Revision history for DBIx-Class-EasyFixture
0.12 2015-08-28
- Add support for bi-directional relationships (via github:lohengrin332)
0.11 2014-03-19
- Fix dist.ini to properly list dependencies
- Instrument tests to try to track down a problem with a (bad?)
0.10 2014-03-19
- Bugfix: circular definitions no longer cause infinite recursion.
- Bugfix: corrected issue where serial "next" definitions in fixtures
wouldn't load (spotted by GeJ)
- Validate that groups are not empty (GeJ)
- Typo fixes (GeJ)
0.04 2014-03-14
- Allow users to disable transactions, if needed.
0.03 2014-02-24
- load() now returns the dbic objects it loads
- Fixture attributes depending on another fixture can be described inline.
- Update main docs to give short description of fixtures.
0.02 2014-02-17
- Switch to Module::Install for installation.
- EasyFixture now validates all fixtures at instantiation time.
- Update dependency list.
0.01 2014-02-15
- Easy to use DBIx::Class test fixtures