$REVISION = '$Id: KnowledgeBase.pm,v 1.1 2005/02/13 20:59:19 ovid Exp $';
$VERSION = '0.02';
use strict;
sub new {
bless {
ht => {},
primitives => {}, # only uses keys
oldIndex => "",
} => shift;
sub ht {shift->{ht}} # temp hack XXX
sub to_string {
my $self = shift;
return "{" .
(join ', ' =>
map { join '=' => $_->[0], $_->[1] }
sort { $a->[2] <=> $b->[2] }
map { [$_ , $self->_sortable_term($self->{_vardict}{$_}) ] }
keys %{$self->{ht}})
sub _sortable_term {
my ($self, $term) = @_;
my $string = $term->to_string;
my $number = substr $string => 1;
return $string, $number;
sub put {
my ($self, $key, $termlist) = @_;
$self->{ht}{$key} = $termlist;
sub elements { [values %{ shift->{ht} }] }
sub reset {
my $self = shift;
$self->{ht} = {};
$self->{primitives} = {};
$self->{oldIndex} = '';
sub consult {
my $self = shift;
$self->{oldIndex} = '';
sub addPrimitive {
my ($self, $clause) = @_;
my $term = $clause->term;
my $index = sprintf "%s/%s" =>
my $c = $self->{ht}{$index};
if ($c) {
while ($c->nextClause) {
$c = $c->nextClause;
else {
$self->{primitives}{$index} = 1;
$self->{ht}{$index} = $clause;
sub addClause {
my ($self, $clause) = @_;
my $term = $clause->term;
my $index = sprintf "%s/%s" =>
if ($self->{primitives}{$index}) {
require Carp;
Carp::carp("Trying to modify primitive predicate: $index");
unless ($index eq $self->{oldIndex}) {
delete $self->{ht}{$index};
$self->{ht}{$index} = $clause;
$self->{oldIndex} = $index;
else {
my $c = $self->{ht}{$index};
while ($c->nextClause) {
$c = $c->nextClause;
sub assert {
my ($self, $term) = @_;
$term = $term->cleanUp;
# XXX whoops. Need to check exact semantics in Term
my $newC = Clause->new($term->deref,undef);
my $index = sprintf "%s/%s" => $term->getfunctor, $term->getarity;
if ($self->{primitives}{$index}) {
require Carp && Carp::carp("Trying to assert a primitive: $index");
my $c = $self->{ht}{$index};
if ($c) {
while ($c->nextClause) {
$c = $c->nextClause;
else {
$self->{ht}{$index} = $newC;
sub asserta {
my ($self, $term) = @_;
my $index = sprintf "%s/%s" =>
if ($self->{primitives}{$index}) {
require Carp && Carp::carp("Trying to assert a primitive: $index");
$term = $term->cleanUp;
my $newC = Clause->new($term->deref, undef);
my $c = $self->{ht}{$index};
$self->{ht}{$index} = $newC;
sub retract {
my ($self, $term, $stack) = @_;
my $newC = Clause->new($term);#, undef);
my $index = sprintf "%s/%s" =>
if (exists $self->{primitives}{$index}) {
require Carp && Carp::carp("Trying to retract a primitive: $index");
my $cc;
my $c = $self->{ht}{$index};
while ($c) {
my $vars = [];
my $xxx = $c->term->refresh($vars);
my $top = @{$stack};
if ($xxx->unify($term, $stack)) {
if ($cc) {
elsif (! $c->nextClause) {
delete $self->{ht}{$index};
else {
$self->{ht}{$index} = $c->nextClause;
return 1;
for (my $i = @{$stack} - $top; $i > 0; $i--) {
my $t = pop @{$stack};
$cc = $c;
$c = $c->nextClause;
sub retractall {
my ($self, $term, $arity) = @_;
my $index = sprintf "%s/%s" =>
if ($self->{primitives}{$index}) {
require Carp && Carp::carp("Trying to retractall primitives: $index");
delete $self->{ht}{$index};
return 1;
sub get {
my ($self, $term) = @_;
my $key = ref $term? $term->to_string : $term;
return $self->{ht}{$key};
sub set {
my ($self, $term, $value) = @_;
my $key = ref $term? $term->to_string : $term;
$self->{ht}{$key} = $value->cleanUp;
sub dump {
my ($self, $full) = @_;
my $i = 1;
while (my ($key, $value) = each %{$self->{ht}}) {
next if ! $full && $self->{primitives}{$key};
if ($value->isa(Clause)) {
print $i++.". $key: \n";
do {
print " " . $value->term->to_string;
if ($value->next) {
print " :- " . $value->next->to_string;
print ".\n";
$value = $value->nextClause;
} while ($value);
else {
print $i++.". $key = $value\n";
print "\n";
sub list {
my ($self, $term, $arity) = @_;
my $index = sprintf "%s/%s" =>
print "\n$index: \n";
my $head = $self->{ht}{$index};
while ($head) {
print " " . $head->term->to_string;
if ($head->next) {
print " :- " . $head->next->to_string;
print ".\n";
$head = $head->nextClause;
=head1 NAME
AI::Prolog::KnowledgeBase - The Prolog database.
my $kb = KnowledgeBase->new;
There are no user-serviceable parts inside here. See L<AI::Prolog|AI::Prolog>
for more information. If you must know more, there are a few comments
sprinkled through the code.
=head1 AUTHOR
Curtis "Ovid" Poe, E<lt>moc tod oohay ta eop_divo_sitrucE<gt>
Reverse the name to email me.
This work is based on W-Prolog, L<http://goanna.cs.rmit.edu.au/~winikoff/wp/>,
by Dr. Michael Winikoff. Many thanks to Dr. Winikoff for granting me
permission to port this.
Copyright 2005 by Curtis "Ovid" Poe
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.