When passed a scalar that could be a JIRA::REST::Class::User object, returns the name of the user if it is a JIRA::REST::Class::User object, or the unmodified scalar if it is not.

When passed a scalar that could be a JIRA::REST::Class::Issue object, returns the key of the issue if it is a JIRA::REST::Class::Issue object, or the unmodified scalar if it is not.

When passed two scalars, one that could be a JIRA::REST::Class::Issue::LinkType object and another that is a direction (inward/outward), returns the name of the link type and direction if it is a JIRA::REST::Class::Issue::LinkType object, or attempts to determine the link type and direction from the provided scalars.

Returns a stringified representation of the object's data generated somewhat by Data::Dumper::Concise, but only going one level deep. If it finds objects in the data, it will attempt to represent them in some abbreviated fashion which may not display all the data in the object.

=internal_method deep_copy THING

Returns a deep copy of the hashref it is passed


my $bar = Class->deep_copy($foo);
$bar->{XXX} = 'new value'; # $foo->{XXX} isn't changed

=internal_method shallow_copy THING

A utility function to produce a shallow copy of a thing (mostly not going down into the contents of objects within objects).

4 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 34:

Unknown directive: =method

Around line 38:

Unknown directive: =method

Around line 42:

Unknown directive: =method

Around line 46:

Unknown directive: =method