The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

-- Netdisco
-- Database Schema Modifications
-- UPGRADE from 0.93 to 0.94
ALTER TABLE device_port ADD COLUMN lastchange bigint;
ALTER TABLE log ADD COLUMN logfile text;
CREATE TABLE user_log (
entry serial,
username varchar(50),
userip inet,
event text,
details text,
creation TIMESTAMP DEFAULT now()
CREATE TABLE node_nbt (
mac macaddr PRIMARY KEY,
ip inet,
nbname text,
domain text,
server boolean,
nbuser text,
active boolean,
time_first timestamp default now(),
time_last timestamp default now()
-- Indexing speed ups.
CREATE INDEX idx_node_nbt_mac ON node_nbt(mac);
CREATE INDEX idx_node_nbt_nbname ON node_nbt(nbname);
CREATE INDEX idx_node_nbt_domain ON node_nbt(domain);
CREATE INDEX idx_node_nbt_mac_active ON node_nbt(mac,active);