The constructor can take its arguments from a single hash reference or from a list of positional parameters. The first form is preferred because it lets you specify only the arguments you need. The second form forces you to pass undefined values if you need to pass a specific value to an argument further to the right.

The arguments are described below with the names which must be used as the hash keys:

  • url

    A string or a URI object denoting the base URL of the JIRA server. This is a required argument.

    The REST methods described below all accept as a first argument the endpoint's path of the specific API method to call. In general you can pass the complete path, beginning with the prefix denoting the particular API to use (/rest/api/VERSION, /rest/servicedeskapi, or /rest/agile/VERSION). However, to make it easier to invoke JIRA's Core API if you pass a path not starting with /rest/ it will be prefixed with /rest/api/latest or with this URL's path if it has one. This way you can choose a specific version of the JIRA Core API to use instead of the latest one. For example:

    my $jira = JIRA::REST::Class->new({
        url => '',
  • username

  • password

    The username and password of a JIRA user to use for authentication.

    If anonymous is false then, if either username or password isn't defined the module looks them up in either the .netrc file or via Config::Identity (which allows gpg encrypted credentials).

    Config::Identity will look for ~/.jira-identity or ~/.jira. You can change the filename stub from jira to a custom stub with the JIRA_REST_IDENTITY environment variable.

  • rest_client_config

    A JIRA::REST object uses a REST::Client object to make the REST invocations. This optional argument must be a hash reference that can be fed to the REST::Client constructor. Note that the url argument overwrites any value associated with the host key in this hash.

    As an extension, the hash reference also accepts one additional argument called proxy that is an extension to the REST::Client configuration and will be removed from the hash before passing it on to the REST::Client constructor. However, this argument is deprecated since v0.017 and you should avoid it. Instead, use the following argument instead.

  • proxy

    To use a network proxy set this argument to the string or URI object describing the fully qualified URL (including port) to your network proxy.

  • ssl_verify_none

    Sets the SSL_verify_mode and verify_hostname ssl options on the underlying REST::Client's user agent to 0, thus disabling them. This allows access to JIRA servers that have self-signed certificates that don't pass LWP::UserAgent's verification methods.

  • anonymous

    Tells the module that you want to connect to the specified JIRA server with no username or password. This way you can access public JIRA servers without needing to authenticate.