ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED> can be used to suppress it.