Sub::Signatures - Use proper signatures for subroutines, including dispatching.


use Sub::Signatures;

sub foo($bar) {
  print "$bar\n";

sub foo($bar, $baz) {
  print "$bar, $baz\n";

foo(1);     # prints 1
foo(2,3);   # prints 2, 3
foo(2,3,4); # fatal error


Signature based method overloading in Perl.  Strong typing optional.


One of the strongest complaints about Perl is its poor argument handling. Simply passing everything in the @_ array is a serious limitation. This module aims to rectify that.

We often see things like this in Perl code:

sub name {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->set_name(@_) if @_;
  return $self->{name};

sub set_name {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{name} = shift;
  return $self;

The intent here is to allow someone to do this:

my $name = $person->name; # fetch the name
$person->name('Ovid');    # set the name

But what happens when someone does this?

my $name = Name->new('Ovid');
$person->name($name); # this fails

Or this?

$person->name(qw/Publius Ovidius Naso/);

All of those seem reasonable but Perl will silently DWIDM (Do What I Don't Mean) and this can be difficult to debug. Most modern programming languages do not have this problem (neither will Perl 6.) The intent of Sub::Signatures is to fix this problem painlessly by allowing signature based method dispatch. Here's how you could fix this:

use Sub::Signatures qw/strict methods/;

# ...

sub name ($self) {
  return $self->{name};

sub name ($self, $name) { # without a specific type, it assumes a scalar
  $self->{name} = $name;

sub name ($self, Name $name) { # must have a Name object
  $self->{name} = $name->as_string;

That allows all of the above methods except for the last one:

$person->name(qw/Publius Ovidius Naso/);

That generates a fatal error because no name() method had a matching signature. You could make it work with this:

sub name ($self, $first, $middle, $last) {


'loose' mode

By default Sub::Signatures runs in loose mode. When in this mode, subroutines and methods are called based on the number of arguments, not the type. This makes programming quick and easy:

use Sub::Signatures;

sub foo($bar) {
    print $bar;

sub foo($bar, $baz) {
    print "$baz, $bar";

'strict' mode

What if a sub can take either an arrayref or a hashref? Rather than have the sub figure out what to do, you can specify the type (as determined by the ref function) of an argument in the argument list. You do can do this with loose mode, but the type will be ignored. Instead, switch to strict mode.

use Sub::Signatures qw/strict/;

sub foo(ARRAY $bar) {
    print scalar @$bar;

sub foo(HASH $bar) {
    print scalar keys %$bar;

If you do not specify a type for a variable in a signature, SCALAR will be assumed.

package Foo;

use Sub::Signatures qw/strict/;

sub foo($bar) {
    print $bar;

# in another file:

use Foo;
Foo::bar("Ovid");     # prints 'Ovid'
Foo::bar([qw/Ovid/]); # dies unless 'sub foo(ARRAY $bar) {}' exists.

Of course, signatures can get quite long, too:

sub foo(ARRAY $bar, HASH $baz, CGI $query) {

Note the last argument in that list. It means that $query must be a CGI object. Regrettably, Sub::Signatures does not support allowing a subclass there, but it may in future releases. This rather limits the utility if the class is not known at compile time. However, note that subroutines without signatures still behave normally. You will still be able to do this:

sub foo {
  my ($bar, $baz, $query) = @_;

'methods' mode

The default behavior of Sub::Signatures is to assume that signatures are on subroutines. If you use this with OO programming and have methods instead of functions, you must specify methods mode. This is because the type of the first argument cannot be guaranteed at compile time.

package ClassA;

use Sub::Signatures qw/strict methods/;

sub new($package, HASH $properties) { 
   bless $properties => $package;

sub foo($class, ARRAY $bar) {
    return sprintf "arrayref with %d elements" => scalar @$bar;

sub name($self) {
    return $self->{name};

sub name($self, $name) {
    $self->{name} = $name;
    return $self;



Currently supported features:

  • Methods

  • Subroutines

  • Optional strong typing via the ref function

  • Exporting

  • Inheritance

  • Useful error message

The error messages bear some explaining. If your code cannot find the correct method to dispatch to, you'll see something like this:

Could not find a sub matching your signature: foo(SCALAR, SCALAR) at ...


Could not find a method matching your signature: foo(SCALAR) at ...

If used in method mode, the first argument to a method is actually a class or instance of a class, but this is not in the argument list in the error message because this seems counter-intuitive:


It looks like there's really only one argument (even though we know better) and for various reasons, the code is a bit cleaner when the error message is handled this way.


Don't be discouraged by the long list of items here. For the most part this module just works. If you are having problems, consult this list to see if it's covered here.

  • Do not mix "signatured" subs with "non-signatured" of the same name

    In other words, don't do this:

    sub foo($bar) { ... }
    sub foo { ... }

    However, you don't need signatures on all subs. This is OK:

    sub foo($bar) { ... }
    sub baz { ... }
  • Use caution when mixing functions and methods

    Internally, functions and methods are handled quite differently. If you use this with a class, you probably do not want to use signatures with functions in said class. Things will usually work, but not always. Error messages will be misleading.

    package Foo;
    use Sub::Signatures qw/methods/;
    sub new($class) { bless {} => $class }
    sub _some_func($bar) { return scalar reverse $bar }
    sub some_method($self, $bar) { 
        $self->{bar} = _some_func($bar);
    sub some_other_method($self, $bar, $baz) {
        # this fails with 
        # Could not find a method matching your signature: _some_func(SCALAR) at ...
        $self->{bar} = _some_func($bar, $baz);
  • One package per file.

    Currently we cannot handle more than one package per file with this module. It sometimes works with methods, but there are no guarantees. When we can parse Perl reliably, this may change :)

  • Can only handle scalars and references in the arg list.

    At the present time, the only variables allowed in signatures are those that begin with a dollar sign:

    sub foo($bar, $baz) {...}; # good
    sub foo($bar, @baz) {...}; # not good
  • Handle prototypes correctly

    Don't try using prototypes with this module. It currently tends to get caught in an infinite loop if you do that, so don't do that.

    use Sub::Signatures;
    sub foo($$) {...} # don't do that

    See t/90prototypes.t and the code at the end if you want to fix this.

  • How do we handle variadic subs?

    At the present time, all subs and methods must have a fixed number of arguments. This may change in the future.

  • Signature types ignore isa relationships.

    Properly a signature should be able to specify a type that an argument has an isa relationship with. This does not yet work.

    sub foo(ParentClass $bar) { ... }
    # later
    foo(SubClassOfParentClass->new); # should work, but doesn't

    If you need that behavior, don't use a signature for that subroutine or method.

  • lvalue subroutines?

    There is no support for them. Patches welcome.

  • Anonymous functions

    I may add this in the future, but obviously without signature based dispatching. Instead, being able to declare the signature will probably be all it will do:

    my $foo = sub ($bar, $baz) { return [$bar, $baz] };




This is alpha code. Many people understandably do not wish to use alpha code in production. To get this code robust enough for production use, send me bug reports. Send me patches. Send me requests. Send me feedback.

Naturally, since this is alpha code, the interface may change. Hopefully I've not made any boneheaded mistakes that necessitate this, but I will not guarantee that I am not, in fact, boneheaded.



Yes, this is based on a source filter. If you can't stand that, don't use this module. However, before you ignore it, read


Curtis "Ovid" Poe, <moc tod oohay ta eop_divo_sitruc>

Reverse the name to email me.


Copyright 2004 by Curtis "Ovid" Poe

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.