Changes for version 0.42 - 2013-01-15
- Remove experimental END block causing issues for some test suites.
- Merge Dave Rolsky's MetaJSON request (thanks, Dave!)
- Add better github meta info
- Document recommended test suite instantiation.
- Document what Test::Class::Moose::Role is for.
Experimental TAP stream builder for parallel tests
Experimental role for TAP stream builder
Experimental TAP stream builder for parallel tests
Test::Class + Moose
Configuration information for Test::Class::Moose
Load Test::Class::Moose classes automatically.
Test information for Test::Class::Moose
Reporting on test classes
Reporting on test methods
Reporting object for timing
Test::Class::Moose for roles
Automatically load the classes you're testing
run tests in parallel (highly experimental)
Reporting gathering role
Report timing role
Global registry of tags by class and method.
A starting guide for Test::Class::Moose