AI::Prolog - Perl extension for logic programming.


use AI::Prolog;
use Data::Dumper;

my $database = <<'END_PROLOG';
append([], X, X).
append([W|X],Y,[W|Z]) :- append(X,Y,Z).

my $logic = AI::Prolog->new($database);
while (my $result = $logic->results) {
    print Dumper($result->X);
    print Dumper($result->Y);


AI::Prolog is merely a convenient wrapper for a pure Perl Prolog compiler.
Regrettably, at the current time, this requires you to know Prolog.  That will
change in the future.


In Perl, we traditionally tell the language how to find a solution. In logic programming, we describe what a solution would look like and let the language find it for us.


AI::Prolog is a pure Perl predicate logic engine. In predicate logic, instead of telling the computer how to do something, you tell the computer what something is and let it figure out how to do it. Conceptually this is similar to regular expressions.

my @matches = $string =~ /XX(YY?)ZZ/g

If the string contains data that will satisfy the pattern, @matches will contain a bunch of "YY" and "Y"s. Note that you're not telling the program how to find those matches. Instead, you supply it with a pattern and it goes off and does its thing.

To learn more about Prolog, see Roman Barták's "Guide to Prolog Programming" at Amongst other things, his course uses the Java applet that AI::Prolog was ported from, so his examples will generally work with this module.

Fortunately, Prolog is fairly easy to learn. Mastering it, on the other hand, can be a challenge.

USING AI::Prolog

There are three basic steps to using AI::Prolog.

Create the Prolog program.
Create a query.
Run the query.

For quick examples of how that works, see the examples/ directory with this distribution. Feel free to contribute more.

Creating a logic program

This module is actually remarkable easy to use. To create a Prolog program, you simply pass the Prolog code as a string to the constructor:

my $prolog = AI::Prolog->new(<<'END_PROLOG');
   steals(PERP, STUFF) :-

Side note: in Prolog, programs are often referred to as databases.

Creating a query

To create a query for the database, use query.


Running a query

Call the results method and inspect the results object:

while (my $result = $prolog->results) {
    printf "badguy steals %s\n", $results->X;


See AI::Prolog::Builtins for the grammar and built in predicates.



This is the constructor. It takes a string representing a Prolog program:

my $prolog = AI::Prolog->new($program_text);

See AI::Prolog::Builtins and the examples/ directory included with this distribution for more details on the program text.

Returns an AI::Prolog object.


One can "trace" the program execution by setting this property to a true value before fetching engine results:

while (my $result = $engine->results) {
    # do something with results

This sends trace information to STDOUT and allows you to see how the engine is trying to satify your goals. Naturally, this slows things down quite a bit.

Calling trace without an argument returns the current trace value.


Ordinarily, the object returned by query will provide methods to allow you to access the data the variables are bound to. However, this is not always sufficient. You can get access to the full, raw results by setting raw_results to true. In this mode, the results are returned as an array reference with the functor as the first element and an additional element for each term. Lists are represented as array references.

$prolog->query('steals(badguy, STUFF, VICTIM)');
while (my $r = $prolog->results) {
    # do stuff with $r in the form:
    # ['steals', 'badguy', $STUFF, $VICTIM]

Calling raw_results without an argument returns the current raw_results value.



After instantiating an AI::Prolog object, use this method to query it. Queries currently take the form of a valid prolog query but the final period is optional:

$prolog->query('grandfather(Ancestor, julie)');

This method returns $self.


After a query has been issued, this method will return results satisfying the query. When no more results are available, this method returns undef.

while (my $result = $prolog->results) {
    printf "%s is a grandfather of julie.\n", $result->Ancestor;

If raw_results is false (this is the default behavior), the return value will be a "result" object with methods corresponding to the variables. This is currently implemented as a Hash::AsObject so the caveats with that module apply.

$logic->query('steals("Bad guy", STUFF, VICTIM)');
while (my $r = $logic->results) {
    print "Bad guy steals %s from %s\n", $r->STUFF, $r->VICTIM;

See raw_results for an alternate way of generating output.


A query using [HEAD|TAIL] syntax does not bind properly with the TAIL variable when returning a result object. You will need to restructure your query to avoid this syntax or set raw_results to true and parse the results yourself.

See AI::Prolog::Builtins and AI::Prolog::Engine for known bugs and limitations. Let me know if (when) you find them. See the built-ins TODO list before that, though.


None by default. However, for convenience, you can choose ":all" functions to be exported. That will provide you with Term, Parser, and Engine classes. This is not recommended and most support and documentation will now target the AI::Prolog interface.

If you choose not to export the functions, you may use the fully qualified package names instead:

use AI::Prolog;
my $database = AI::Prolog::Parser->consult(<<'END_PROLOG');
append([], X, X).
append([W|X],Y,[W|Z]) :- append(X,Y,Z).

my $query  = AI::Prolog::Term->new("append(X,Y,[a,b,c,d]).");
my $engine = AI::Prolog::Engine->new($query,$database);
while (my $result = $engine->results) {
    print "$result\n";



Michael Barták's online guide to programming Prolog:


Curtis "Ovid" Poe, <moc tod oohay ta eop_divo_sitruc>

Reverse the name to email me.

This work is based on W-Prolog,, by Dr. Michael Winikoff. Many thanks to Dr. Winikoff for granting me permission to port this.


Copyright 2005 by Curtis "Ovid" Poe

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.