- Unknown callback keys should be fatal.
- All boolean methods must start with is_ (Aristotle and Paul Johnson)
- Run it against Perl's test suite (first prove, then tprove).
- Run Perl::MinimumVersion over it
- Comments and junk are also allowed *before* the plan. Sigh.
- Currently the error messages are not quite as helpful as they could be.
They could use line and test numbers.
- Identify junk lines by number.
- The 'result' objects are currently blessing hashrefs. This is bad.
Instead, they should have proper getter/setters to provide future
support for subclassing.
- Horrible idea: have Mac's voice synthesis tell you when tests fail :)
- Have tprove duplicate all of the functionality of prove.
- Allow description transformations to be applied.
- Figure out the namespace.
- skipped lines should always be OK? This should be a parse error.
According to Schwern, this behavior is undefined.
- VMS 'not' and 'ok' on separate lines?