Chart::Plotly::Trace::Choropleth::Legendgrouptitle::Font - This attribute is one of the possible options for the trace choropleth.


version 0.042


use HTML::Show;
use Chart::Plotly;
use Chart::Plotly::Plot;
use Chart::Plotly::Trace::Choropleth;

my $countries = [ 'Afghanistan',                       'Albania',
                  'Algeria',                           'Andorra',
                  'Angola',                            'Antigua and Barbuda',
                  'Argentina',                         'Armenia',
                  'Australia',                         'Austria',
                  'Azerbaijan',                        'Bahamas',
                  'Bahrain',                           'Bangladesh',
                  'Barbados',                          'Belarus',
                  'Belgium',                           'Belize',
                  'Benin',                             'Bhutan',
                  'Bolivia',                           'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
                  'Botswana',                          'Brazil',
                  'Brunei',                            'Bulgaria',
                  'Burkina Faso',                      'Burundi',
                  'Cambodia',                          'Cameroon',
                  'Canada',                            'Cape Verde',
                  'Central African Republic',          'Chad',
                  'Chile',                             'China',
                  'Colombia',                          'Comoros',
                  'Congo, Democratic Republic of the', 'Congo, Republic of the',
                  'Costa Rica',                        'Croatia',
                  'Cuba',                              'Cyprus',
                  'Czech Republic',                    'Denmark',
                  'Djibouti',                          'Dominica',
                  'Dominican Republic',                'East Timor',
                  'Ecuador',                           'Egypt',
                  'El Salvador',                       'Equatorial Guinea',
                  'Eritrea',                           'Estonia',
                  'Ethiopia',                          'Fiji',
                  'Finland',                           'France',
                  'Gabon',                             'Gambia, The',
                  'Georgia',                           'Germany',
                  'Ghana',                             'Greece',
                  'Grenada',                           'Guatemala',
                  'Guinea',                            'Guinea-Bissau',
                  'Guyana',                            'Haiti',
                  'Honduras',                          'Hungary',
                  'Iceland',                           'India',
                  'Indonesia',                         'Iran',
                  'Iraq',                              'Ireland, Republic of',
                  'Israel',                            'Italy',
                  'Ivory Coast',                       'Jamaica',
                  'Japan',                             'Jordan',
                  'Kazakhstan',                        'Kenya',
                  'Kiribati',                          'Korea, North',
                  'Korea, South',                      'Kuwait',
                  'Kyrgyzstan',                        'Laos',
                  'Latvia',                            'Lebanon',
                  'Lesotho',                           'Liberia',
                  'Libya',                             'Liechtenstein',
                  'Lithuania',                         'Luxembourg',
                  'Macedonia, Republic of',            'Madagascar',
                  'Malawi',                            'Malaysia',
                  'Maldives',                          'Mali',
                  'Malta',                             'Marshall Islands',
                  'Mauritania',                        'Mauritius',
                  'Mexico',                            'Micronesia, Federated States of',
                  'Moldova',                           'Monaco',
                  'Mongolia',                          'Montenegro',
                  'Morocco',                           'Mozambique',
                  'Myanmar',                           'Namibia',
                  'Nepal',                             'Netherlands, Kingdom of the',
                  'New Zealand',                       'Nicaragua',
                  'Niger',                             'Nigeria',
                  'Norway',                            'Oman',
                  'Pakistan',                          'Palau',
                  'Panama',                            'Papua New Guinea',
                  'Paraguay',                          'Peru',
                  'Philippines',                       'Poland',
                  'Portugal',                          'Qatar',
                  'Romania',                           'Russia',
                  'Rwanda',                            'Saint Kitts and Nevis',
                  'Saint Lucia',                       'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines',
                  'Samoa',                             'San Marino',
                  'Sao Tome and Principe',             'Saudi Arabia',
                  'Senegal',                           'Serbia',
                  'Seychelles',                        'Sierra Leone',
                  'Singapore',                         'Slovakia',
                  'Slovenia',                          'Solomon Islands',
                  'Somalia',                           'South Africa',
                  'Spain',                             'Sri Lanka',
                  'Sudan',                             'Suriname',
                  'Swaziland',                         'Sweden',
                  'Switzerland',                       'Syria',
                  'Tajikistan',                        'Tanzania',
                  'Thailand',                          'Togo',
                  'Tonga',                             'Trinidad and Tobago',
                  'Tunisia',                           'Turkey',
                  'Turkmenistan',                      'Tuvalu',
                  'Uganda',                            'Ukraine',
                  'United Arab Emirates',              'United Kingdom',
                  'United States',                     'Uruguay',
                  'Uzbekistan',                        'Vanuatu',
                  'Venezuela',                         'Vietnam',
                  'Yemen',                             'Zambia',

my $avg_temperature = [ 12.6,  11.4,  22.5,  7.6,   21.55, 26,    14.8,  7.15,  21.65, 6.35,  11.95, 24.85,
                        27.15, 25,    26,    6.15,  9.55,  25.3,  27.55, 7.4,   21.55, 9.85,  21.5,  24.95,
                        26.85, 10.55, 28.25, 19.8,  26.8,  24.6,  -5.35, 23.3,  24.9,  26.55, 8.45,  6.95,
                        24.5,  25.55, 24,    24.55, 24.8,  10.9,  25.2,  18.45, 7.55,  7.5,   28,    22.35,
                        24.55, 25.25, 21.85, 22.1,  24.45, 24.55, 25.5,  5.1,   22.2,  24.4,  1.7,   10.7,
                        25.05, 27.5,  5.8,   8.5,   27.2,  15.4,  26.65, 23.45, 25.7,  26.75, 26,    24.9,
                        23.5,  9.75,  1.75,  23.65, 25.85, 17.25, 21.4,  9.3,   19.2,  13.45, 26.35, 24.95,
                        11.15, 18.3,  6.4,   24.75, 28.2,  5.7,   11.5,  25.35, 1.55,  22.8,  5.6,   16.4,
                        11.85, 25.3,  21.8,  5.65,  6.2,   8.65,  9.8,   22.65, 21.9,  25.4,  27.65, 28.25,
                        19.2,  27.4,  27.65, 22.4,  21,    25.85, 9.45,  13.55, -0.7,  10.55, 17.1,  23.8,
                        13.05, 19.95, 8.1,   9.25,  10.55, 24.9,  27.15, 26.8,  1.5,   25.6,  20.2,  27.6,
                        25.4,  25.25, 23.55, 19.6,  25.85, 7.85,  15.15, 27.15, 8.8,   -5.1,  17.85, 24.5,
                        25.5,  26.8,  26.7,  11.85, 23.75, 24.65, 27.85, 10.55, 27.15, 26.05, 26.45, 6.8,
                        8.9,   25.65, 27.05, 17.75, 13.3,  26.95, 26.9,  25.7,  21.4,  2.1,   5.5,   17.75,
                        2,     22.35, 26.3,  27.15, 25.25, 25.75, 19.2,  11.1,  15.1,  28,    22.8,  8.3,
                        27,    8.45,  8.55,  17.55, 12.05, 23.95, 25.35, 24.45, 23.85, 21.4,  21

my $choropleth = Chart::Plotly::Trace::Choropleth->new( locationmode   => 'country names',
                                                        locations      => $countries,
                                                        z              => $avg_temperature,
                                                        text           => $countries,
                                                        autocolorscale => 1

my $plot = Chart::Plotly::Plot->new(
    traces => [$choropleth],
    layout => {
        title => 'Average temperature by country
        geo => { projection => { type => 'robinson' } }



This attribute is part of the possible options for the trace choropleth.

This file has been autogenerated from the official plotly.js source.

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This is an unofficial Plotly Perl module. Currently I'm not affiliated in any way with Plotly. But I think plotly.js is a great library and I want to use it with perl.



Serialize the trace to JSON. This method should be called only by JSON serializer.


  • color

  • description

  • family

    HTML font family - the typeface that will be applied by the web browser. The web browser will only be able to apply a font if it is available on the system which it operates. Provide multiple font families, separated by commas, to indicate the preference in which to apply fonts if they aren't available on the system. The Chart Studio Cloud (at or on-premise) generates images on a server, where only a select number of fonts are installed and supported. These include *Arial*, *Balto*, *Courier New*, *Droid Sans*,, *Droid Serif*, *Droid Sans Mono*, *Gravitas One*, *Old Standard TT*, *Open Sans*, *Overpass*, *PT Sans Narrow*, *Raleway*, *Times New Roman*.

  • size


Pablo Rodríguez González <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2022 by Pablo Rodríguez González.

This is free software, licensed under:

The MIT (X11) License