The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use Dancer ':syntax';
register_worker({ phase => 'check' }, sub {
return Status->error('Missing device (-d).')
unless defined shift->device;
return Status->done('Location is able to run');
register_worker({ phase => 'main', driver => 'snmp' }, sub {
my ($job, $workerconf) = @_;
my ($device, $data) = map {$job->$_} qw/device extra/;
# update pseudo devices directly in database
unless ($device->is_pseudo()) {
# snmp connect using rw community
my $snmp = App::Netdisco::Transport::SNMP->writer_for($device)
or return Status->defer("failed to connect to $device to update location");
my $rv = $snmp->set_location($data);
if (!defined $rv) {
return Status->error(
"failed to set location on $device: ". ($snmp->error || ''));
# confirm the set happened
my $new_data = ($snmp->location || '');
if ($new_data ne $data) {
return Status->error("verify of location failed on $device: $new_data");
# update netdisco DB
$device->update({location => $data});
return Status->done("Updated location on $device to [$data]");