Apporo - Perl binding for Apporo(Approximate String Matching Engine)
use Apporo;
Apporo is one of the Approximate String Matching Engine. In example, it can use to correct the miss spellings of search query of a medium scale web service.
This module enable to use Apporo from the Perl scripts. You shoule see also to install the Apporo C++ Library.
First, you have to make the indexes of a target data for apporo. If your data is written in single byte character language, you should use ASCII mode.
- ASCII mode example
% apporo_indexer -i [your TSV file] -bt
% apporo_indexer -i [your TSV file] -d
If your data is written in UTF-8, you should use UTF-8 mode.
- UTF-8 char mode example
% apporo_indexer -i [your TSV file] -u -bt
% apporo_indexer -i [your TSV file] -d
After indexing, You have to write a configure file of Apporo. This file is written as TSV format. You can set the search options. See also Search Options section of document on GoogleCode (
% cat ./sample.conf
ngram_length 2
is_pre true
is_suf true
is_utf8 false
dist_threshold 0.6
index_path path to your file which already indexed.
dist_func edit
entry_buf_len 1024
engine tsubomi
result_num 10
bucket_size 2000
is_surface true
is_kana false
is_roman false
is_mecab false
is_juman false
is_kytea false
The Options which are is_kana, is_roman, is_mecab, is_juman and is_kytea will be able to use in the near future.
If you finish to write the configure file, you can use Apporo in following way.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use YAML;
use Apporo;
my $config_path = "/path/to/config file/of/apporo";
my $query = "/string/of/search/query";
my $app = Apporo->new($config_path); #reusable
my @arr = $app->retrieve($query);
print Dump \@arr;
You can do approximate strigng matching from your target data using your query string.
That's all.
Toshinori Satou <overlasting {at}>
This Perl module is free software. you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
All code of Apporo C++ Library is provided under the New BSD license.