YATG::Retrieve::RPC - Retrieve a set of polled data over the network
You can load this module to retrieve a set of data which has previously been stored by YATG::Store::Disk or YATG::Store::RPC. An implementation of this process is given in the CGI bundled with this distribution, which displays results of SNMP polls.
There is not a lot to describe - it's a very lightweight call which throws data to an instance of YATG::Retrieve::Disk on another system, so read the manual page for that module for more information.
You must of course configure yatg_updater
with the location of the RPC service (see below).
Also see RPC::Serialized::Handler::YATG::Retrieve for guidance on setting up the remote RPC server.
The parameter signature for the retrieve
subroutine is the same as that for YATG::Store::Retrieve::retrieve()
In the main yatg_updater
configuration, you need to specify the location of the remote RPC service. Follow the example in the bundled yatg.yml
example file.
You can also override some default settings of RPC::Serialized. For instance the default serializer is set to YAML::Syck so to change that try:
serializer: 'JSON::Syck'
Oliver Gorwits <>
Copyright (c) The University of Oxford 2007.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.