Apache2::SafePnotes - a safer replacement for Apache2::RequestUtil::pnotes


use Apache2::SafePnotes;
use Apache2::SafePnotes qw/pnotes/;
use Apache2::SafePnotes qw/whatever/;


This module cures a problem with Apache2::RequestUtil::pnotes. This function stores perl variables making them accessible from various phases of the Apache request cycle.

Unfortunately, the function does not copy a passed variable but only increments its reference counter and saves a reference.

Thus, the following situation could lead to unexpected results:

my $v=1;
$r->pnotes( 'v'=>$v );
my $x=$r->pnotes('v');

I'd expect $x to be 1 after that code snipped but it turns out to be 2. The same goes for the tied hash interface:

my $v=1;
my $x=$r->pnotes->{v};

Even now $x is 2.

With Apache2::SafePnotes the problem goes away and $x will be 1 in both cases.


This module must be use'd not require'd. It does it's work in an import function.

use Apache2::SafePnotes

creates the function Apache::RequestRec::safe_pnotes as a replacement for pnotes. The old pnotes function is preserved just in case some code relies on the odd behavior.

use Apache2::SafePnotes qw/NAME/

creates the function Apache::RequestRec::NAME as a replacement for pnotes. If pnotes is passed as NAME the original pnotes function is replaced by the safer one.


modperl2, Apache2::RequestUtil


Torsten Foertsch, <>


Copyright (C) 2006 by Torsten Foertsch

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 89:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'